On the wedding stage, the MC smiles and looks at the couple in front of him. His eyes are filled with pride. He has hosted many weddings, but it is definitely the first time that he has been able to hold a wedding for such a top-ranking royal family in Kyoto!

However, although he knew that the two people in front of him had a high status, he did not feel a bit stiff. Instead, he presided over the wedding with ease. Until now, the wedding is going on smoothly!

No one dares to make trouble at this time for such a big wedding. The master of ceremonies thinks so. He has already started to play the role of priest. This is also the most important part of this wedding. As long as two couples exchange their wedding rings, the wedding will be completed smoothly!

As for tea and other things, it was a natural thing. After seeing Lin Wuqing with a smile on her face and Tan Xiaoxiao with a stiff smile, the emcee sorted out her thoughts. Instead of thinking about why her smile was stiff, she said with a smile: "Mr. Lin Wuqing, now, your most beautiful bride is in front of you. Would you like to Does it mean that she wears a ring that symbolizes eternal union and lives with her hand in hand? "

"I will!" Lin heartless face with the most genial smile, said, the tone can not say firm, attitude can not say sincere!

However, in the ears of the public, there are different ideas. Some people feel deeply moved, while others feel extremely hypocritical. This is the most important thing for him. Hearing Lin's merciless words, he has only one thought, that is, he wants to vomit. However, he is more worried about why his master has not come yet? In fact, don't mention him. Even when Bai choufei was at this time, he also slightly frowned. Up to now, ye Xiao has not appeared. Does he really want to stop this marriage? Or did he not realize the significance of the wedding?

In front of so many people, as long as Lin Qinglian and Tan Xiaoxiao get married smoothly, it doesn't matter how they get along with each other. Everyone will think that Tan Xiaoxiao is Lin's heartless wife. If something happens to tan Xiaoxiao again, everyone will point the spearhead at Tan Xiaoxiao. Don't Ye Xiao know this?

Ouyang Qianqian, who is beside Tan Xiaoxiao, is also upset. The more she feels depressed at this time, especially when she sees Tan Xiaoxiao's smile which has not changed since she came out, she feels inexplicably sad. Can't we say that fate can't be changed? If there is a person in Tan Xiaoxiao's heart, where is that person now? Why didn't you come to stop it? Does he dare not pursue his own happiness? If he really is such a person, smile why also care about him?

The scene was quiet, and everyone was listening to the words on the stage!

"Well, Miss Tan Xiaoxiao, would you like to..." The emcee didn't know what they were thinking. Seeing that Lin Qinglin had already made his statement, he would continue to ask Tan Xiaoxiao, but before he finished his words, he heard a sudden voice ring out!

"She will not!"

The scene is so quiet, and the result of quiet is that the sound is not very big, but it is clearly transmitted to all people's ears. Many people's first reaction is whether they have hallucinations? This is the most top wedding in Kyoto. The two people who are about to form a family are also the top luxury families in Kyoto. Who dares to block the wedding at this time? This is in front of the two big families. Even the other three big families will not do such a thing?

However, when they found that the master of ceremonies standing on the wedding platform had stopped hosting the ceremony, and they were looking at the front with startled faces, they realized that this was not an illusion, but a real existence. At present, one by one, they turned their eyes to the direction of the voice, and saw a man wearing a black Zhongshan suit, full of cold face, came step by step!

All the people were shocked. Most of the people present had never seen this person. They did not understand how such a fresh face could appear on such an occasion, let alone how this person could say such words. They even answered directly for tan with a smile. Who does he think he is?

Don't you know he offended the two families? This is the child of which family, unexpectedly so don't know the weight!

When Bai choufei heard this voice, his mouth showed a smile. He knew that ye Xiao would not let him down after all, and Shangguan Fei beside him was already shining with excitement when he saw the visitors!

Ye Xiao finally came, and his master finally came. Since he had come, it was absolutely impossible for the wedding to go on. Although he only saw Ye Xiao alone, he believed that his master would be able to do it. Otherwise, it would not be his own master!

Ouyang Qianqian was trembling when she heard this voice. She had been wondering who tan Xiaoxiao's sweetheart would be and whether the man in Tan Xiaoxiao's heart would appear at the wedding scene, just like the plot in the movie, taking Tan Xiaoxiao away. But what she didn't expect was that when the wedding was about to be completed, there really was such a one People, but she did not think that this person is he!

Her first reaction was that it was impossible, but when she turned her head and looked at people, she had to believe that all this was true. Why was he? How could it be him? Is he the man in Tan Xiaoxiao's heart?But if it's really him, why has Tan Xiaoxiao never told himself? Or he is not the man in Tan Xiaoxiao's heart. He just knows that Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't want to marry Lin Qingqing, so he comes here in person!

Yes, he is such a warm-hearted person. Maybe he saved Huang lingyao because of his enthusiasm. He committed those things for her. Yes, it must be like this!

Ouyang Qianqian thought so, but when she inadvertently saw Tan Xiaoxiao trembling all over and her eyes full of tears, she knew that she was wrong. She was just deceiving herself. She had never seen such deep feelings in Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes. It was a deep feeling. Only by hiding each other deeply in their bones would she know that she was wrong With such throbbing tears!

It is the tears of Acacia, the tears of Acacia!

Lin Xiuyuan, Lin Zuoying (Lin's ruthless father), and Tan Zixiong and his wife's eyebrows were all wrinkled, especially Tan Zixiong. He didn't expect that ye Xiao would come at this time, but how did he come in?

On the contrary, a trace of curiosity flashed in Tan Guozheng's eyes, wondering who the boy was and what qualifications he had for his granddaughter?

As for Lin Wuqing, when he saw Ye Xiao appear, his eyes had already erupted with burning anger. He also did not think that ye Xiao had committed such a big thing and dared to appear in front of himself and at the wedding ceremony. What is his reason? Why did he have such courage and how did he get in? What qualifications does he have to come in?

A hundred people have a hundred ideas, but ye Xiao doesn't care about other people's thoughts. He just walks to the wedding stage step by step, or to the bride on the stage. That's his woman. He doesn't allow anyone to take away the woman who belongs to him!

Come to Xiaolang's figure, only to take away his handsome face, his eyes should belong to him!

When he finally came to the stage step by step, came to tan Xiaoxiao side, looking at the beautiful bride in front of him, he slowly said: "you belong to my bride, you can't marry him!"

A word of Wanjun, beating in the hearts of all!

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