He hoped that the second prince could know that he should not do some things, but when he heard his confidant, he only felt that his confidant was deliberately targeting him and saying these words on purpose.

He felt that his confidant was no longer the original one. Since his heart had been subordinated to Ye Wuwei, he would definitely not speak for him now!

Therefore, at this time, the second prince would not listen to the words of his confidant at all, and he would not feel that the second prince's confidant was a good man.

He felt that his confidant did not think for him at all. He only wanted to speak like this in front of Ye Wuqian, and he wanted to do meritorious service in front of Ye Wuqian.

So now the second prince is very angry, but he has no way. After all, he has been defeated by his subordinates. Even if he wants to say those words more, he has no way and no reason to say it.

As his confidant said, of course, he also knew what his confidant said was right, but he was often unwilling to listen, that is, he was not willing to listen.

He has failed to force the palace, but what can he do? Even if he failed to force the palace, what could he do? Anyway, everything is because he didn't do it well, and everything is because he didn't arrange those things well.

He also knew that all of this must be because ye Wuxiang deliberately set a trap and set a trap to let him jump in. But even if he knew that it was these, what could he do?

After all, he has no way now, and he has no reason or excuse to do these things.

Now he only hopes that he can do those things well. He only hopes that he can be well here, but he also knows that this wish is even more difficult than going to heaven.

Since he has failed to force the palace and has no intention of repentance, how can ye Wuque and the emperor let him go? How could it make him feel better?

So at this time, the second prince also knew that his fate would not be very good. He also knew that he must be in danger, so he was too lazy to say those words at this time.

The second prince's confidant saw the second prince like this and knew that the second prince must have been very disappointed with himself now, but what could he do?

Even if he knew that the second prince was disappointed with himself, he had no way to do it, and he had nothing to say.

After all, he also knew that it was indeed his fault in this respect. Even if the water flowed to the lower part and people moved to the higher place, since he had decided to work beside the second prince, he betrayed again. Anyone who thought he was would feel very sad.

But what can be done? After all, he didn't want to do such a thing. If it wasn't for the second prince's self-sufficiency, how could he have done so many things?

If the second son of the emperor does everything like that, how can he blame himself!

Therefore, although the second prince's confidant said that there would be a little guilt in his heart, the feeling of guilt would not last for long. Anyway, he felt that all this was due to the second prince's own choice.

If it was not for the second prince that he made such a choice, how could those things happen! So no matter what, he is too lazy to do other things. No matter what, he is too lazy to do those things.

"Do you really feel great about yourself? I tell you, although before I did take you as my confidant, although I really believe you said these words, but I now tell you is not worthy.

You don't deserve what I said to you. You don't deserve to be my confidant. I was blind before and took you as my own confidant and trusted you so much.

Now that you have been obedient to Ye Wuqian, don't talk to me. I hate you. I hate you. People like you. What do you think you will end up with?

I tell you that you will have a failure like me. Do you think that a informer like you, like you, who is unfaithful to his master, will be able to reuse you when ye Wuqian is there!

It's impossible. Since you have done something to betray your master once, you will certainly do it again. Ye Wuqian is not a fool. How could he reuse you!

Do you think your choice is good! I tell you, all these are your own choice, I now forced palace failure is of course very ridiculous, but also very poor.

But what about you? Do you think you have a good future? Tell you it's impossible. It's all because of your choice.

It's ok if you can go back to the shore, but now, you have no way to go back. Just like me, you have no way to go back. "

When the second prince's confidant heard the second prince say this, of course, he also knew that he had been betrayed once. Even if he bowed to Ye Wuxiang now, he would never put him back.But what? At least he saved his life! So now, even if he already knows what his consequences will be, he is too lazy to do those things.

Even if he can't be reused, so what? At least on the surface, he would have a better life, and he asked him to do those things again.

Anyway, he felt that he should be able to bear the pain, even if he could not be reused, so what, anyway, at least he already knew what he wanted.

Although it is a very bad thing that he betrayed the second prince before, what can we do? After all, he is also for his own sake, after all, he is also for his own good.

If he doesn't think about himself, then he must be unlucky. Now he is too lazy to do those things. Anyway, he knows what the second prince said.

He also knew that the second prince said the consequences, he had already thought of, but now there is no way back to go.

There is no room for him to go back. He can only go step by step now, even if he can't be reused, so what.

At least he can keep his own life, and then return home to his own home! As for the official affairs, if you don't do the things on the map, you can't do them. Anyway, he doesn't have much interest.

"Second prince, I have already understood the consequences you mentioned. I already knew that I would have such consequences, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't care about these things and official career.

Even if I can't reuse it, so what? Anyway, I can go back to my hometown and farm and become a farmer. Anyway, these things have nothing to do with me now.

Since I have failed once, I certainly will not let myself fail again, although the second prince is very grateful to you for your cultivation and love for me.

I used to be very happy when I was working for you, but now I have gone this no return road, I have no way to go back.

It doesn't matter if ye Wuqian doesn't reuse me. At least I have saved my own life. Now I advise you to be able to recognize the current affairs as a hero like me.

Be able to keep your own life! If you can admit your mistake to the emperor and ye Wuqian, the emperor and ye Wuqian will never embarrass you and will definitely save your life. So you'd better say these words with them. "

The second prince's confidant did not like the second prince, but now he also hoped that the second prince could be safe, so now he would say such words to the second prince.

I hope that the second prince can quickly and ye Wuque, quickly and the emperor admit the mistake, and then get ye Wuque and the emperor's forgiveness, at least can keep his life ah!

Now the second prince's confidants also know that these mistakes made by the second prince are really very big, but forcing the palace can be big or small. Moreover, the second prince wants to kill the emperor, which is really a very big crime.

So the second prince's confidant also hopes that the second prince can be exonerated. Even if he can't be the emperor or the prince, at least he is also a prince.

Even if he is really demoted as a civilian, at least he is different from others. The second prince's confidant is still thinking about the second prince, but the second prince doesn't think so.

The second prince was his confidant, but he just said it on purpose. He felt that his confidant was actually such a person.

He felt that his confidant was just thinking for himself. Maybe his confidant had promised ye Wumian, and then he would be persuaded.

His confidant would persuade the second prince in this way. The second prince felt that he would not be cheated. No matter what his confidant was doing, he would never trust his confidant again.

Before that, he believed too much in his confidants, so he said that he did. Even his confidants told him that the idea of forcing the palace was put forward by his followers.

Now he can't help but think that this matter is not a bureau set by his confidant, or a trap set by Ye Wuqian!

Perhaps Ye Wuqian deliberately set up a bureau, deliberately let his confidants to let him force the palace, then all these things are really very strange.

So at this time, the second prince really felt that he was really lost. He had already lost. He had already lost completely.

In fact, ye Wuqian has already penetrated into all his rights. He thought he was great, but in fact, ye Wuque was even more powerful.

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