"Why change the plan?" Long Di asked directly. The plan he said was naturally about the task Ye Xiao participated in. Now that ye Xiao's identity has been exposed, it seems impossible to continue the previous plan!

"Don't you think we owe him too much?" The old chief executive did not directly answer the question of the Dragon Emperor, but asked a question in reverse. What he said naturally meant Ye Xiao!

"As a member of the dragon clan, what is this injustice?" The emperor of the Dragon shook his head. In his opinion, since he became a member of the dragon clan, this humiliation is nothing at all!

"Have you forgotten the enchanting thing?" Who would have expected that the old chief was a soft voice!

No matter what the beauty of her body and her mind is, the beauty of her body is second to that of her own!

The little girl in the heart of Goudi was a kind-hearted girl, and the little girl in her heart was a little girl's heart!

"Ha ha, ye Xiao certainly won't be the same as her, but enchanting, after all, she met Ye Xiao at the beginning. Even if ye Xiao's identity is not disclosed, it is estimated that some people have noticed him! In that case, it is better to disclose his identity simply! " Seeing the Dragon Emperor choose silence again, the old man smiles again, the smile is very kind, unspeakable kindness! However, there is a cunning in the intimacy, which seems to be brewing something!

The Dragon Emperor did not speak, but looked at the old chief in silence for more than a minute. Then two words came out of his mouth: "old fox!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The old chief doesn't care, and the whole person laughs!

When the old chief executive and the emperor long discussed Ye Xiao in private, a silver blue Maserati stopped at the gate of the Millennium Hotel in Kyoto. The doorman respectfully ran forward to open the door for him. Then he saw Li Mengqi in a suit coming out of the car and handed the car key to the doorman. Li Mengqi stepped into the hotel and went straight up After arriving at the 33rd floor, he finally came to a room and knocked on the door. Soon, the door of the room opened. A man in Japanese samurai uniform opened the door. Li Mengqi nodded to him and walked into the room directly!

This is a presidential suite, but it is in Japanese style. Even the furnishings in the room are all decorated with Japanese noble families. In addition to the man who opens the door, at the end of the hall, a woman in kimono is kneeling on the cushion. In front of her is an eastern style tea table with a pot of tea and two tea cups on it!

Li Mengqi is not polite. He just walks over and sits on the cushion. He is not Japanese. He doesn't like to sit on his knees!

And the man who opened the door also went to the side of the cushion on his knees, not to go forward!

"Mr. Li, please!" The woman in kimono doesn't care. Li Mengqi just sits on the cushion, picks up the teapot, pours a cup of tea for Li Mengqi and makes a gesture of empty invitation!

Li Mengqi took the tea cup, but did not drink it immediately. Instead, he looked up and down at the kimono woman, without concealing his greed in his eyes. This is a woman who can enchant people. If it is not for the sake of the identity of the other party, Li Mengqi really wants to press it on the bed by any means. However, when he thinks of the other party's terrible skills, he dare not give practical action, but It's always good to have an eye addiction now!

After watching it for more than a minute, Li Mengqi took up the tea cup and finished it in one mouthful!

"Li is lucky to be able to drink the tea made by Songdao maple, the descendant of Gongben." Put the cup on the tea table, Li Mengqi laughed!

From the beginning to the end, the woman sitting in front of him, that is, maple Matsushima, was not impatient. He even allowed Li Mengqi to look at his body wantonly. Only after Li Mengqi spoke, did he slightly open his mouth: "Mr. Li is so praised!"

Such a short sentence, like the sound of nature, rings in Li Mengqi's ears!

"Ha ha ha, where, where, I'm just telling the truth!" Li Mengqi laughs straight, but he doesn't say the purpose of his coming this time. His eyes are still on Maple Matsushima!

"I don't know what happened to what we asked Mr. Li to do?" Maple Matsushima can keep calm, Abe banzang can't help but say!

This son of a bitch, when he comes, stares at his elder martial sister constantly. Who does he think he is? If he didn't have an amazing identity, he really wanted to kill him with a knife. Such a moth who only knew how to eat the older generation would dare to fight his elder martial sister's idea. He just didn't know how to die!

"Ha ha, it's just a small matter, of course, there's no problem, but before that, I need to ask you to help me kill a man!" Although Li Mengqi is talking to Abe banzang, he doesn't look at him. He just stares at Maple Matsushima.

"Who?" This time, the question is maple Matsushima!

"He Li Mengqi took out a picture from his pocket and put it on the coffee table. He said faintly!Abe banzang on one side also moved his body and looked at the photo on the tea table with a strange look on his face. Even Maple Matsushima's face also had a trace of surprise!

"What? afraid to? Or not? " Seeing that neither of them spoke, Li Mengqi sneered!

"Good!" Without waiting for Li Mengqi to continue to say the following, Abe banzang on one side has already promised to come down, but Matsushima's eyebrows are wrinkled, but he does not stop his younger brother!

"Ha ha, then I'll wait for the good news from you. When the man dies, I will arrange for you to fight him fairly!" Li Mengqi laughs, people have stood up from the cushion!

Maple Matsushima didn't get up, just staring at the photo on the tea table. Abe banzang had already stood up and said coldly to Li Mengqi, "you'd better keep your promise then, or I don't mind if there's another ghost on my sword!"

"Ha ha ha..." Li Mengqi doesn't answer, but just laughs. Then he turns around and walks out of the room. He doesn't even take a look at Abe!

"Elder martial sister, why do you want us to kill this man?" Abe banzang doesn't care. Li Mengqi doesn't pay any attention to him. When Li Mengqi leaves, Abe banzang has already come to maple son Matsushima and asks!

"These should be struggles among politicians. Chinese people, don't they always like to fight?" Maple Matsushima murmured a sigh, but he had already got up and walked towards the inner room. This kind of killing is naturally done by Abe banzang!

Seeing that his elder martial sister didn't give any special instructions, Abe banzang put the photo away and took a look at the address written on the photo, and there was a flash of fierce light in his eyes!

After leaving the room, Li Mengqi did not leave immediately. Instead, he took the elevator to the 36th floor. Then he went to the door of a special room. He took out a golden room card and inserted it directly into the slot!

"Clang..." With a sound, the door of the room opened, and Li Mengqi pushed the door directly into the room!

At this time, there is only a woman in the black dress who is lying on the sofa

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