"That hard drive should be in his home I'll go and ask him to bring it out immediately... " At this time, Murong Mingyan, who had not spoken, said that she was going to go, but was pulled by Ye Xiao!

"Do you think he will hand it in?"

Murong Mingyan was stunned. Yes, he tried every means to force him to marry Liu Yu? If he doesn't achieve his goal, will he hand it in?

"Leave it to me..." Seeing Murong Mingyan's stupefied appearance, ye Xiao said with a smile!

Murong Mingyan looked at Ye Xiao. Seeing the confident eyes in his eyes, Murong Mingyan gently nodded, but finally added: "he gave birth to me after all..."

"Don't worry, sister Yan, I understand! I'll call first! " Ye Xiao nodded clearly. There are many ways to solve things, not necessarily violence!

The reason why he has always been using violence to solve problems is just because violence is simple. If you can solve problems in the simplest way, why bother? But now sister Yan clearly doesn't want to solve them by violence, so change the way!

"Well!" Murong Mingyan gently nodded. She believed in Ye Xiao, just as she believed in the original person!

Ye Xiao took out the phone and went out, all the way to the balcony. He took out his mobile phone card, then took out another card and inserted it. After the machine was turned on again, he dialed a number

"Less leaves?" At the other end of the phone, there was a voice of surprise and doubt. It seemed that some people didn't believe Ye Xiao would call!

"It's me, Komatsu!" Although the person on the other end of the phone can't see at all, ye Xiao still nods gently!

"Ha ha, I didn't expect ye Shaozhen to call me. Say, what can I do for you?" The voice on the other end of the phone became excited!

"Help me find something..." Ye Xiao said!

"What? It's not a priceless treasure, is it? Hey, I like challenging work best Even if he didn't see each other, ye Xiao knew that this guy must have started rubbing his hands!

"Well, this thing is very important to me!" Ye Xiao nodded!

"Say, whatever it is, no matter where it is, even in the Forbidden City, I will get it for you!" Xiaosong on the other end of the phone patted his chest and assured him!

"A mobile hard disk!"

"Mobile hard disk?" Mo Xiaosong at the other end of the phone was very surprised. What's the importance of a mobile hard disk?

"Is there any important information in it?"

"It's really important, but you can't see it..." Ye Xiao said faintly!

"How do I know if it's the one you want Komatsu is helpless.

"If the world's number one bandit can't even do this, you've also defiled the title of the first!"

"Well, tell me the address. I'll give it to you in the evening." Komatsu on the other end of the phone seems to have been stimulated by what kind of stimulation, directly agreed to come down!

Ye Xiao faintly smiles and tells Murong Yu the address of his home to Mo Xiaosong!

Although murongyu threatened Murong Mingyan with that hard disk, it was not a valuable thing after all. Ye Xiao and others didn't think murongyu would hide it in a special safe!

After all, isn't there a backup on the Internet?

Hang up the phone, and the card he used to change back, this just walked into the study again!

"How about it?" Murong Mingyan knows that ye Xiao has a lot of methods, and she doesn't go to ask the process in detail. She just asks about the result!

"Don't worry, I can get it back tonight. I'll use the computer!" Ye Xiao nodded, ready to go online to see Xu Yifeng's information!

"Well, I'll make breakfast first, and then I'll go to the beach." Murong Mingyan nodded, and then she put her baby down from her knee. Obviously, Murong Yu's arrival did not affect her mind of going to the beach!

"Then I'll change my clothes!" Yi Baoer is also a burst of excitement, followed Murong Mingyan to go out!

Ye Xiao sits in front of the computer and enters his email account. Of course, he only knows this when he goes online!

Open Peng Yingshi sent the mail, immediately frowned up!

Xu Yanke, Xu Yifeng's grandfather, was actually one of the founders of Hengtian Group. However, when Hengtian Group was just on the right track, he died of heart disease and left Xu Yuanlong, who was only 12 years old. With the efforts of his grandfather, Hengtian Group gradually became a world-famous large enterprise, which was later handed over to Yi Lanfeng and Xu Yuan, Xu Yifeng's father Long also became a senior member of the company. Later, when Xu Yifeng was three years old, he died in a car accident!

Only three-year-old Xu Yifeng was left. The old man could not bear to see the ancients, so he took him back to Yijia, changed his name and grew up with yiguyun!

Now less than 20 years old, he has become the boss of a subsidiary of Hengtian Group, with outstanding ability, and is known as the most talented young man of Hengtian Group!

The above information is very simple, but enough to explain a lot of problems!Why did Xu Yifeng's grandfather and father die in their prime? How many shares does Xu still have in Hengtian Group?

Were the two deaths really just accidents? Even if it is really an accident, will Xu Yifeng believe it?

Ye Xiao has never seen Yi Guyun's grandfather and father, so he doesn't know what kind of people they are and whether they will do such things to harm their partners. However, he has seen Yi Guyun, who is able to train such a detached daughter from the world, should not be a mercenary villain!

I think so, but what about Xu Yifeng?

If in the same position, ye Xiao thinks that he will think more about it. After all, even once, twice in a row, is this too coincidental?

Of course, this is only my own speculation, but anyway, this Xu legacy is not as simple as it seems!

At this time, it came that bao'er called for dinner. Ye Xiao turned off the computer and went downstairs to have breakfast

It's breakfast. In fact, it's already noon. After eating and cleaning up, it's already 12 o'clock!

No more delay, ready to start!

Murong Mingyan own two cars, a Ferrari sports car, a silver BMW seven series, Ferrari only two seats, it is not easy to drive a sports car out!

Three people sit on the silver BMW, Murong Mingyan starts the car, and runs towards Causeway Bay!

Causeway Bay, this is the largest seaside place in Jinghai city. Although it is not as good as the beach on the southern island, it is also the best place for Jinghai citizens who don't want to go far away!

Today is Sunday. There are many people going out for sightseeing. The big city is not as crowded as usual. It only took more than an hour to come to Causeway Bay!

Just stepping on the golden beach of Causeway Bay, ye Xiao was deeply fascinated by the scene in front of her!

Because it's the weekend, and the weather is so good today, there are so many people coming to visit Causeway Bay. If there are more people, there will be more women. If the number of women goes up, the quality will naturally come out!

Especially now the sun is shining and the temperature is over 30 degrees. All the people here are for swimming, but no one is wearing thick clothes!

A few naked girls in the beach to enjoy the sun!

A piece of meat forest bathing in the sea, see ye Xiao is saliva DC!

Heaven, this is a man's paradise, a real heaven

"Sister Yan, I'm going to change clothes first!" Seeing three beauties pushing and shouting on the beach not far away, they seem to want to swim in the sea, but they are afraid of drowning. They are hesitant. There are some indecent Men nearby, but they are obviously not confident to chat up with them!

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