Ye Xiao originally thought Ouyang Qianqian would be very sad, but when he walked out of the garden, he found Ouyang Qianqian was in a silver blue Maserati accompanied by a man. The man he had seen before was Li Mengqi who had been playing with shangguanfei and was also the son of the Li family. How could Ouyang Qianqian be with him?

Ye Xiao wants to go up and hold Ouyang Qianqian, but she doesn't know what kind of identity to pull her? Do you think you have her in your heart? But really said, Tan Xiaoxiao how to do? When ye Xiao hesitates, Ouyang Qianqian has already got into the blue Maserati, while Li Mengqi is in the driver's seat, just looking up at Ye Xiao!

He nods to Ye Xiao as a greeting. Li Mengqi gets into the Maserati, and then he sees the silver blue Maserati turning into a blue shadow. He goes away quickly and disappears in front of his eyes!

With a sigh, ye Xiao had to walk back

The silver Maserati ran out of the sodemon Hotel and headed for the city. On the car, Li Mengqi drove in silence, Ouyang Qianqian sat in the car, keeping absolute silence. Until downtown, Ouyang Qianqian suddenly said, "just get off there!"

Li Mengqi didn't say much. He parked the car on the side of the road and opened the door!

"Thank you for sending me out!" Ouyang Qianqian pushed the door open and turned to Li Mengqi!

"You're welcome Li Mengqi shook his head, indicating that he didn't care!

Ouyang Qianqian doesn't say anything more. She and Li Mengqi were just acquaintances. Now she doesn't want to talk much. She pushes the door open and leaves!

Just as she was about to get off the bus, Li Mengqi said again: "Ye Xiao is a good supporter, but he is not the only one to rely on in Kyoto."

When hearing Ye Xiao, Ouyang Qianqian's body trembled slightly, and then she saw Li Mengqi's brilliant smile!

Maybe Li Mengqi doesn't have the serenity of Lin, the madness of Bai Chou, the flying of Shangguan and the loneliness of Ye Xiao. However, when he laughs at this moment, he is charming enough. However, Ouyang Qianqian doesn't feel any heartbeat. She just says "thank you" again, then turns away and disappears in the crowd!

Looking at Ouyang Qianqian's beautiful back, the smile on Li Mengqi's face gradually disappeared, and finally gradually replaced by cold!

Yue Ziqiu died, Lin heartless was Ye Xiao ruthlessly stripped a face, he will give up on this? I didn't expect Ye Xiao to be a member of the dragon clan. Even the old chief executive came forward for him. At the beginning, he really looked down on him. But with his appearance, Kyoto should be very lively, right? Would it be fun to let him stay in Kyoto for a little longer? It's just a pity that they don't agree!

At the thought of this, Li Mengqi sighed softly, and then started the silver blue Maserati and left! Jinling garden is the place where the old chief executive lives. The old chief executive who just came back from soderom hotel sits quietly in his study on the second floor. The decoration of the study is very simple. The bookcase is the kind of Mahogany Bookcase in the 1950s and 1960s. Nowadays, the paint in many places has faded, and some places are damaged. Most of the books on it are damaged, all of them are old books At the age of more than 100 years old, the senior leaders also like to read these books!

In addition to this bookcase full of old books, there is only a desk and an old wooden chair. Besides, there is no other furniture. It is hard to imagine that the owner of this study is the most powerful old man in China!

In addition to the old man's orderly will come in to clean up, there is no one else in the study. Therefore, there is only one wooden chair in the study. Considering the old chief's age, the wooden chair is padded with cushions. At this time, the old chief is sitting on the cushioned wooden chair, staring at the wall in front of him. On the wall, there is a huge black and white photo There are more than ten people in the picture. If everyone is still alive, they will be able to shake China by stamping their feet. But now, except for the old people, all the others have gone to another world!

"Missing your comrade in arms again?" At this time, the study suddenly sounded a burst of fresh sound, but the old man did not have the slightest surprise, and such a sound did not disturb the security guards outside!

"Well, when you are old, you will inevitably be sentimental." The old chief officer murmured a sigh, and then gradually took his eyes back. He saw a man step by step out of the shadow. It turned out to be the Dragon Emperor!

"There is only one chair here. If you want to sit, you can sit anywhere." See do not know from where to drill into the Dragon Emperor, the old chief executive light said!

The emperor was so rude that he went directly to the old chief's desk and sat down on the desk with a slight jump. Then he took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to the old chief executive!

"You are so old, or this temperament, when can you really take heart?" Seeing that the emperor of the dragon was so casual, the old chief didn't even get angry. Instead, he said with a smile!"Shit, the world says that a man's thirty is a flower. I'm just over the age of a flower. Now it's time to be in full bloom. Where is my age?" The emperor turned his eyes impolitely. Then he did not know where to find an ashtray and a lighter. He lit a cigarette for himself, and then threw the lighter to the old leader. This picture is not up and down, which is completely different from that in front of people. If people see such a scene, I don't know what it will be like to be surprised?

However, what will make people feel more surprised is that the old chief did not care at all. Instead, he grabbed the lighter, lit his cigarette himself, and then took a breath of freehand smoke!

"Well, fortunately you won't kill me, or with your skill, I may not know how many times I have died!" It's very comfortable to smoke a cigarette, the old chief this just murmured!

Obviously, he is telling that the Dragon Emperor came here without being discovered by others!

"Of course, they can't do it by themselves! Besides, with your skill, as long as you don't want to die, who can kill you? " The emperor of the Dragon once again rolled his eyes and smoked a mouthful of cigarettes. He seemed to be smoking faster than the old chief executive!

"My God!" The old chief officer once again vomited out a cigarette ring with two words, two simple words, but the Dragon Emperor who heard these two words suddenly fell silent!

Yes, the old chief is right. No matter what strength, status and identity of a person, he will eventually die. No one can escape the end of death!

Life, old age and death are human nature. No one can be an exception. The old man has lived for more than 100 years. Rao is powerful and highly cultivated, but he will eventually die!

And over the years, his body has become worse and worse. The Dragon Emperor knows that maybe his days in this world are really not many!

"Come on, what are you doing here in the daytime? Don't tell me you're just asking me to have a cigarette? " Seeing the silence of the Dragon Emperor, the old chief officer took the lead to say!

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