These jailers don't think about too many things. Although they say that they don't want to go through this muddy water, they have entered now, so they can only walk step by step.

Now that they have been ordered by the second prince, and they have begun to torture the eldest son of the Minister of rites, they can only go on with their heads.

No matter what kind of things will happen after, no matter whether they will do such things well or not, they can only do so.

No matter whether the second prince will bite them back or not, and whether the eldest son of the Minister of rites will be released by the emperor, they can only do so.

They don't have any room to maneuver now. They just let their status be so low. Who let them only help others? Now they can only follow the instructions of the second prince, and they can only obey the fate.

No matter what will happen after that, they will have to carry it. These jailers only feel that they are in bad luck and have such a hard job.

The status of the eldest son of the Minister of rites was already very embarrassing. The two princes joined in again. Moreover, the jailers knew that the son of the Minister of rites had offended ye Wuque. They also knew that the reason why the eldest son of the Minister of rites was locked in this room was because he was ordered by the Emperor himself.

"You are the only one to blame for your bad luck and offending those who shouldn't have offended. We are just following the instructions of others. What can we do?

No matter what the consequences will be, no matter what kind of responsibility there will be, we can only bear it by ourselves. Sorry, we really can't help you to do such a thing, we can't spare you.

It's other people who want us to torture you to death. We can only listen to them. If you die later and become a ghost, don't come to us. We are also ordered to act, and we have to do it. "

When the eldest son of the Minister of rites heard these prison guards say so, he was filled with cold and cold. He knew that what he had just said to them was in vain.

The jailers didn't hear what he said. They still wanted to torture him and kill him.

He really didn't know what kind of people he had offended. He really felt that he had really offended the wrong people.

But what are the solutions? He couldn't think of anyone against him now, and what did he think?

He thought of it, but he was tortured to death by these jailers. What is the solution? They knew that they had no choice.

He was the one who was arrested by the Emperor himself, and he was caught in the prison by the Emperor himself. He was a serious criminal, and these jailers would never let him go.

Moreover, he is the one who has provoked Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuque's identity can be imagined in this holy Xuanguo. These jailers also know that he and ye Wuque have a quarrel.

With this, the jailers would never let him go, and there were others behind them who wanted to kill him. It was hard for him to escape now.

At this time, the eldest son of the Minister of rites was really disheartened. He didn't know how to solve such a problem. If he really died in this prison, how could he realize the things he wanted to achieve before?

Moreover, he has not seen the status and status of the Ministry of rites shangshufu have been improved. Moreover, he has not given up the female tiger that he lives in, the yecha and the Hedong lion. How can he be tortured to death like this?

He has not married a concubine, and he has not enjoyed too much honor and wealth. How can he be tortured to death by these prison guards?

The more he thought about it, the more regret he felt. The more he thought about it, the more sad and sad he felt, because he felt that he was really doomed to die this time.

The jailers had tortured him to death. He was half dead now. If they had listened to him, they would not have listened to him at all.

No matter what he said, the jailers would not listen to them. No matter what he said, these jailers would not listen to him. The Minister of rites really didn't know how to say it again.

"Don't you really think about yourself? Do you know that after you killed me, your own fate will not be very good, even if you listen to the man behind you is just that?

Like the people behind you, he didn't punish you, so what? Then the emperor will surely punish you. Since the emperor has sent someone to lock me up in the prison.

He has not personally interrogated me, he has not interrogated this case clearly, I was tortured to death by you, do you know what your consequences will be?If you don't think about yourself, even if you don't think about yourself, do you want to think about you as your own family?

Your wife, children, and your relatives all have to pay a heavy price for your misunderstanding. Do you really think these things will not happen? If you think for your family, for your wife and children, stop your behavior now

These jailers have already figured out what kind of things they should do next, so even if the eldest son of the book of rites told them, they didn't care at all and didn't feel excited at all.

They have made up their minds, and they will not listen to any words from the eldest son of the book of rites, even if they will be killed by the second prince.

Even if they were killed by the emperor. So what? Anyway, they are in a dilemma. No matter what they are, they are dead. Now they can only do what they want.

"Young master, don't persuade us any more. We have no way now. Since other people want to take your lives, we can only follow the orders of that man.

That person's identity is very noble, we are not to be provoked, even you can not be provoked, so you can only be aggrieved, anyway, we will not embarrass you, will let you die happily.

Although he let us torture you, but eventually it will let people die, we will give you a face, let you die happily.

This will also make you less suffering and less suffering. All we can do for you is to say more about the rest. "

These jailers also have a little conscience. Although the second prince ordered him to slowly torture the eldest son of the Minister of rites to death, they also had some conscience.

They didn't want to torture the eldest son of the Minister of rites again. Although it was said that the eldest son of the Minister of rites had a bad reputation outside, he did all sorts of evil outside.

But at least it is also a human life. The jailers are willing to give him a happy and painful death, and they are also unwilling to let the eldest son of the Minister of rites be tortured here.

The only thing they can do now is to let him die happily, and make the eldest son of the Minister of rites suffer less, and the rest can't be done at all.

The eldest son of the shangshufu family of the Ministry of rites knows that it's useless to say more now. They will certainly go their own way, so they won't say anything.

In any case, now that his heart is in despair, he has recognized the reality, and he has no way to escape from these jailers.

There is no way for him to escape. He is now tied with his hands and feet. How could he escape? How could the jailer escape when he was determined to let him die?

Like his status is very noble, so what? What if he was the eldest son of the Minister of rites? Now that he's here, he can't do anything at all.

So the eldest son of the Minister of rites said, "it doesn't matter. You can do what you want. You'd better listen to that man. If you want to torture me slowly, you can torture me slowly. Whatever you want."

When they heard the second letter from the prince's house, they wanted to hear the second letter from the prince's house, and they wanted to get the benefits from the second official's office.

So he tried every means to torture the eldest son of the Minister of rites. First of all, they thought of poisoning, because it was the fastest and best way, and no one could find out.

So when they sent food to the eldest son of the shangshufu family of the Ministry of rites, they put poison in the meal and let the eldest son of the house eat it. But this matter let Ye Wuqian know, he immediately sent to rescue the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

Just when the eldest son of the Minister of rites wanted to eat, he threw a stone in the window of the prison, which happened to hit the eldest son's job of the Minister of rites.

The eldest son of the Minister of rites knew that it must be poisonous, so he didn't eat. In this way, the eldest son of the Minister of rites was spared.

However, the jailers have to complete the tasks assigned by the second prince. If they are upset, they will not only lose their lives, but also endanger their families.

Therefore, they tried various ways to deal with the eldest son of the shangshufu family of the Ministry of rites.

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