Now that they have run into a wall and can't find such a person, the second prince feels that there is no need for the eldest son of the Minister of rites to stay.

If you leave the eldest son of the Minister of rites, after all, there will be endless troubles, which will certainly cause some unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, the second prince felt that he had to listen to what his confidants said. In fact, what his confidants said was very simple, that is, killing people.

If you kill the eldest son of the Minister of rites, it will be all over. Those things will never be told. No matter what the eyes of the senior minister of the Ministry of rites or the grand Chancery arranged for him to go into the Ye Wu Fu's house, or something else, he still wanted to organize his party and engage in selfish matters.

All of them will be rotten in the stomach of the eldest son of the Minister of rites. There will be no third person to know. At this time, the second prince has some confidence in his heart.

He thought that as long as he killed the eldest son of the Minister of rites, all this could be easily solved. So he said to his confidant, "don't worry, I will help you recover the grievances you have suffered, and I will help you solve all the grievances you have suffered.

That brothel, I will let them know what will happen to those who offend me in the future. Now you can help me figure out how to kill the eldest son of the Minister of rites, and how to kill the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

The eldest son of the Minister of rites is obviously not enough to succeed but more than defeated. I was to save him, so I will let you pass.

I didn't expect to hurt you so much. The eldest son of the Minister of rites is a scum. There's no need for him to live. Now I'll send someone to kill him. "

The second prince said that the wind is the rain, so when he made a decision, he immediately sent someone to the prison to kill the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

He asked one of his other capable generals to go, and he did not know that he would go in person. Instead, he asked the right man to convey his meaning to the jailers.

Because he was angry with those jailers before, and those jailers would certainly sell him face. He only wanted the senior childe who let them deliberately make trouble for the Minister of rites.

He deliberately used those criminal laws to deal with the eldest son of the Minister of rites. The eldest son of the Minister of rites was originally a noble son, and his body was relatively weak.

He must not be able to stand those severe laws, and he will be killed. Therefore, the second prince also thinks that his plan is very good at this time.

On the other hand, after being ordered by the second prince, the jailers in the prison felt that they still had to obey the second prince's words even though they had some difficulties.

After all, the identity of the second prince is there. If they don't listen to the second prince's words, they may have some unnecessary troubles in the future.

Therefore, they did not dare to listen to what the second prince's confidants said, nor did they dare not listen to the second prince's words. Therefore, they dealt with the eldest son of the Minister of rites according to the second prince's words.

At this time, the eldest son of the Minister of rites was tortured to death by these jailers. Life is not like death. The eldest son of the Minister of Rites has been tortured to faint by them.

One of the jailers carried a bucket of cold water and poured it on the eldest son of the Minister of rites, who was immediately awakened.

The eldest son of the Minister of rites was poured with cold water by others. He was really very angry. He had never received such treatment before.

This time, I entered the prison for no reason. I was punished by these prison guards for no reason. I was beaten unconscious by them for no reason, and I was awakened by them with these cold water.

At this time, the eldest son of the Minister of rites was really very angry. No matter how much patience he had, he could not wait.

"What are you going to do?" he asked the jailers in a very angry voice? I was just arrested by the emperor's order. My guilt has not been determined yet. This is how you have dealt with me, and you have imposed these severe laws on me.

Do you think you are really reasonable and in line with the criminal law? I tell you, if anything happens to me in this prison, you will never have a good end, and you will not be able to bear it. "

What the eldest son of the Minister of rites said really played a role. After he said these words, these people also looked at each other.

They thought that the eldest son of the Minister of rites had some truth in his words. The emperor only said that he ordered the eldest son of the Minister of rites to be caught in prison.

They didn't say anything about the mistakes made by the eldest son of the Minister of rites and the punishment they had imposed on him. If the emperor blames him, they have nothing to say.

Although it was the second prince who breathed his breath to them, they were just a small jailer. What should we do if the second prince could not recognize them at that time?But even though these jailers thought so, they did not dare to stop their actions, because no matter which one they offended, they had to offend one.

Second prince, they can't afford to offend them at all. Now they can only continue to do the tasks assigned to them by the second prince's subordinates.

One of the jailers said to the eldest son of the Minister of Rites: "who told you to offend the wrong people and do the wrong thing? Since you are caught in the prison by the emperor, you should think about what kind of end you will have.

You have to think that the Emperor himself ordered you to be arrested. If you didn't do anything wrong, how could the emperor order you to be arrested? You can do it right here.

It has been very warm to be beaten by us before, at least it is just cleaned up by us. If you are ordered to fight by the emperor, your fate will be more serious than now.

And let's tell you the truth, the reason why we are relatively strict with the law is that someone has given us an instruction that we must be tortured to death at home in this prison.

You can't blame us. If you're dead, don't come to us. It's also other people who want to take your life. We're just taking people's money, eliminating disasters and helping others

When the eldest son of the Minister of rites heard the jailer say this, he was very afraid that someone would order him to be killed, and someone ordered to let them torture him to death in this prison.

He didn't believe what kind of big man he would get. He believed that this man could not be ye Wuxiang.

Although he had a feud with ye Wuque, and though he did these things because he had offended ye Wuque, ye Wuque could not have let him die.

Ye Wuque still has some use for him, and it is even more impossible if it is the emperor. Since the emperor has ordered him to be caught in prison.

Even if the emperor wants to kill him, he has 100 reasons. How could he let these jailers torture him to death in this prison?

He had no idea who was going to tell the jailer to torture him to death. He just wanted to break his mind and couldn't figure out who was the instigator.

However, even if they can't think of it, the prison guards still want to torture him. At this time, they yearn for another kind of criminal law for him.

The eldest son of the book Secretary of the Ministry of rites was really afraid. He was about to stand it. He was physically and mentally exhausted. His body was covered with scars and blood. He was scarred.

"I'm the eldest son of the Minister of rites. You should remember my identity. I was caught in this prison, but I didn't make any mistakes at all.

In the future, if the emperor let me out again, and then I will be tortured in this prison by you, do you know what will happen to you?

Although the person who told you to do this may have a great background, you should also think about my identity, and you should think about yourself.

At that time, if the emperor blames you down, do you think you will have a way to live? You are a dead end. If you want to do something for others, you should think about your own life. You can do it yourself. "

The eldest son of the Minister of rites was working for himself at this time. He tried his best to delay time. Since he tried his best to let the jailers listen to him, he tried not to continue to impose such severe laws on him.

Because he couldn't stand it. He hoped that the jailers would listen to what he said and think for themselves, but they couldn't listen to what the eldest son of the Minister of rites said.

No matter how pertinent the eldest son of the Minister of rites said to them, the jailers would not think about it.

In any case, no matter who they offend, they will offend one person. If they really listen to the words of the eldest son of the Minister of rites, they will not continue to torture the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

Then the second prince came to torture them. They didn't want such a thing to happen. So now they can only apologize to the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

Moreover, the eldest son of the Minister of rites usually has a bad reputation outside. Let him die in prison. I'm afraid not many people will think that he was deliberately killed by others.

I'm afraid they also think that the eldest son of the Minister of rites deserves his crime. They must think that the eldest son of the Minister of rites received retribution, so he died in this prison.

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