"Ah..." Ye Xiao's face exclaimed. He had already guessed that Yang Su Su had an intention or something to ask him. Originally, he thought it was an underground race car. He heard that Guan Fei said that the girl had always wanted to participate in the underground drag racing, but there was no way for Yang Ning to let her take part in the underground racing race. What he didn't expect was that Yang Su Su Su ti This is the request?

Kiss her once? And let her understand the feeling of kissing, which is to keep a secret for him, this Is this a requirement? It's like a pie from the sky. It's the best kind to eat. Don't say kiss once, even if it's ten times a hundred times, it's nothing.

However, ye Xiao doesn't think there is such a good thing in the world. Maybe it's the girl who makes fun of herself?

"What are you doing? Don't you want to? Can you kiss Tan and smile, but not me? " Seeing ye Xiao's stupefied look, Yang Su Su Su was coquettish and angry, and once again moved out of Tan Xiaoxiao!

Ye Xiao's bitter smile on his face, can this be compared? What is the relationship between myself and Tan Xiaoxiao, and what is the relationship between myself and you? This is a completely different concept, OK, but does he dare to say?

If he really said that, Yang Su Su Su would definitely rush out with the picture and tell the couple that Yang Ning was nothing. Although he was an educator, he was obviously open to these things. But if Yang's mother knew about it, she didn't know what trouble would happen!

"Do you really want to kiss?" Seeing that Yang Su Su Su was a little angry, ye Xiao was not sure that she was not trying to make fun of herself, but really wanted to kiss her by herself!

"Nonsense, are you pro or not?" Yang Su Su's face was fierce, but her fierce little face was already blushing with shame. In fact, she didn't understand why she put forward such a strange request. She just wanted to feel the feeling of kissing. As soon as such an idea appeared, she thought of Ye Xiao, and then put forward why she felt this way. She didn't know, she only knew, If ye Xiao really refused her, she would be very sad and sad!

Of course, maybe it's a little guilty to do such a thing behind your sister's back. But when you think that this guy can kiss other women, what is it to kiss yourself again? Anyway, the fat water doesn't flow into the field!

Thinking of it like this, Yang Su Su's heart that trace of guilt also disappeared without a trace!

"All right, I'll kiss you!" Ye Xiao is helpless. He is afraid that if he doesn't kiss her again, Yang Su Su will really get angry. Besides, isn't he kissing her? Anyway, he doesn't suffer too much, and there's no big deal!

"Hum!" Yang Su Su snorted, then mumbled and waited for ye Xiao's kiss!

Ye Xiao carefully walked forward and looked around. After finding that Yang Su Su really didn't have any other ideas, she slowly kisses her lips toward Yang Su Su Su's small mouth. But when she was about to kiss Yang Su Su Su's mouth, she suddenly stopped. There was no other reason. Yang Su Su Su was staring at him with her big eyes open Under such circumstances, can you still kiss it?

"Why stop!" Seeing ye Xiao stop suddenly, Yang Su Su asks discontentedly!

"Can you close your eyes first?" Ye Xiao some helpless said, where have you so look at others kiss!

"Why close your eyes?" Yang Su Su asked naively, and her eyes opened wider!

"Damn it!" Ye Xiao almost has the impulse to hit the wall. The girl's talent for racing cars is first-class, even not much worse than herself. But how can she be so idiotic about men and women? Where does anyone stare with wide eyes when kissing? It's going to be embarrassing, okay?

In fact, it's not surprising that Yang Su Su can understand some strange ideas of young people and that there are many kinds of problems between men and women in today's society. However, she is extremely strict with her daughter. From childhood to adulthood, Yang Su Su seldom contacts with the knowledge of men and women. Later, when she grows up, she mingles with the upper circles, but those dandies are not Because of the relationship between shangguanfei, many people regard her as a woman of shangguanfei. Who dares to go and tell her about this, and there is almost only drag racing left in her world. In this way, there is really not much knowledge about men and women!

In her opinion, kissing means kissing. What does it have to do with closing your eyes? It's not your problem whether you want to close your eyes?

Seeing Yang Su Su's eyes opening wider and wider, ye Xiao's heart is horizontal, but he doesn't care so much. He hugs Yang Su Su's head and kisses her whole. Since you want to do this, don't blame me for being rude!

Yang Su Su was startled by Ye Xiao's action. She felt that time stopped at this moment, and her eyes were wide open. Her heart, which had been jumping very fast, seemed to stop at this moment. She was so stunned with her eyes!

She is not ready yet. Why did ye Xiao come suddenly? Feeling Ye Xiao's heavy snort, Yang Su Su Su's heart, suddenly came a "Dong" sound, and then the original stop beating heart again crazy beat up, beating speed is several times more than before!As for Yangsu, at this time, he was lost in the kiss of Ye Xiao, and his body was slightly shaking. In his mouth, he was also breathing in a hurry. When stimulated by such a gasp, ye Xiao was bolder, and a hand climbed up the slender waist!

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