Seeing that the assassin wanted to escape, uncle Lin's eyebrows jumped again. He saw that the French window had fallen completely, and there were guards running to him not far away. He knew that Lin Qingqing was no longer in danger. He also made a move and ran after the killer at full speed. He wanted to know who dared to assassinate his young master!

Seeing the shadow of Uncle Lin and the killer disappearing into the night, Lin's merciless face was gloomy and terrible. He never thought that someone would assassinate himself? However, he also knows that no matter who the other party is, with Uncle Lin's skill, it should not be a problem to take the other party without worrying about himself. As long as he stays in this room, no one can attack him!

Thinking that he just wanted to go out and breathe, he almost lost his life. Lin ruthlessly vomited a foul breath, and then turned back to the bed. He saw a figure standing by the bed, and his face changed suddenly. When he saw the figure clearly, he was even more frightened!

"Ye Xiao?" Lin heartless heart startled, the body has once again toward the French window, one hand to the button, he did not know when the other party came in! But what he knew was that, with each other's skill, it was as easy as harvesting wheat to want his own name!

However, when he pressed his right hand on the button, the figure of the man had come to him. Then a spatula flashed across Lin's heartless neck, and a stream of blood gushed out. Lin's merciless eyes were full of despair and fear. He never thought that he would die in this way!

After a look at Lin Wuqing who fell on the ground, a sarcastic smile appeared in the corner of the figure's mouth. Then, when the French window opened, he ran out at full speed and quickly disappeared into the night, as if he had never appeared before. When Uncle Lin returned to the west garden after failing to pursue the killer, what he saw was Lin heartless in a pool of blood A "leaf" character written in blood, you don't have to think about it. It was written by Lin Qingqing with his own blood before he died!

Ye Xiao doesn't know about this. He is just curious about how the sisters Shao Bingyan came with a large group of special police. Are these all Shao Bingqian's colleagues?

"We met at the gate. They came to see you, ye Xiao!" See their father and ye Xiao's eyes all fall on their own body, Shao Bingqian two hands a spread, very innocent said!

"To me?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, immediately saw a man with a first-class police on his shoulder came out, directly took out an arrest warrant with the official seal of the Ministry of public security, and said in an impassioned voice: "we suspect that you are related to the murder case in Xiyuan last night. Now that you are officially arrested, please come with us!"

Seeing the clear arrest warrant, seeing the puzzled and worried expression on Shao Bingyan's sister's face, and then seeing Yang Ning's look of amazement, ye Xiao is also a burst of consternation. Is Xiyuan homicide case?

What is this?

"You mean I killed people?" Ye Xiao didn't stretch out his hands to handcuff each other. He didn't want to be caught in the dark!

"Doubt!" The man continued to say a word!

"Who died?" Ye Xiao didn't want to tangle with him on this issue, and asked directly!

"The eldest son of the Lin family, Lin is merciless!" The man continued to say, the voice is indifferent, it sounds like a machine synthesized sound!

Lin heartless dead? Hearing such news, ye Xiao's heart leaped wildly. He wanted to kill the son of a bitch directly. But he also knew that killing him would cause a series of aftereffects. He had to bear not to do it. But now he is dead. This is the red boy who is called the most promising in Kyoto?

"You have no right to arrest me!" The shock soon subsided. Ye Xiao said that he didn't ask for any evidence or quibble. Since the other party arrested him directly at this time, there must be some evidence. Besides, they are not judges. It's useless to say evidence now. They just obey orders!

However, ye Xiao will not follow them, but said coldly. While speaking, he has already taken out the iron card representing the identity of the Dragon nationality and handed it to the man. With his authority, he is also entitled to know this!

The man takes over the iron plate and looks at it. The Dragon token represents the identity of the other party. If he is a member of the dragon clan, he will not be under the control of the Ministry of public security even if he is a member of the dragon clan. Any policeman has no right to enforce the law against the members of the Dragon nationality. If a member of the dragon clan violates the law, it is usually handled by the Dragon nationality itself or taken over by the Ministry of national security!

Ordinary police and soldiers are not qualified, but although the man frowned, he did not mean to shrink back. Instead, he said coldly, "please come back with us and accept the investigation." At the same time, he has returned the iron card to Ye Xiao!

"I said, you have no right to take me away!" Ye Xiao took back the iron card and snorted coldly!

The man didn't say much, but once again he took out a sign and handed it to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao took a look and saw that it was from the National Security Bureau. He frowned. The first level police officer was just his superficial identity. This guy was actually from the National Security Bureau. When you look at the other special police officers, they are all armed. Although they are wearing special police clothes, they are all over the place The fierce spirit revealed between the ordinary special police is several times stronger than that of ordinary special police officers. This is a group of bloody soldiers!And probably the most cold-blooded ghost of the NSA!

Perhaps compared with the fighting capacity, they are worse than the dragon people, but they are absolutely more terrible than the dragon people. This is a group of violent organizations specialized in dealing with all kinds of internal borers. If members of the dragon clan commit a crime, only they are qualified or able to deal with it. It can be said that the dragon clan has always existed between the two organizations In the competition!

The other party even sent out a ghost, so the only explanation is that he has already known his identity, but does the old chief executive and the Dragon Emperor know about it?

Ye Xiao didn't kill people. Naturally, he refused to admit it. However, the other party even mobilized the ghost. He thought it was premeditated for a long time, but how did Lin Qingqing die?

"Well, I can go with you, but I'm going to help you with your investigation. I hope you know that!" Ye Xiao said coldly!

The man didn't care. He just made a gesture of empty invitation. Ye Xiao apologized to Yang Ning and said, "uncle, there are some small problems. I can't have dinner with you. Please forgive me!" And then toward Shao Bingqian cast an apologetic look, step toward the outside to go!

That man also saw Shao Bingqian, also as a law enforcement agency, he believed that Shao Bingqian should know how to do it!

Without much to say, he turned around and went out. His task was to take ye Xiao back. As for how to take it, he didn't care at all. As long as ye Xiao was successfully brought to the Bureau, other things were not his concern!

"Qian Qian, what's going on? Did ye Xiao kill people? " Wait until those special police all hours later, Yang Ning this just full face fright of ask a way!

"No, there must be some misunderstanding. Dad, don't worry. He'll be OK." Shao Bingqian's head is also a little confused. She doesn't know what ye Xiaohe's token means. But the iron card that can let the first level police have no right to consult is definitely not an ordinary token. What's the identity of Ye Xiao?

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