Why did he resist and still make such a thing, so now is really very sad, the second prince really feel very pitiful.

He really felt very sad. If it wasn't for this, how could he let ye wukuo pack this vacancy?

Because he felt sure that he would succeed, but he didn't know why he failed. He blamed all these rules on Ye Wuxiang, too insidious and too cunning!

If ye Wuque doesn't want to be so insidious and cunning, he is expected to succeed, but now things are contrary to our wishes. No matter what happens, everything is settled.

His next end is bound to be very painful, but what can be done? He has already reached this point today. Even if his end is very painful, what can we do?

Anyway, now there is no choice for him to choose from, now he can only leave to fate. Now that he has failed to force the palace, then he has to take the winner as the king and the loser as the enemy!

Since he is the one who failed, at this time, no matter whether the emperor or Ye Wuqian wants to punish him like this, he can only accept it!

At this time, the second prince was really sad. He saw that his confidant was also standing on the side of Ye Wuqian. He was really sad. He always thought that his confidant was very good to him.

He has always been his confidant, will not change his heart to him, loyal to him, but now he saw his confidant at ye Wumian's side, he really did not know what words to describe his current mood.

He really didn't know how to describe what he wanted to say, and his confidant had nothing to say when he saw the second prince like this.

Because his best plan for himself is to force the second prince to the palace and tell Ye Wuqian all his plans.

In fact, the second prince's confidant had already defected, but the second prince did not know it, but he thought that his confidant had been thinking about him all the time.

In fact, ye Wuque had already got the news this time. If it had not been for ye Wuque who had already received the news, how could he not have been caught so quickly.

All of this is due to the second prince's confidant, but ye Wumian doesn't like the second prince's confidant, because he thinks that the second prince's confidant is a seller seeking honor.

He won't reuse the second prince's confidant at all! This time the second prince forced the palace, they were able to get the news so smoothly, of course, to thank the second prince's confidants.

But he didn't like the second prince's confidant for this reason, because he thought that the second prince's confidant was too insidious.

If he put the second prince's confidant in great importance, and then the second prince's confidant told the second prince all his affairs, it was simply not worth the loss!

So even if the second prince's confidant stands by his side, ye Wuqian will never believe the second prince's confidant.

Second prince, he looked at his confidant standing beside ye Wumian. He really didn't know how to say it!

He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. The second prince's confidant said to the second prince, "I'm sorry, but I have to. After all, the water flows to the lower place, and people go to the higher place.

Since I have already known that you will fail, since I know that you will never succeed in forcing the palace, why should I follow you to die?

Therefore, I have already told ye Wuqian about this strategy and asked Ye Wuqian to make these countermeasures earlier. I am really sorry to you.

But you can't blame me. If it wasn't for your dreams, you wouldn't have come to this end.

I think you should now well to plead with the emperor, implore Ye Wuqian to exempt you, otherwise your fate will be very miserable!

I work under Ye Wuque's flag now, but in fact, I love you more. If you can admit your mistake now and kneel down to admit your mistake to the emperor, they will not investigate your responsibility.

Even if you really can't be a prince, even if you become a civilian, at least you still have a way to live. Otherwise, if you insist on doing it, there will be some bad things.

I suggest that you still think about these things. Although I really don't want to see you get any punishment, things have already happened. Even if you don't want to do them, you have to do them. " When the second prince heard his confidant say this, he felt that his confidant said these words were very false. Why did he think his confidant became this way?

Clearly, he was so good to his confidants, why his confidants want to do this now, why his confidants want to betray him, clearly these situations and these strategies are all thought out by his confidants.

But his confidant actually betrayed him for his own life, for his own life, for his own glory and wealth, he could betray him!Now the second prince can't stand him. He thinks that he can understand the failure of the imperial palace. What he can accept is that his confidant actually betrays him.

It turned out that the person he believed most was the one who hurt him the most. The second prince felt very sad. He didn't know how to describe his feelings.

The second prince's confidant saw the second prince like this. Although he felt uncomfortable in his heart, he still pretended to be a light hearted man on the surface.

Since he has chosen to follow Ye Wuwei's side, he will not have any ideas about the second prince, and will not do anything as the second prince.

Anyway, he wants to consider his own future and his own future. How could he put all his life in the second prince? The second prince is not a suitable person to be emperor at all.

The second prince's confidants have always felt that the second prince is not a suitable person to be emperor at all, because his ambition is too big!

The second prince is a man with ambition, but he has no ability at all. If he is capable of being a good emperor, then he will go.

But the second prince did not have the ability to be emperor, nor any talent. He was simply attracted by the power and desire.

He didn't know what to do when he was emperor, and he didn't know what he should do after he became emperor.

He just blindly felt that being emperor was a good thing. He just felt that as long as he could be emperor, he would say that he was the master of Shengxuan kingdom.

Then he can do whatever he wants to do, but he has no idea that in doing these things, he still has to pay the price he wants him to pay.

How can anyone get something for nothing? Even if the emperor is the most precious person, but he must also pay their own efforts.

He must do well in dealing with state affairs, whether it's big or small, he has to deal with it well, but now the second prince doesn't think so at all.

Second prince, he really thought that as long as he ascended the throne, everything could be solved. He thought that it would be so easy to ascend the throne. Therefore, his confidants never thought that the second prince was a suitable person to be emperor.

He never thought that the second prince could be regarded as an emperor. The reason why he came to Ye Wuqian's side and worked for ye Wuqian was not because he didn't have any confidence in the second prince!

If he had confidence in the second prince, he would not have chosen this! All this is due to the second prince himself. If it was not because the second prince himself was not striving for success, how could he have chosen to do it like this!

So it's all because of what the second prince did. Of course, he didn't know that his confidants thought of him like this.

So when his second prince's confidant saw that the second prince was still like this, he really felt very angry.

Because he felt that he had never seen such a brazen person as the second prince, because he felt that the second prince should not fight for the throne at all.

Even if the second prince is indeed ye Wuqian's elder brother. But the second prince does not have the ability to govern the country. Why should he do those things?

Therefore, it is impossible for the second prince to become emperor no matter what. How can the second prince's confidants support a person who has no hope at all!

The second prince's confidant has always been a man of self-knowledge. He thinks that if the second prince doesn't become emperor, he will never waste his time and energy on the second prince!

Now, no matter how the second prince treats him, even if the second prince looks at him with vicious eyes, he doesn't care. Anyway, he thinks that he has no mistakes at all.

"Second prince, don't be stubborn. You should have thought about this for a long time. Do you think you have the ability to govern our holy Xuanguo?

You don't have any talents to govern the country. If you insist on ascend the throne like this, you will suffer from yourself and the common people in the world. You should think about the people in the world.

Don't do such things because of our own power. Do you know that because we want to do these things, we must think about the people in the world. We can't decide those decisions because of our own power. "

The second prince's confidant, he really wants to comfort the second prince. He hopes that the second prince can know how to do all this.

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