Jingdu Xiyuan is a private hospital affiliated to the Lin family. As one of the top powerful families in Kyoto, the Lin family, besides having a huge influence in the political field, is not bad in the business field. After all, in China, doing business under the political background is much easier than ordinary people. As such a big family, it is not so much to have their own private hospital Well, of course, in order to avoid bad influence, the hospital can not be named after the Lin family, but it does not prevent the Lin family from recuperating here when they are injured and ill.

At this time, it's early and dark. In the most luxurious ward in Xiyuan, Lin Wuqing, beaten by the emperor of the dragon, is hard to fall asleep!

It has been several days since the incident. These days, under the professional care of the Lin family's medical staff, Lin heartless's injury has begun to recover rapidly, but there is no sign of his heart's wound getting better!

From childhood to adulthood, as the eldest grandson of the Lin family, no matter what he does, he has become the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of a prefecture level city at a young age. It can be said that there are many women who want to marry him, but what he didn't think of is that in his wedding, he could go further and faster in a relationship with himself At the wedding ceremony, ye Xiao robbed his wife in front of everyone!

The most important thing is that ye Xiao, who has always been like an ant in his eyes, has such a backstage as the dragon clan. What makes people spit blood is that the guy named the Dragon Emperor beat himself in front of so many people. This is definitely the biggest shame in his life.

Such humiliation is like a thorn, hanging in his heart all the time, stabbing him from time to time, that kind of feeling is very uncomfortable, as long as this thorn does not pull out, he will not have a good day to live!

Tossing and turning in bed, but still difficult to sleep, Lin mercilessly put on his nightgown, got out of bed, and walked out!

As the most luxurious ward in Xiyuan, it is actually a small building with other hospitals. The ward where Lin Qingqing lives is the largest one on the second floor. The nurses and doctors who take care of him also live on the first floor. As long as Lin is in a condition, these doctors and nurses will come as soon as possible. However, these days, his injury has improved a lot. In the evening, his injury has improved a lot There is no need for people to suffer from the night!

He went to the French window and looked out at the falling snow. Outside the window, there was a huge platform. Lin ruthlessly pressed his finger on a button, and the huge French window began to rise slowly. In a short time, the French window had all risen, and the cold north wind blew in, making his nightgown Shua, But he also quickly got goose bumps on his body, but Lin Wuqing didn't care. He made progress towards the front and came to the edge of the platform. It seemed that only in this way could he extinguish his anger!

At this time, Lin Wuqing's eyelids suddenly jumped, as if to see a nearby stone covered by heavy snow. How can the stone move?

Lin heartless has just flashed such an idea. He has already seen the whole stone jump up, and then quickly towards this side. Almost in the blink of an eye, the huge stone has come downstairs. With a sudden leap, that stone has jumped directly from the position on the first floor. At this time, Lin merciless finally sees the other side, where is this one Stone, this is a man, a man in white clothes all over the body!

Then he saw a knife light, a knife light brighter than the moonlight, colder than the cold wind!

They're here to kill themselves? Lin heartless suddenly flashed such a thought in his mind, and then his body instinctively retreated back, but how fast he was, how could he be faster than such a knife!

Just when Lin Wuqing thought that he would be cut in two by this knife, another blade darted out from his right side, and then he heard a "clang" sound. The blade that had been cut to himself had been cut off. Then Lin mercilessly saw a tall figure appear in front of him. He had long silvery hair and some wrinkles on his face The body is so tall and great!

"Uncle Lin?" Lin ruthlessly exclaimed, he knew that this was his grandfather's bodyguard, but when did his grandfather send his bodyguard to his side? Could he have guessed that someone was bad for him? Or does he always remember his comfort? In my heart, I still care about my own heartless family, and I really care about myself!

"Young master, come into the room!" Uncle Lin called, but he didn't leave Lin's heartless side immediately. At this time, he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack the killers. What if others were trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

There is no need for uncle Lin's command. Lin's merciless body has quickly retreated towards the ward. This is a ward with special treatment. As long as people are in the ward, even if they use rockets, they can't hurt the people inside!

As long as you retreat into the ward, he will be completely safe!

Uncle Lin is also protecting Lin heartless and retreats to the back at full speed. However, at this time, the killer has already jumped onto the second floor. With the help of the reflection of snow, Lin Qingqing and uncle Lin can see each other. The other is not covered. This is a handsome face. In his hand, he also holds an Japanese samurai sword, which is sharp as snow and penetrates all over his body With a cold intention to kill, even if he didn't hit the target, he left. Instead, he rushed towards Lin Qingqing at full speed. It seems that he also understood that if Lin merciless really entered the ward, he would never have a chance again!Seeing that the other party was so persistent, uncle Lin's eyebrows picked. At this time, Lin mercilessly had retreated to the ward, and uncle Lin did not retreat in. He just stayed there, waiting for the falling of the French window!

Seeing the assassin coming, uncle Lin's eyes were grinning, and his sword trembled. He even pulled out a knife flower and directly met the killer's knife!

"When!" Lin Shu was about to counterattack, but suddenly found that the other side's second knife had come to his head. Lin's heart was shocked. How could this guy's speed be so fast?

But after all, he is one of the most effective bodyguards around Mr. Lin. if he turns his wrist again, he stabs the killer's heart with a backhand knife. He doesn't look at the chopping knife at all. For killers, killing is the goal. If you can kill the target, it's nothing to lose your own life. For a bodyguard, just protect yourself Protect the target, even if it is to lose their own lives do not care, now the target has completely retreated to the house, still alive, this time if and bodyguard die together, there will be no chance to kill the target!

In the face of the same fate, the assassin's body, which had been rapidly advancing, had to retreat backward, and the samurai sword in his hand was also across his chest!

"When!" The killer was shocked by Uncle Lin's knife. At this time, the floor to floor window had been lowered completely, and there was no chance to see it again. The killer turned backward and his body had retreated towards the distance!

Since there is no chance, to stay here is to die!

No one wants to die for nothing!

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