"Did you choose it for me yourself?" The ferocity just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by a gentle face, it looked like a girl to be married, unspeakable shyness, but ye Xiao was in a cold sweat. What kind of idea did the little princess think of?

In his heart, however, Yang Su Su was drawn to the same dangerous situation as ibo'er!

"Well!" However, for Yang Su Su Su's question, ye Xiao still nodded and agreed. To tell the truth, these things were prepared for him by Hua YUEWU. At first, he only told her some information about Yang Ning's family. Who knows that Hua YUEWU is so well prepared!

On hearing Ye Xiao's affirmative reply, Yang Su Su's heart beat even more fiercely, and his heart was as sweet as honey. He even knew what he wanted. Could it be said that he had been caring about himself?

Thinking of these days, I've had a good time. Even those high-ranking childe brothers, the thousands of gold have respect for themselves. Yang Susu knows that all these are because of Ye Xiao. If it wasn't for ye Xiao, she would not even have the qualification to enter the upper class society!

Originally did not feel what, now think about, must be what he secretly told, otherwise how can those people give their face?

"That Su Su, do you still like this gift?" Seeing the ever-changing look on Yang Su Su Su's face, ye Xiao's little heart is also constantly shaking, for fear that the little princess is moving some wrong ideas!

"Well!" Yang Su Su nodded instinctively!

"Can I go out then?" Ye Xiao is really not willing to stay in this room for a long time. Although it is full of the fragrance of a maiden, he is really afraid of Yang Su Su's various means!

"No way!" Yang Su Su, who was still in a fantasy, suddenly came back to her mind after hearing Ye Xiao wanted to go. It was not so simple as asking for a gift. How could she let him go because of a small gift!

"What else do you want me to do?" Suddenly, Yang Xiaodan is really afraid of her face!

"What? Hum, you should know what you have done in your heart Yang Su Su hugs Lv's bag in her arms and looks at Ye Xiao maliciously, revealing two lovely little tiger teeth. However, in Ye Xiao's eyes at the moment, it is so terrible!

What did you do? I don't seem to have done anything to her? Think of their own in the past six months, even her face has not seen several times, what can you do to her? After thinking about it for a long time, she found that she did not do anything to her. She said again, "I Doesn't seem to have done anything to you? "

"Well, of course you didn't do anything to me, but you did what you shouldn't have done!" Seeing ye Xiao's cautious appearance, Yang Su Su is even more righteous!

"What should not be done?" Ye Xiao asked in his mouth, but he thought in his heart that what should he not do?

"What do you think this is?" With a sneer, Yang Su Su took out his mobile phone and handed it to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao took a look at it and found that there was a picture on it. Although it was a little far away, the pixel of the damn mobile phone was so good that it was so clear. It turned out that it was the picture of him kissing Tan Xiaoxiao in the coffee shop. But how could this girl have such a picture?

"What would my sister do to you if I showed it to her?" Seeing ye Xiao's face changed rapidly, Yang Su Su took back her mobile phone. Without waiting for ye Xiao to speak, she said to Ye Xiao with covetous eyes!

"What will it do to me?" Ye Xiao asked curiously. To tell you the truth, he has never thought about this problem. In the past six months, Shao Bingqian has been busier than herself. They usually only talk on the phone. As for the things about herself and Tan Xiaoxiao, Shao Bingqian knows how much, he doesn't know!

Although he was worried, he didn't think much about it. Some things will happen sooner or later. Everything goes as it should. Why should we think too much? But now Yang Susu has secretly taken such a picture. Not to mention what Shao Bingqian saw, at least Yang's mother would blow herself out of the house at the first time !

"It will crack you off!" Yang Su Su fiercely made a gesture of scissors!

"Then why don't you just show it to her!" Ye Xiao asked curiously. He didn't believe Shao Bingqian would crack him off. At most, she just ignored herself. However, this is definitely not what ye Xiao can bear. He has already identified Shao Bingqian as his woman and will never let go!

"Well, I don't want to give you a chance to reform!" Asked by Ye Xiao, Yang Su Su was a little guilty. She stood up her chest and tried to make her face more natural!

"Well Come on, what do you want? " Ye Xiao is speechless for a moment. He really can't see that Yang Su Su will be so kind and give him a chance to reform. In his opinion, the reason why Yang Su Su didn't give it to Shao Bingqian immediately is that he has some needs!

Although he knows that these things will be exposed sooner or later, he still has no plan to make it clear with Shao Bingqian now. Even if he wants to make it clear in the future, he has to wait for the other party to make it clear. It is his own responsibility to explain this kind of thing. If he takes the initiative to explain it, isn't it?"Hum, how do you feel like I'm going to blackmail you? I'm looking at you pitifully. I'm hiding it for you for the time being. Instead of this photo, just say what you did the other day. If I told my sister, would she forgive you?" Seeing ye Xiao say what she is worried about, Yang Su Su Su blushes and defends herself!

At first, ye Xiao was not sure that Yang Su Su was demanding of herself, but when she saw that she knew everything about soderom Hotel, and had not told Shao Bingqian, he knew that the girl must have something to do with herself, otherwise, he would never have concealed the truth for himself!

"Well, you are not threatening me, you are pitying me, you are for my good. In return, I will always do something for you to repay your poor kindness. Is that ok?" Seeing Yang Su Su's red face, ye Xiao has to compromise and argue with a woman. You can't win in your life!

"That's about it!" Yang Su Su nodded with satisfaction, looking like a child to be taught!

"Can you tell me now, beautiful Miss Yang Su Su, what do you need from me?" Ye Xiao said helplessly. Now he can see the strange thoughts of this little girl. Up to now, he is not afraid that Shao Bingqian really knows these things. Now he just wants to see what kind of strange requirements the little girl will put forward!

"Come here!" Yang Susu hooks her finger toward Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao's brain is full of question marks, but she still walks forward carefully. Up to now, he is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water!

"I want to know what it feels like to kiss. Tell me quickly?" Yang Su Su asks Ye Xiao with all his eyes shining!

"Er..." Ye Xiaoyi Leng, how does this let him say? And the feeling of kissing is different from that of every woman. Should he tell Yang Su Su one by one?

"Don't you know what to say?" Seeing ye Xiao's speechless appearance, Yang Su Su said again!

"Well!" Ye Xiao had to nod his head honestly!

"That's easy. You kiss me once, just like you kiss that Tan Xiaoxiao. As long as you let me understand the feeling of kissing, I will continue to keep it secret for you..." Yang Su Su said with a sly face, while ye Xiao's body trembled

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