Ye Xiao looks at the video again and finally sees the woman's face clearly

"Sister Yan?" At first sight, ye Xiao almost exclaimed, isn't this sister Yan?

Is this a video of sister Yan doing that with a man?

But it's not right. Can't sister Yan be such a person?

It was at this time that he found that although the woman in the video was similar to Murong Mingyan, it was only similar, not Murong Mingyan herself!

On the contrary, the side face of the man looks like Murong Yu when he was young

Is that Yan's mother?

At the thought of this possibility, and the words Murong Yu said when he left, ye Xiao only felt a chill in his heart

Animals, this is more than animals, it is worse than pigs and dogs!

In order to force his daughter to get married, he even took out the video of his former wife's life and threatened him. Is this still what a father should do?

All of a sudden, ye Xiao felt that the kick he had just kicked out was too close, yes, too close!

If God could give him another chance

After he kicks out, he will step forward and make up for it. No, it's two, three, four, five

What kind of thing? It's against all his moral bottom line!

He finally understood why Murong Mingyan was so angry. If he changed to himself, he might have smashed the computer on the spot!

"Yan elder sister, don't be sad, I'll kill that bastard!" Ye Xiao said angrily that he really wanted to kill that guy

"It's no use. He must have been prepared. Even if he is killed, such a video will surely spread out!" Murong Mingyan for a moment seems to have been emptied of soul, decadent sitting on the chair!

Think about it, his mother died for so many years, but now his father even took out a trace of her privacy video to threaten himself. What should he do?

If not, these photos will be an insult to her mother. How can she rest in heaven?

Mom, look at you. What kind of man did you marry? He even died of you

Murong Mingyan's heart, silent crying

"Aunt Murong, maybe I have a way to..." Just at this moment, yibao'er, who had never spoken, suddenly said!

Ye Xiao and Murong Mingyan look at yibao'er at the same time

"Is it OK to erase all traces of these things?" Seeing two people staring at themselves, ebol looks down with embarrassment

"Well..." Murong Mingyan instinctively nodded, this thing he did not know how many copies of backup, want to erase all, it is not easy?

Do you really want to marry that Liu Yu?

"That's easy. Leave it to me..." Yibao'er said confidently, and patted the two balls of meat in front of her chest with her chubby little hand

See ye Xiao is a burst of panic, darling, this girl don't know convergence point? She's dressed so little, and if she takes such a picture, it's just killing things

"Give it to you? How do you erase it? Are you a super hacker? " However, on the surface, ye Xiao still disdains to skim his mouth, even if he has some thorny problems, can you solve them?

"Ah, brother Ye Xiao, you are so smart. You know this..." Yi bao'er looks surprised, but her appearance surprised Ye Xiao. Is she really a super hacker.

Murong Mingyan on one side also seems to think of something. She holds her baby to her leg directly. Then the two groups of meat in front of her chest are put on the computer desk, and her chubby little hands are already pounding wildly on the keyboard!

Seeing the speed of her keystroke, even ye Xiao, a computer idiot, knows that she is a master. The surprise on her face is even stronger. How can this chick really hack?

The computer screen doesn't count as flickering. It only takes a moment to display a series of numbers. Ye Xiao can't understand it, but her eyes are lit up!

"Aunt, the IP address of the email address is XXX, the specific address should be Lingshan villa area!" Yi bao'er pointed to the series of numbers and said to Murong Mingyan!

"Lingshan villa area, that's where he lives now. He should send it from home! But what if you know, can you delete it now? And even if it's deleted, what if it comes with something else? " Murong Mingyan some can't wait to ask, had already despairing vision and lit up a glimmer of hope!

"Don't worry, auntie. I'll take care of it." Said ebol confidently!

Seeing her confident appearance, Murong Mingyan breathed a sigh of relief!

"I didn't expect you to be a good little girl!" Ye Xiao is also relieved. He can make murongyu shut up, but he can't stop the spread of those videos. He didn't expect that this little girl should be so powerful!At the same time, she pinched her chubby smile with her hand. It felt very good!

"Hum, they are not small. You can see where they are..." Yibao'er snorted discontentedly, and stood up to his chest!

The black line on Ye Xiao's face, who is this!

At the same time, she had to laugh a lot, and Baoyi had no choice but to laugh!

After waiting for about half an hour, ye Xiaozeng poured two glasses of water and peeled an apple under the threat of yibao'er. When yibao'er chewed the apple in half, a dot on the screen suddenly lit up

"Power on!" As soon as her eyes brightened, she bit the remaining half of the apple in her mouth, and then used her hands to repeatedly tap on the computer. Soon, the screen of the computer changed, and the desktop turned into a picture of a woman in black. Ye Xiao felt that she was familiar with her eyes and seemed to have seen it anywhere!

On a closer look, it turns out that this is the woman who just came with Murong Yu!

This Murong Yu is really coquettish. He even uses his wife's half naked photo on the table. It's really a bad luck who becomes his wife!

"Well, this woman's chest is so small..." Ebol murmured a sigh and continued to tap her hands on the keyboard

Ye Xiao on one side only felt sweat on his forehead when he heard this sentence. He was certainly smaller than you. It is estimated that even the world's milk king is not as big as you when you are so big!

"OK, OK!" After a while, ebol suddenly snapped her finger and said with a smile!

"All right? It's all wiped out? " Ye Xiaoyi Leng, so fast?

"Not yet. I just found out that this document has been copied in three copies. In addition, there are four copies of this document. One copy is on this computer, the other one is sent here, one is on other network hard disks, and the remaining one is on the mobile hard disk!" Ebol shook his head and explained!

"How do you know that four copies were made? What if he copied it on another computer? " Ye Xiao is a computer idiot, but also know that copying this thing is almost unlimited!

"It's impossible. No matter whether he uses this computer or other computers, this document has only been copied in three copies. It can't be wrong..." Said ebol confidently!

"Well, can you delete it?" Ye Xiao nodded, believing in iboer's professional technology!

"I can delete this computer and network hard disk, but I can't do anything for me on the mobile hard disk, but I can't do anything about the mobile hard disk!" Yibao'er spread out her small hand and said helplessly!

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