Yangning lives in a garden style multi-storey residential area, which is built by the Chinese government for those who have made outstanding contributions to the education system. The whole residential area is picturesque and covers an extremely wide area. Yang Ning's home is in an independent xiaobie garden closest to the community!

According to the address Yang Ning gave him, ye Xiao drove a BMW to the gate of another hospital. Yang Ning, who had received the news earlier, stood at the door with a smile on his face and opened the door for ye Xiao himself. This makes Ye Xiao feel flattered. If you don't talk about the relationship between you and Shao Bingqian, you can say that he is your tutor, so you don't have the reason to open the door for yourself!

He quickly opened the door, grabbed a lot of things he bought for the couple and jumped out of the BMW. He was really afraid that Yang Ning would run to open the door for him. That would really kill him!

"Why do you buy so many things when you come here?" Seeing ye Xiao twisting a lot of big bags and small bags, Yang Ning's face was full of smiles, which was a warm reception way!

"Hey, isn't this the final exam coming soon? I'm worried that my tutor will be sent to my department. Isn't this a gift first? " Ye Xiao laughs and says!

"Well, you boy, you have learned nothing well, so you should bribe the tutor first, which is not good!" Yang Xiaoning even laughed at herself!

"Ha ha, I can't help it. I've brought everything. I can't take it away any more." Ye Xiao, ha ha!

"Well, in that case, you can bring it in first. I'll see what you bribe me with!" Yang Ning ha ha straight music, already took Ye Xiao's hand to walk in!

Ye Xiao lets Yang Ning drag her into the room, and Yang's mother has already heard the news. She comes out of the kitchen with an apron on her body. Seeing ye Xiao holding a lot of things, she even laughs with her mouth closed. This child is sensible!

"Ye Xiao, if you come, why do you still buy so many things?" Mother Yang said polite words, eyes have been in a lot of things, look at those beautiful packaging boxes, these things should not be cheap?

"Ha ha, listen to Qian Qian Qian say that you have rheumatism. This is a hundred year old ginseng from Changbai Mountain. If you use it to stew chicken, it's good for rheumatism." Ye Xiao said, has taken out a long box from a lot of things and handed it over!

In the face of Yang's mother, ye Xiao is not as polite as that between Yang Ning. She has made such a big battle in Kyoto. I don't know whether Yang Mu knows it or not? Yang Ning may have known, but he told himself that it was nothing, but his mother was different. If she carried her daughter on her back and robbed someone else's bride, I don't know if she would tear herself directly!

"Centennial ginseng? Ah, isn't it very expensive? Xiaoye, isn't it a waste of money for you? " When she heard that it was a hundred year old ginseng from Changbai Mountain, her eyes brightened. She grabbed the box and looked at the old ginseng in the box. Her eyes were glistening. It was more than treating rheumatism. It was a cure for all kinds of diseases. Even if she didn't eat it and sold it, it would cost thousands or even tens of thousands?

"The boy bribed me as a tutor. Just take it. There's so much nonsense!" Seeing his wife's appearance in the market, Yang Ning frowned!

"Go, someone else's talented, where you still need to bribe you, OK, you talk first, I'm going to cook, Qianqian and Bingyan are estimated to be coming soon!" Hearing his wife's question, Yang's mother restrained her mind and walked towards the kitchen with the ginseng in her arms. Ye Xiao and Yang Ning laughed bitterly!

"Ye Xiao, have you prepared a gift for me?" Just at this moment, Yang Su Su's voice came from upstairs. Then she saw Yang Su put out a head and glared at Ye Xiao. It looked like she wanted to eat ye Xiao!

"Oh, of course you are! Come down quickly Ye Xiao smiles and has taken out a beautiful box from a large number of gifts.

"Then send it to me quickly!" Yang Su Su was coquettish and angry!

"Send it up?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, took a look at Yang Ning, found that Yang Ning is also a strange face!

"Susu, what's your attitude? Ye Xiao is a guest. Don't you hurry down? " Yang Ning is a little angry. The girl is no longer big or small. How to say that ye Xiao is her brother-in-law, even if she calls Ye Xiao's name, she even asks Ye Xiao to send it to her. It's so outrageous!

"Brother Ye Xiao, please bring it to me quickly. I have something else to ask you about." Seeing that her father was angry, Yang Su Su suddenly changed her expression and said delicately!

This time, even Yang Ning has no way out, and ye Xiao is a bitter smile, toward Yang Ning apologetically smile, then take the ready box to go upstairs!

Yang Ning also began to look up the gifts that ye Xiao sent. Although he didn't care about the foreign objects, he also wanted to know what kind of gifts Ye Xiao would prepare for them!

As for ye Xiao, she went up the stairs with her gift in her arms. Yang Su Su had already stood at the door of her room, looking at Ye Xiao with her eyes!

It's snowing outside, but the heating is on. It's not cold at all. Maybe Yang Su Su just woke up with her hair a little messy. She only wears a sleeping skirt with a machine cat on her body, and her lovely feet show up. It looks lovely!"What can I do for you?" Trying to move her eyes away from Yang Su Su's legs, ye Xiao said with a smile!

"You come in first!" Yang Su Su hooks her finger at Ye Xiao. Although it's not a kind of deliberate seduction, she wears very little at this time. Combined with her sleepy look, it's really charming. This action makes Ye Xiao pause. This little girl doesn't want to do anything to herself, does she?

However, thinking that Yang Ning was downstairs, ye Xiao plucked up her courage and walked in from Yang Su Su Su's side. At the moment of entering the door, her right hand accidentally touched Yang Su Su Su's arm and felt smooth!

"Bang..." Yang Su closed the door of the room with a click and locked it directly. This sound scared Ye Xiao!

"You What are you going to do Ye Xiao looks panicked, just like a girl cheated into the hut by a group of big men!

"What? Well, of course, it's a question to be discussed later. What's the present you've prepared for me Yang Su Su sneered and held her hands in front of her chest. She looked like a big gangster. She looked like a lamb in her hand!

"Well, it's a handbag. I don't know if you'll like it!" Seeing the picture of Yang Su Su Su, ye Xiao quickly took the gift out of the box and handed it to him. It was like the younger brothers of the thieves' Gang handed over the work of the day to their boss. Yang Su Su Su chuckled with a straight smile. This guy, at last, was afraid!

Taking the handbag from ye Xiao, she originally wanted to say what kind of broken bag she had sent. However, when she saw that it was the latest limited edition handbag of LV series, Yang Su Su could not speak any more. Since the day when this bag came into the market, she had seen it in various magazines more than once, and always wanted to have such a bag, but her father obviously couldn't When she can buy such luxurious things for herself, her elder sister will buy them for herself. However, Yang Susu has always been a sensible child. Knowing that her two sisters have been good enough for her and are not good at speaking, she did not expect Ye Xiao to buy her own?

Does he know what I mean? At the thought of this, Yang Su Su's little heart and liver are pounding and puffing!

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