If the existence of maple Matsushima makes Li Mengqi have an impulse, then the woman in front of him can absolutely suffocate him!

At this time, the woman is so half lying on the sofa, her expression is lazy and her eyes are blurred. In addition, her nightdress is hanging down, and her thin white legs are slightly bent, which makes her indescribable. Li Mengqi only takes a look at it, but he doesn't dare to look any more. For nothing else, he is afraid that he can't help doing some impulsive things. This is a life-threatening one Women, or goblins!

What's more depressing is that Li Mengqi knows that the woman in front of him is definitely not a woman he can touch. He can still have an idea for Matsushima maple, but for this woman, he dare not even have ideas. Even if he has, he can only hide in the deepest part of his heart!

"Miss, it's done! They have promised to do it! " Li Mengqi didn't sit down. He didn't dare to do it without a woman's command. He just stood in front of him respectfully!

The woman didn't speak, but just waved lazily. Li Mengqi didn't dare to say anything more. He turned respectfully and walked out!

After Li Mengqi has left the private room completely, a woman in a professional suit comes out of the inner room and looks at the direction of Li Mengqi's departure. Her eyes are full of resentment. This man is actually Li Yuan, who had calculated Ye Xiao together with Yuan Shijie!

Li Yuan is not bad, but compared with the women on the sofa, she feels like clouds in the sky and mud on the ground. However, she has no sense of inferiority on her face. Instead, she looks at the woman in her nightdress!

"Why not just kill him? And do it to him? " Li Yuan suddenly opened her mouth and asked, puzzled and contradictory!

"Don't you hate him? If you kill him, you can take revenge for you. " The woman sitting on the sofa said lazily. Her voice was like the sounds of nature, soft and graceful. But she knew that what Li Yuan said was two people!

"You won't be so kind!" Who expected that Li Yuan didn't believe it at all, but denied the woman's words!

"Ha ha, it's good. You're right. I won't be so kind!" For Li Yuan's tone, women don't care!

"You don't kill him directly because you are not sure you can kill him, so you can only persecute him and persecute him! But if you don't do it early or late, it's only at this time that you want to cause chaos in Kyoto? " Seeing the woman's languid look, Li Yuan said her analysis directly!

"Ha ha, Li Yuan, you're really smart. I didn't mistake people. This is what I thought, but why didn't you think that? Kyoto is not chaotic, the Li family is the Li family. Even if they are not as good as before, it is not easy to destroy them! You should understand that! "

"I understand, but do you think those two Japanese can really kill him? You know, although he is not good at it, he is absolutely not lack of expert protection. Moreover, even if he is really killed, how can he be put to blame? " Li Yuan nodded and asked again!

"Well, I have my own way!" The woman in her nightdress smiles, but she doesn't say anything more, but she has closed her eyes slowly! In the twinkling of an eye, a few days later, the wedding event of soderomen Hotel caused a huge sensation in the upper circles of Kyoto, and ye Xiao's name was also known by all. Now, in the upper circles of Kyoto, almost no one does not know ye Xiao's name. It is estimated that he is the only one who can let the old chief executive present himself for him!

Under such circumstances, who can not pay attention to him? And those of the aristocratic family even regard him as prince charming in his mind, but there is one exception: Yang Susu, the daughter of Yang Ning, an economics professor at the University of business and economics!

Because of shangguanfei's relationship, Yang Su Su has long been recognized by the dandies in Kyoto. Coupled with her talent in racing, she has a certain prestige among a group of young men. Whenever there is news in the circle, her younger brothers and sisters will be informed of her for the first time!

This is not. These days, what she hears most is about what happened in soderomen hotel. When she learned that ye Xiao said in public that the daughter of the tan family was his woman, Yang Su Su Su's first thought was that she wanted to tear Ye Xiao into pieces!

"Ye Xiao, you son of a bitch, if you are really a flower radish, it's not enough to have my sister. You are shameless, you are mean, you are obscene! You son of a bitch In a high-end residential area in the southern city of Kyoto, Yang Su Su was lying on the bed wearing a sleeping skirt printed with a machine cat, holding a doll in his left hand and waving a small pink fist constantly in his right hand, beating the doll on him, obviously regarding the doll as ye Xiao!

After a fierce vent, Yang Su Su threw the doll directly onto the bed, which gave her a long gasp. Unconsciously, she remembered what she had seen in the coffee shop that day. When she saw Ye Xiao kissing other women, her first feeling was anger. She wanted to run up and scold Ye Xiao, but in the end, she acted like a ghost Turn to leave, finally heart unexpectedly a burst of sadness, and she also did not tell her sister, why not tell, even she did not know!Over the past few days, many people have been preaching how powerful Ye Xiao is. However, she thinks that this boy is so hateful that she can even cheat on other women and dare to rob others at their wedding ceremony. What is this? What position does this place my sister in?

This time, do you want to tell your sister? Today, the elder sister and the second elder sister are coming back. Do you want to tell them all?

Now the second elder sister is in Jinghai. As her sister, she naturally has the right to help her look after men. Ye Xiao's son of a bitch has two minds. If he helps him hide, isn't he too sorry for his sister?

But if he told his sister, in case his sister was angry and broke up with Ye Xiao, would he not be able to call him brother-in-law in the future? At the thought of this, Yang Su Su's heart is a tangle!

Forget it, don't tell your sister for the time being. Ask him about the situation first. Maybe under his persuasion, he will go astray? In this way, didn't he save a marriage?

Yes, that's settled. Maybe we can blackmail something from him?

With a decision in mind, Yang Su quickly jumped up from the bed. Unexpectedly, one accidentally stepped on the paw of another bear. One accidentally fell to the sky, revealing the white interior with the pattern of Winnie bear. Fortunately, there was no one in the room, so he didn't walk out. He got up depressed and kneaded his little ass and muttered Xiaozui, out of the room, into the bathroom to wash up, listen to my mother said that today, the second sister and the eldest sister will come back, ye Xiao that son of a bitch also want to come, he has to prepare early!

Be ready for interrogation!

Ye Xiao doesn't know that a man has been thinking about how to interrogate him. It's spring festival soon. Shao Bingyan, who is far away in Jinghai City, wants to return to Kyoto today. He also receives a phone call from Shao Bingqian, hoping that he can go to their home for a new year. He thinks that he has been to Kyoto for so long and hasn't been there yet. He feels guilty, too Early in the morning, ye Xiao did not wait for the two sisters to return, but drove in a BMW in the direction of their home

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