He felt that his fate was so bad. It was just a joke and a relaxing thought. However, he was punished and scolded by the mechanical voice.

But fortunately, he did not lack leaves. He also knew that the mechanical voice was actually for his good and to spur him. That's why he said that.

Therefore, ye Wuqi is not angry at all. He is just worried about his own task, which is delayed by him.

If he doesn't start again, he will consume his life value as the mechanical human voice said. What should he do?

Although he is not greedy for life and death, but at least he also hopes that he can live well and complete these tasks well.

When ye Wuqian complained in his study, the housekeeper appeared again. He told him that the emperor had issued an edict. He wanted to pay a private visit, hoping that ye Wuque could go out with the emperor.

Ye Wuqian naturally hopes to have such a chance. Anyway, he wants to have a good rest these days. It seems that he wants to go out and visit in private.

Then he could also go out with him to play outside, or to visit mountains and rivers. So he prepared something inside. Soon, he arrived at the date agreed with the emperor.

He and the emperor and some other bodyguards paid a private visit. They came to some countryside. The emperor went to observe the people's situation and came to a peasant household.

Although the house of this farmer is not very good, but the harvest is good. Although the yard is not very big, it is clean and tidy at least.

Therefore, ye Wuqian was very comfortable. The emperor also thought that such a farm house was suitable for him, so they lived in this farmhouse!

The farmer didn't know the real identity of the emperor and ye Wuque, but they thought they were just the masters and childe of some rich and powerful family! So the farmers are also serving them with all their heart and soul.

Early in the morning, the farmer prepared breakfast and called Ye Wuqian and the emperor to come out for dinner. Ye Wuqian and the emperor would not get up so early when they were in the palace.

However, they also do as the Romans do. Since they have the custom of getting up so early, they certainly will not disturb their customs.

So the two of them were very obedient, so they went out to eat together. Ye Wuqian and the emperor thought that the food here should not be very delicious.

They all think that the food in the farmer's house should not be so delicious that it is just enough to satisfy their stomachs. However, it is only after they eat these things that they know that they think too much.

The food here is really delicious. Although the ingredients of these farmers are very simple and can be seen everywhere, their craftsmanship is very good.

The food is very delicious. Even some wild vegetables have a very delicious feeling, which makes Ye Wuqian and the emperor feel very surprised.

Ye Wuwei said to the old man, "I don't know how you make this dish. What's so delicious? It's just a wild vegetable that is not passed on. How can you make it like a delicacy here? How do you do it?"

This old man is the father of the farmer. When he heard Ye Wuqian ask this question, he felt a little embarrassed. After all, ye Wuque was boasting about his cooking and his craft. He must be very happy.

But there was nothing special in his eyes. He made the wild vegetable in the way he did year after year, day after day.

Maybe it's because ye Wuqian and the Emperor didn't eat them. They had not eaten wild vegetables before, and they didn't eat these things. So now they feel very delicious after seeing them.

So this person said to Ye Wuqian: "in fact, they are just some common ingredients, and I don't use any kind of craftsmanship to make these things.

It's very simple. If you like, I can make it for you every day. As long as you stay in our house, I can always make food for you.

Anyway, these dishes are very simple, and there are no skills to speak of. The key is to look at your heart. As long as you can do well, the dishes will certainly make some flavor

The old man really didn't know how to tell his cooking skills, because in his own eyes, his cooking was really very ordinary, and there was nothing special about it.

The reason why it is delicious is because ye Wuqian and the emperor have not eaten it before, so the old man does not mean to be modest.

He just felt a little embarrassed, and the rest was nothing. When ye Wuqian heard this old man say so, he also felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Maybe it's because they haven't eaten so common food before, so once in a while they still feel very delicious!However, ye Wuqian also felt very strange, because he had eaten some wild vegetables and some game in other planes before.

But I didn't eat anything as delicious as this. It seems that this old man's cooking is very exquisite, although the old man doesn't think his cooking is very good.

But in fact, this old man is too modest. This old man should have worked in this kitchen for many years. He has found out a set of cooking methods himself.

So he thought it was very common, but for ye Wuque, it was very unique and special for the emperor.

"I see. Maybe it's because we didn't eat as much as you did before, but this one you made is really delicious.

I hope you can make such delicious food for us in the future. We may have to nag at your home for a while. I hope you don't dislike it. "

The old man and his son were very happy to hear ye Wuqian and the emperor say so. They are all very simple farmers.

Therefore, they also like it very much. They are all very hospitable people when others come to visit their home. As long as ye Wuqian and the emperor don't dislike their relatively simple home and don't dislike their cooking, they are very common wild vegetables. Game.

Of course, they are willing to let Ye Wuwei let the emperor live here all the time! Because they are really very hospitable.

Because ye Wuqian and the emperor came here, the farmer took out all the wine and bacon they had made last year.

This is the highest treatment only when the VIP comes to their home. Although the emperor and ye Wuqi say that their status is very noble, one is the current emperor, the other is the current king.

However, the farmer did not know that their two identities were so noble, which they did not know. These farmers only spoke by their own enthusiasm and love.

Seeing that they were willing to take so many things back, ye Wuqian and the emperor were very pleased, because they felt that he had such a simple peasant under their jurisdiction. They were really lucky.

The emperor, in particular, felt that his own governance of the country was very good, and he was happy to see it succeed, because he wanted to leave the best things to Ye Wuwei.

Because he knew that his throne would eventually be passed on to Ye Wuqian. As long as he could leave the best things to Ye Wuqian, he also felt very good.

Now he feels that the kingdom of Shengxuan has been well managed by himself. In the future, as long as ye Wuqian takes over the Kingdom, and if ye Wuqian can work hard and serve the people as he is now.

Then it is absolutely impossible to let this holy Xuanguo into danger! So at this time ye Wuqian also knew what the emperor was thinking. Of course, he also knew that the emperor had great expectations for him.

Of course, I also know that the emperor is trying hard to govern the country so well, which is also for his consideration. Therefore, ye Wuqi feels very moved, and he also feels very good.

He felt that the emperor was very kind to him, and ye Wuqian also wanted to repay the emperor well, and he made up his mind that he would help the emperor well as long as he had time and opportunity while doing his own task well.

We must help him to manage the affairs of Shengxuan kingdom. He is resting these days. After he and the emperor go back home, he will help the emperor deal with those memorials.

Help the emperor deal with those things, because in the eyes of Ye Wumian, the emperor is really a very good emperor and a very good father.

After breakfast, the emperor and ye Wuqian took several of their bodyguards together to hunt in the forest, because the old man of the farm said that if they wanted to eat better food, they thought they should go to fight in the woods.

It's just because the old man is very old and not in good health, so he can't go hunting in the woods.

When the emperor and ye Wuqi heard the old man say so, they naturally knew that since they were guests and they wanted to eat these things, they should do it by themselves.

So they volunteered to go hunting in the mountains, and before that, ye Wumian, ye Wumian and the emperor would hunt irregularly when they were in the palace.

Their hunting skills are very good. Ye Wuqian and the emperor don't care about the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. Now they are just like the most ordinary and ordinary father and son in the ordinary family!

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