"Silly girl, since all call my grandfather, why do you thank you again?" Hearing Tan smile unexpectedly and said thanks to himself, the old man smiled faintly, smile can not say the refreshing, perhaps he really long did not have such a happy!

Once again, hearing the old man's kindly words, Tan Xiaoxiao has been moved to know what to say, but nodded with force!

"Boy, now you are satisfied!" See things have been all handled down, the old head turned around, extended the old right hand, patted the leaves Xiao shoulder!

Seeing that the old man made such intimate action to Ye Xiao, the people were shocked once again. At this moment, they once again realized Ye Xiao's position in the old man's mind. They should know that, except for tanguozheng, who had already been ill, no one else had enjoyed such treatment in the presence. However, Tan Guozheng, the former head's relative guard, accompanied the old leader for several times decade!

"Chief, if I am not satisfied with this, I am not satisfied!" Ye Xiao smiled bitterly, and he didn't expect the old leader to do this for him!

"Contented people are always happy. I have said that we will not treat any hero to the detriment. You have done so much for the country, and the state will never give you any grievance. All of these are what you should get!" The old chief said it, but this sentence fully affirmed Ye Xiao's actions, the hero of the country, worthy of it!

"Thank you, old leader!" Ye Xiao no longer said anything, but suddenly upright, straight toward the old head long march a military ceremony!

"Ha ha ha, but heroes have been difficult to kill beauty since ancient times, boy, you do it yourself!" The old chief laughed, and even patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder, then looked at Tan and ouyangqianqian, and turned to the direction when he came!

Only a face of astonishment of the people, no one thought, the old head will say such a word, especially Ouyang Qianqian, when the old head looked at her, she found that all the ideas in her heart were seen through by the old man, did he know what?

When looking at Ye Xiao again, it is also an embarrassment to find Ye Xiao. It is not only Ye Xiao, but also an embarrassment of the face even tan Xiaoxiao who has come back to God. It seems that he has realized something!

"Smile, ye Xiao, Congratulations!" Although the heart is stinging, but see the guilt in the eyes of the two people, ouyangqianqian can not afford to hate a little, now said a sentence to the two people, turned around and ran in the other direction, she was afraid to stay here, she would not bear crying!

"Ye Xiao, I'll see Qianqian!" Seeing Ouyang Qianqian suddenly leave, Tan Xiaoxiao also realized that this incident has greatly hit Ouyang Qianqian. She said a word to Ye Xiao, and then chased Ouyang Qianqian. She felt she had to speak clearly with ouyangqianqian!

Yuebuxiu, the upper official falls into the water, is naturally behind the old head, and Lin Xiuyuan, although dissatisfied with his heart, can not say anything at this time, still a smile with the old head of the side, ready to send off!

But others saw this wedding become this way, even the bride ran, naturally not to stay here, and then they got up and said goodbye, followed the old head behind the outside, but dragon emperor did not go, but came to Ye Xiao's, a hand with Ye Xiao shoulder, just like brothers like joking: "not to chase up?"

Ye Xiaoyi face of the bitter smile, now this situation to chase up to do? Just let the two of them say it clearly!

"The chief just sent you a word. Since ancient times, heroes have been unable to eliminate beauty. I have given you a word now!"

"What's that?" Ye Xiaolai spirit, Dragon Emperor as the strongest dragon, his words may let their Kung Fu greatly advance!

"Flowers can be folded straight, do not wait for flowers to break branches, boy, so many beautiful women like it, but don't always be a wood, ha ha ha ha..." Dragon Emperor finished this sentence, turned straight to go, leaving a face of astonishment Ye Xiao, this is his own words? He said he was a wood?

Yes, is this called purity, OK? Besides, the emotional things have not been straightened out. How can we break flowers?

Just when ye Xiao wanted to refute a few words, Bai Qifei had come up, of course, he was not looking for him, but looking for emperor long!

"The elder of the Dragon Emperor..." White worry fly from small arrogance, never as excited as now, almost run over with the butt!

"Well?" Dragon Emperor stopped his steps, some curious looking to white sorrow fly!

"I Can I join the dragon race? " Bai Qifei was stuttered, but he still said his thoughts. Although he also knew that his request was too much, the Dragon nationality, it was the most elite special force in China and the most mysterious department. How could I say to join it? He had to pass many examinations and reviews before, but he can't care so much now!

"The son of Bai Zhan?" Dragon Emperor did not immediately answer white sorrow fly, instead asked a sentence!

"Well!" Bai Chou Fei nodded, and saw that emperor Longdi knew his father's name. He was excited in his heart. He had to know that his father died early. Now many people in Kyoto have forgotten it!

Dragon Emperor did not speak, but eyes to see white sorrow fly, then suddenly clenched right fist, from top to bottom towards white sorrow fly hit past!Bai choufei was frightened. He never thought that the Dragon Emperor would attack him. What's more, he didn't think that the top-down blow of the Dragon Emperor would be so terrible. The feeling was like a mountain suspended in the air, then lost its gravity and fell down. Under such pressure, he was as small as an ant!

However, Bai choufei did not have any fear. Instead, he inspired his whole body's potential under the pressure. His body instinctively made a response, raised his hands and tried his best to block the fist of the Dragon Emperor!

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the Dragon Emperor's fist hit Bai choufei's arms crossed. The huge force forced Bai choufei's body to fall. But he steadied his body and didn't let it fall down. However, the huge force still forced him to bend his knee and kneel on the ground, but he still resisted the blow of the Dragon Emperor!

"Here you are!" The Dragon Emperor did not attack again, but stretched out his hand and took out an iron card from his pocket and threw it directly to Bai choufei!

Bai Chou Fei catches it and looks at the black iron card. What is this? But also in the question, found that the Dragon Emperor has turned away, people are more than 10 meters away, see such a scene, Bai choufei deeply understand, the strength of the Dragon Emperor has reached what kind of state?

Even if it was a blow just now, it definitely retained its strength. Is this the strength of the first dragon?

"What are you doing Seeing Bai Chou Fei's confused face, ye Xiao stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile!

"What does he mean by that?" Bai Chou Fei asked in some perplexity!

"This is the token of the dragon clan. What do you mean by it?" Ye Xiao joked!

"You mean..." When he heard Ye Xiao say this, Bai choufei's face was unbelievable. He just said it instinctively, but he didn't expect

"Yes, from now on, you are an official member of the dragon clan!" Ye Xiao nods with force, affirming Bai Chou Fei's guess!

"Is that all? No more assessment? " Although already knew this result, but Bai choufei still some incredible, this is too sudden?

"You have passed the examination!" Ye Xiao murmured a sentence, and Bai Chou Fei is also a burst of sudden, is that a blow just now is the assessment?

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