You are my bride, you can't marry him!

A very simple sentence, but full of faith than steel is also firm, looking at Ye Xiao that is close at hand, looking at this handsome face, Tan smile crazy!

In order to love in her heart, she had to compromise to reality. For the love in her heart, she thought that she would never get love in her life. In order to love in her heart, she had to marry a man she didn't love. She thought that her life would end like this, but what she didn't expect was that at the moment when she was about to step into the grave, the man she loved went out Now!

He came so alone that he appeared in front of himself, in front of the public, in front of himself. How could he come? How can he come?

Tan Xiaoxiao forgot to think about it. She just felt that her heart was constantly fluctuating. She wanted to suppress the palpitation in her heart, but she could not control it at all. She could only stare at Ye Xiao's dark eyes and didn't know what to say for a moment!

Ouyang Qianqian watched Ye Xiao step by step on the stage. When she heard Ye Xiao say such a firm sentence, her heart was in a state of turmoil. Her loved one and her best friend turned out to be a pair of deeply loved men and women All this is true!

Suddenly, Ouyang Qianqian thought of the first time she saw Ye Xiao. At that time, ye Xiao was full of sadness. He told himself that his loved one was engaged to someone else. At that time, it was not just Tan Xiaoxiao who was about to get engaged to Lin ruthlessly?

The funny thing is that he didn't think of it at that time. Later, he wanted to resolve his heart's pain with his own tenderness. He tried to do it and tried his best to do it. But in the end?

He can beat Cao Wanxing and kill Yue Ziqiu for Huang lingyao's sake. Now he can disturb the wedding and stop the wedding in front of so many people for Tan Xiaoxiao. What if he is himself?

If he is in danger or about to get married, what will he do for himself?

For a moment, Ouyang Qianqian's mind is also a blank, she even can't tell whether she is between dream and reality, so she looks at the two people on the stage, looking at the same dull two people on the stage!

The people under the stage were even more shocked. They looked at Ye Xiao and the man who appeared suddenly. This guy is not a fool, is he? Even dare to say in front of Lin's eldest master that his bride is his bride. He doesn't want to live, does he?

In the whole country of China, even the other three families dare not say such words in such an occasion. It is a kind of death feud. Although there is competition among the big families, their interests are paramount. No family will fight with the Lin family and lose both sides. In the end, other eyesight is cheap. Therefore, no family will have a fight But now, the boy even said so. I don't know how great the sky is, isn't it?

Many people began to guess Ye Xiao's identity and guess which family he was. For a moment, they whispered on the scene!

And Tan Zixiong's comrades in arms were also surprised. They didn't understand the boy's origin. They dare to say such words on such an occasion!

As for Lin Wuqing, another person on the stage, he was already livid with anger. Ever since Ye Xiao appeared, he had been worried that the boy would disturb their marriage, so he tried to get rid of Ye Xiao by any means. But who knows that the boy's life is as fierce as a cockroach, so he can't die. He has no choice but to propose to marry in advance, which is also to avoid Night long dream, before this wedding, he used all means to deal with Ye Xiao. Although he finally let him run away, now the Ministry of public security has issued a wanted order for him. Under such circumstances, does he dare to make trouble at his wedding scene?

Who does he really think he is?

"Ye Xiao, you killed Ziqiu and are still a murderer. What qualifications do you have to say such a thing?" Under the fury of Lin ruthless is very quickly calm down, the body stepped forward a step, stood in front of Tan Xiaoxiao's body, as if in defending their own honor!

Hearing Lin Wuqing say that ye Xiao killed Yue Ziqiu, the people in the audience were shocked. Many people knew that Yue Ziqiu was jealous of others. They were very curious about who was jealous of Yue Ziqiu. However, they didn't think it was this guy. Since he was a murderer, how dare he come here?

"He is not the murderer, but he has caught the murderer!" But at this time, a calm voice came from behind the crowd. Many dandies didn't feel much about it. But Lin Qingqing, who heard the voice, changed his face. And the officer flying under the stage was also very happy. This is the sound of his grandfather's falling into the water!

All the people looked in the direction of the voice, and the dandies were not. When the generals and politicians, including Lin Xiuyuan on the stage, saw the visitors, their eyes were filled with horror!

The owner of the voice was Shangguan falling into the water, but he was not the only one to come. Beside him, there was Yue Ziqiu's grandfather. Now, Yue Buxiu, who is now the head of the Organization Department, asked the Minister of public security to severely punish the murderer. Now he and the minister of public security Shangguan fell into the water together. Obviously, they have found the murderer!Seeing such a scene, Lin's heartless heart leaped wildly. As for Lin Xiuyuan, he quickly got up from his chair and met him here. Not only he, but also Tan Guozheng could not get up for physical reasons, all the politicians and generals present stood up!

One by one, they met each other in a solemn manner. Shangguan Luoshui and Yue Buxiu, a minister of public security and a minister of Organization Department, were all in high positions. However, their weight could not make so many people greet them respectfully. What these people really want to meet is a healthy old man walking between them!

The old man's hair was all white, his face was shriveled and wrinkled, but his eyes were shining. His figure was a little rickety because of his old age, but his back was so huge that he didn't need to do anything. He just needed to stand there gently, and there was a tremendous force to suppress it!

This man is the old leader who has retired to the second line and the only founder of China!

No one thought that the old chief executive would leave Jinling garden again and come to the wedding scene in person. You know, although the wedding ceremony of Tan Xiaoxiao and Lin Qingqing was grand, they did not have the qualification to let such a person participate. Even the No.1 head of the state, although he received the invitation, did not come in person!

These are all big people. Who will come to a wedding? Just send a gift!

But now, the old man who lives in Jinling garden is coming like this? Why did he come? Why should he come? An ominous premonition appeared in Lin Xiuyuan's heart, but his face was full of the most brilliant smile, and his pace quickly came to the old man's body!

"Old chief, you can come to my grandson's wedding. It's really brilliant for our Lin family. Please take your seat, Minister Yue, Minister Shangguan, please..." Lin Xiuyuan said with a smile on his face and made a gesture of invitation

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