In their view, there are no monarchs and ministers, and there is no great reason to speak of. They are just the most common father and son. They should work hard.

Then we found the best game in the woods and took it back to the old man to make them. These days, they were both convinced by the old man's skill.

The dishes made by the old man are really delicious, which makes Ye Wuqian feel very surprised, because ye Wuqian has also eaten delicious food and delicious seafood before.

No matter what kind of delicious food it is, in his eyes, it is not as delicious as the old man. Even if it is a common wild vegetable, it is very delicious and delicious.

And the emperor naturally felt the same way. He really felt that it was really right for him to come here on this private visit. He felt that he had come here right this time.

Because the old man's craftsmanship is so good, and the farmer is really very hospitable. When they came to the woods, they began to work together to hunt.

They want to fight a lot of things, because they think they may be leaving soon, so they should leave some good things for the old man.

Although it is said that the male owner of this farmer will make a lot of money outside, since they have disturbed so much, they should leave some good things for them.

Moreover, after their observation in recent days, if they directly left money and silver to the farmer, it is estimated that the farmer will not accept it.

It's better to keep some practical things, that is, to hunt and hunt some animals back, and let them hang them to make bacon. So at this time, the two of them worked together to get a lot of things.

If they can't kill them on the spot, they will catch them alive and take them back to let them raise them. They will eat them when they want to eat them later.

By the time they finished all the work, it was almost sunset. When the emperor and the king brought these things back, the eldest brother would have looked forward to it.

He came not because he wanted to see how many things there were, but because he was worried about the safety of the emperor and the prince. He was very worried about ye Wuqian and why the emperor did not come back now.

He has been out for a whole day. The old man is very anxious. He wants to go out and look for the emperor and ye Wuqian himself.

Fortunately, just when he was about to go out, ye Wuqian and the emperor had returned safely. At this time, the old man still complained.

He said to ye Wuque and the emperor, "well, you two are old and big. Why don't you let me worry at all? I've been out all day, and I haven't heard from you at all.

If we can't, we don't have anything to eat. I'm so worried that I don't see you two coming back. I thought something was wrong with you two.

I almost went out to look for you. Next time, you can't do this again. You must think about your own safety. How can you not come back all day long? You know how worried I am at home

The old man said a lot of words in a series. He was always expressing his concern about the emperor and ye Wuque. After hearing this, the emperor and ye Wuque both blamed themselves.

They are hunting in the woods. Because they are very happy with hunting, they forget the time. When they come back, the sun is going down.

They just reluctantly brought back the prey they had hit. As soon as they came back, they saw the old man anxiously waiting outside the door.

They also feel very embarrassed, they let the old man become so anxious, they are also very embarrassed, so, they two also admit their mistake there.

And to the old man, I promise that this will not happen next time. I will come back as soon as possible next time. I won't forget the time when I hunt.

In fact, the old man is not really angry. He is just worried because he is in a hurry. He is really worried. What will happen to Ye Wuxiang and the emperor in the woods.

After all, there are many dangers in the forest, and some wild animals often appear. If ye Wuqian and the emperor have something wrong in the forest, he must be very self reproached.

Because ye Wuque and the emperor came to visit them, they didn't come here to hunt or do anything else. If ye Wuque and the emperor were in the woods, they were attacked by some wild animals because of hunting.

Or if there is any other danger. They can't escape the blame. They will feel guilty. So the old man said to Ye Wuqian and the emperor, "although you are not my relatives.

But you have lived in our house for so many days, I also regard you as my own son, my own grandson.

Today, you said you would come back before noon, but you have only come back now. Do you know how worried I am at home.

I'm afraid that you will encounter danger in the forest, and those wild animals will attack you. You don't know how dangerous it is here.An old man of mine is going to find you. How can you be so cruel? How can you not keep your promise. It's too much. "

Although the old man said very seriously, although he had been scolding ye Wuque and the emperor, ye Wuque and the emperor were not angry, and even a warm current flowed through their hearts.

Because they think the old man is very good to them, and the old man is really worried about them, so they say that.

So ye Wuque and the emperor are not angry. They just feel very warm and feel that the old man is really good to them.

So the emperor took the lead to say to the old man, "I'm really sorry. This time, my son and I didn't make a good time.

We hunt in the woods, and we forget the time when we are not careful, so that you are worried at home. I'm very sorry. We will never do this next time.

We agreed to come back at noon. We must be back before noon. This time, we are sorry to you and you.

Don't worry so much. Let's get in now. You must have been standing outside for a long time. Get in quickly. Let's go in and have a rest. "

Ye Wuqi and the emperor knew that the old man must have spent an afternoon in anxiety. How could he stay at home at ease?

I must have been standing outside this door for a long time. I've been waiting for them for most of the day. The old man's health is not very good, and he is not very strong.

It must have been unbearable to stand for a whole day, so ye Wuqian and the emperor were worried about the old man's body, so they helped him to the house to have a rest.

After hearing this, the old man nodded. He asked the emperor and ye Wuqian to help him to go into the inner room and have a rest.

Moreover, while watching and walking, he also nagged, narrated and said some other words. He hoped that the emperor would keep his promise and not stay in such a dangerous place for so long.

Must not put their own danger aside, must take good care of their own body, love and cherish their own life!

Although the old man has been nagging there, the emperor Ye Wuqi doesn't find him very bothered. Instead, he feels very warm. He thinks that the old man is really good for them.

So no matter what he said, they all nodded and said yes. If they didn't say anything to him, they all felt that he was very right.

They all think that we should let the old man be well, and don't let him worry so much, although they just come here to be a guest.

Although they don't have much money for their grandsons, it is true that they don't give birth to their grandchildren.

But their humanity is very good, their heart is very kind, and also warm hospitality, such people are really very good.

Ye Wuque vowed in his heart that he would let such a family as the old man and his family live a better life in the future!

And the emperor naturally knows that ye Wuqian must have been inspired by these things, and he must have thought a lot of things in his heart.

So he won't say anything more. Anyway, it's all young people's world. He knows that ye Wuqian will make his own decisions after this incident.

We will treat these people well and treat them well! The emperor and ye Wuqian continue to live in the old man's house for a few days, and then they will leave.

Before leaving, the old man was very reluctant to give up, because although the emperor and ye Wuque only lived in the old man's house for half a month, their feelings were very deep.

The old man is usually lonely. Although there are people in this family, they are all labors. They usually go out to work. They don't live at home during the day, and the old man is boring at home.

because the emperor and ye Wuxiang come here every day to accompany the old man, and they are also used to facing him Wumian and the emperor want to leave. The eldest brother really feels very sad.

He really hoped that they could stay, but he did not express his own hope, because he also knew that ye Wuqian and the emperor had their own life.

He couldn't let the emperor ye Wumian stay with him because of a little thing. Although he was very reluctant, he still sent them two away with a smile.

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