When people in Kyoto rush around for ye Xiao's business, they are located in an abandoned Wharf in the south of Lianyungang. A gang leader in Lianyungang is standing on the wharf with a group of younger brothers, looking anxiously at the road in the distance!

Their gangs are mainly engaged in smuggling. Of course, they also deal with human traffickers. This time, they received the biggest business, that is, to send a person away. As long as the person is sent abroad safely, he will get a reward of five million. That's not a small amount of money. However, it is not this large amount of money that worries Jiang Tianzhan The man who stayed in the bed cabin could not stop shivering at the thought of his identity!

He never thought that he would meet him one day. What he has to do now is to greet another person's arrival respectfully!

At this time, a black car shadow appeared on the road in the distance. Tian Zhan looked up and saw a black Audi car quickly driving over. Finally, it stopped at the dock. Then a man in a black suit came out with a big box in his hand!

"Is that Mr. Li, please?" Smuggling has a way of smuggling. He didn't see anyone before. However, the person he met sent a picture of the other party. He saw the man in front of him, which was exactly what he looked like in the picture. He went up and asked!

"Well! Is the ship ready? " It was Li Zixing, Secretary of Li who really killed Yue Ziqiu. After he sent Lin Wuqing to Changyun City, he came here at the first time. When he killed Yue Ziqiu according to Lin's ruthless orders, he had arranged all this. It was not difficult to arrange some smuggling routes with Lin's ruthless presence!

Originally, the best smuggling route was in Jinghai City, but Lin Qingqing knew that it was Ye Xiao's territory. He was not willing to send his own people to Ye Xiao's hand, so he let him leave from Lianyungang!

"Ready, Mr. Li, please!" According to the orders of the man in the ship, he is very respectful to Li Zixing!

Li Zixing didn't have much doubts. He raised his feet and went to the dock. He got on a boat under the arrangement of Tianzhan. Then he rowed the boat and sent it to a freighter not far away. Someone had already met him on the deck. Although he was holding a big box in his hand, he was quick with his hands and feet. He had already boarded class A with a sudden leap of body This is a master!

However, he still followed him. Looking back, he found that the black Audi was still parked on the bank. He then asked, "Mr. Li, that car..."

"You need someone to deal with it!" Li Zixing said at will!

"Well, Mr. Li, please! Sail at once Tian Zhan secretly congratulated Tian Zhan. An Audi car was brand new and could sell for at least several hundred thousand yuan. It was pure profit. He made a gesture of empty invitation. When Li Zixing walked towards the cabin, he didn't catch up with Tianzhan. Instead, he took out the phone and dialed a number to ask the people on the shore to help deal with the Audi car!

Li Zixing didn't think much about it. He continued to walk towards the cabin. Although this was not a big case, and the charges were not on him, master Lin ordered him to go out to avoid the wind. He could only go out!

As for the expenses of going out, Mr. Lin has arrangements, and he doesn't have to worry about it. The only thing he has to worry about is not to let the people of Longyao Club catch him!

As long as you wait for master Lin to deal with the man, he can come back, and then you will be rewarded!

At the thought that from now on, he will become the absolute confidant of Lin, Li Zixing's heart is a burst of excitement! Excited, he quickly walked into the cabin, and didn't care that Tianzhan didn't follow in. But when he walked into the cabin, he found a figure standing in the cabin, looking into the distance through the window!

Isn't this cabin for yourself? What is this man doing here?

Li Zixing was about to ask. The man had turned around. When he saw the man's face, Li Zixing almost jumped up from the ground. His face was even more like a ghost expression. How could it be him? How could he have come here?

"Secretary Li, do you want to leave after killing someone?" A faint smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. With the strength of long Yaohui, it's not difficult to catch up with an Audi. When he told ye yubai to track down the Audi, ye yubai only took a few hours to stare at the Audi. Then he tracked all the way and found that the Audi had been passing by Changyun City, and Lin Wuqing was also on the car, and got off the car at an intersection Another car, and then the Secretary Li has been running in the direction of the East China Sea. As soon as he heard that Secretary Li was leaving in the direction of the East China Sea, ye Xiao immediately thought that he might want to sneak away. He immediately asked someone to see who had received such a list!

On the surface, the Longyao Club controls Jinghai City, but in fact, the strength of the Longyao club has penetrated into the north and south of the river, especially in the coastal areas. Almost all the small gangs are under the control of the Longyao society!

Now, the chairman of Longyao association has an order. The people below have no positive reason. They told ye Xiao at the first time after receiving the news. Ye Xiao did not stop, but went to Lianyungang and boarded the freighter ahead of time!Secretary Li didn't know that ye Xiao's power had controlled the whole coastal area. Hearing Ye Xiao's bleak voice, he turned around and was about to retreat back. He knew exactly how terrible Ye Xiao's strength was. Even though he was confident in his own skills, he still didn't think he was Ye Xiao's opponent!

But just as he turned around, he saw two men standing behind him, blocking his retreat!

A person with white hair, it was seen last night, he knows, that is the president of Longyao club now, ye yubai!

Another handsome and sunny man is Xiao Nan, a famous star. What he didn't expect was that he was really a member of the Longyao club. What he didn't expect was that he was just a small figure who needed to launch the three giants of Longyao club. Li Zixing didn't know whether to cry or to laugh!

"Secretary Li, it's too cold outside. It's better to stay in the cabin!" A ferocious smile appeared in the corner of Ye yubai's mouth, while Xiao Nan took out a knife and swung it in his hand!

Since he started shooting movies, he has not had a real fight for a long time. When he was still holding a celebration in Kyoto, he heard Ye Xiao's action and immediately followed him out!

Is to want to have a good time, now only see Secretary Li a person, can not help some disappointment!

"But I still like the outside!" Originally thought to see his three people come, Secretary Li will certainly be arrested, who expected him to drink a big, and then directly in the hands of the black box toward ye yubai and Xiao Nan to come over!

Ye yubai and Xiao Nan were surprised. Apparently, they didn't expect that this seemingly literate guy would dare to do it? What's more, they can't dodge when they see the roaring black box. If they escape and jump into the sea again, they will be in trouble. In such a cold weather, no one wants to go to the sea to play hide and seek with him!

Ye yubai stretched out his hands to grab the box, but Xiao Nan's figure flashed to one side, and he was about to pounce on Secretary Li. But when he avoided, he found that Secretary Li was missing!

It's impossible to see a person alive? Xiao Nan's heart trembled

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