After confirming that she has been formally recruited into the dragon clan, Bai choufei is extremely excited. However, ye Xiao, who successfully broke up the marriage, is not as excited as she imagined. On the contrary, she is bitter on her face. Although Tan Xiaoxiao is prevented from marrying Lin Qingqing this time, Ouyang Qianqian is also sad. When she thinks of the persistent girl, she feels more guilty and says goodbye Bai Chou Fei and ye Xiao follow their footprints and walk out of the square and into the back garden of the hotel. Originally, he thought that Tan Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Qianqian would make a lot of trouble, but when he saw them, he found that they were sitting on the chair hand in hand with smiles on their faces. That kind of feeling was like a pair of sisters. Where was there a little estrangement?

Can't you? Smile so eloquent? So short a time to do through Ouyang Qianqian's ideological work? Or what kind of agreement did they reach? You don't want your children to work together, do you? Ye Xiao heart YY thought, has not gone forward, Ouyang Qianqian has found him!

"Ya, here comes Ye Xiao!" Ouyang Qianqian exclaimed, and then took Tan Xiaoxiao's hand and walked towards Ye Xiao. Her face was covered with smiles, and the smile was natural, without any affectation. Such a scene made Ye Xiao puzzled, saying that women's heart, sea needle, he really did not understand women!

"Ye Xiao, do you remember what you said when we first met?" Ouyang Qianqian big square pull Tan Xiaoxiao to come to Ye Xiao, the corner of the mouth emerged two big dimples, smile is very charming!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded, remembering that he had told her to be engaged to someone else, but he didn't understand how Ouyang Qianqian suddenly mentioned this!

"I now know that you have been smiling in your heart since then. After so much experience, there is no obstacle between you two. You should treat smile well in the future." Ouyang Qianqian said with a smile on her face, but I don't know why, whether it's Ye Xiao or tan Xiaoxiao, they all feel sour in their hearts!

"Don't worry, I will!" Ye Xiao some dry nod, like in Ouyang Qianqian guarantee, but also to tan smile guarantee!

"Well, I believe you. Now I'll give you the smile. If she's been wronged a little, I'll ask you about it!" Ouyang Qianqian said, has put the hand of Tan Xiaoxiao to Ye Xiao's hand!

"Well!" Ye Xiao doesn't know what to say, but nods hard!

"You must have a lot to say, and I won't disturb you. Finally, I wish you happiness!" Ouyang Qianqian smile, trying to make themselves look very happy, very happy!

"Thank you, Qian Qian!" However, seeing Ouyang Qianqian's smile that is even worse than crying, smile or Ye Xiao, I can't say what I feel in my heart. Especially Ye Xiao, my heart is full of guilt, and there is deep love among the guilt. If it wasn't because she couldn't disclose her identity at will, if it wasn't because she didn't tell her background, Tan would not have done it Out of such a choice, now two people have come together, but Ouyang Qianqian to their own feelings?

If she and Tan Xiaoxiao were a little bit more clear, she would not fall into so deep!

"Ha ha, we are friends. What are we doing so politely? OK, you talk. I'll go first!" Ouyang Qianqian once again bloomed a brilliant smile, and then did not wait for the two people to talk, had turned and ran towards the direction when they came. Just as she turned around, the tears that had been hidden in her eyes could no longer help but gush out like a fountain, in order not to let Ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao find that she ran faster, more urgent, and had never returned!

The cold wind blowing, blowing her hair, exposed the pure face, tears also with the cold wind, and her thin back, in the cold wind is so lonely and lost!

Their good sisters finally found their own happiness, and what about themselves? But they are more and more far away from their own happiness, this is their own life?

Sometimes there must be something in your life. Don't insist on it. It doesn't belong to you. Even if you hold on to it all the time, what can you do? Besides letting go, what else can I do?

However, I really don't want to let go, I really love you very much, ye Xiao, do you know?

You know what?

Tears, blurred eyes, from the cheek slowly flow down, wet the collar, let this cold winter more cold!

Looking at Ouyang Qianqian's back, Tan Xiaoxiao only feels that she is a heinous villain. Just now she wanted to explain to Ouyang Qianqian, but when she came here, Ouyang Qianqian had already adjusted her mood. Instead, she constantly comforted herself that she was OK. What's more, she told herself to be good in the future and not to do things that she didn't like Well, to live for themselves, to become the tan smile that does not bow to any reality, but what about herself?

If it was not for her indecision, how could she have been like this? At the beginning, I let her go after ye Xiao. Instead of stopping her, she supported her. But now, what have you done?

Ye Xiao is also silently looking at Ouyang Qianqian's back, looking at that shivering figure in the cold wind. He suddenly has an impulse, an impulse to rush up and hold her tightly in his arms. In his mind, he unconsciously thinks of this. He has been quietly concerned about himself since these days. He has delivered breakfast for himself every morning and is waiting for his lunch every day girl!Thinking of the scarf she knitted for herself, the gloves she gave herself, and the little things she had done to herself, ye Xiao felt that she felt so miserable in her heart. When did this unknown woman have such an important position in her heart?

Looking back at Tan Xiaoxiao, she saw the guilt in her eyes. Suddenly, ye Xiao was at a loss. Is this what you want? Is this the result of your persistence? Is this what you can get in the end? Is this really what you want?

For a long time, he felt that he wanted to take back Tan Xiaoxiao, and his mind was always on Tan Xiaoxiao. But until this moment, he was shocked to find that things were not really like this. Now he can get together with Tan Xiaoxiao, but he does not have the happiness in his imagination!

Yes, when he saw Ouyang Qianqian's lonely back disappearing, he felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something most important!

Even this kind of feeling is stronger than knowing that Tan Xiaoxiao is getting married. Does it mean that unconsciously, she has surpassed Tan Xiaoxiao in her own heart? At the thought of this possibility, ye Xiao's heart is a burst of fear, can you say that his persistence has been wrong?

"Ye Xiao, would you like to accompany her At this time, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly opened her mouth to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao suddenly turned her head and looked at Tan Xiaoxiao. She found that her eyes were full of tears. A drop of tears was slowly sliding down the corner of her eyes, and her eyes were full of sadness!

"Good!" Ye Xiao did not have any hesitation, directly turned around and ran towards Ouyang Qianqian. He really wanted to be with her!

However, when ye Xiao ran out of the garden and saw Ouyang Qianqian's back again, he suddenly stopped his pace. His eyes were filled with amazement

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