Shao Bingqian can't guess the identity of Ye Xiao. She just knows that his identity is absolutely not simple. However, the identity of the first-class policeman named Zhang Ji is absolutely not simple. She only saw Zhang Ji's police card, but the certificate Zhang Ji showed Ye Xiao was definitely not a police card. Who is his identity?

However, no matter what their identities are, Shao Bingqian knows that today's affairs can never be enough to speak out, otherwise her family may be closed down, so she doesn't want her father to ask more questions!

Yang Ning is also a university professor at least. Seeing his daughter's look and thinking about the scene just now, he also vaguely understands that these things are not things that he can involve in, and he will not ask more questions now!

But this period of time is extremely short, has been cooking in the kitchen Yang mother did not know, as for the upstairs Yang Su Su, estimated to know more about it!

"Qianqian, you stay at home with your parents. I'll go out for a visit!" On the contrary, Shao Bingyan on one side showed a thoughtful look!

"Well!" Shao Bingqian knows that her sister is better than herself in many aspects, and that her circle is broader than herself. Maybe she can find out what is going on and nodded now!

In fact, she did not know what the members of Binglong Shao family represented, but she did not know what she was going through Xiao is highly valued by the old man in China. Now someone dares to take away the young man valued by the old man. What kind of plot is there behind this?

What's more, they said that Lin was dead. How could Lin be dead? How can such a character die?

Although she knows that there are many disputes between Ye Xiao and Lin Qingqing, in her opinion, ye Xiao absolutely does not need to kill Lin Qingqing at this time. She can identify Ye Xiao. If there is no sufficient evidence, who dares to move him?

There must be some huge conspiracy. As a private detective, although there is no evidence, by virtue of instinct, Shao Bingyan already knows that this matter is absolutely not simple!

How can the top two forces of China, one bright and one dark, directly confront each other?

In Jinling garden, the old chief executive is in the study. He is holding an old yellow book in his hand, and he is looking page by page. At this time, a figure comes out of the dark again. The old leader doesn't even need to look up to know who is coming!

"Lin mercilessly died!" This is the first sentence after the emperor came in!

"I know!" The old chief officer nodded, then raised his head to look at the Dragon Emperor!

"Did you do it?" The Dragon Emperor continued to ask!

"Do you think I would do something like this?" The old chief asked!

"No!" The Dragon Emperor shook his head firmly, and then continued to say: "who will that be? It can't be the old guy Lin Xiuyuan who did it himself? "

"Lin Wuqing is Lin Xiuyuan's favorite grandson, and there is no deep hatred between him and ye Xiao. He can't do it! Look at this... " The old chief officer shook his head, while saying, he took out some information from the drawer and handed it to the Dragon Emperor!

The long emperor fixed his eyes and saw that it was actually the detailed information about Lin Qingqing's murder. In just a few hours, he even found all the evidence collection, and attached a photo, which is the scene of Lin Qingqing's murder!

"Ye Xiao can't do it. He knows his identity!" Seeing all the evidence against Ye Xiao, the Dragon Emperor murmured that he would not believe that ye Xiao had done all this!

"Yes, it is because he knows his identity that he will not do such a thing. His identity is also a kind of constraint to him." The old chief sighed!

The Dragon Emperor raised his eyebrows slightly and quickly understood the meaning of the old chief. Because of his identity, ye Xiao had to abide by a rule in many things. Only by taking off his identity and such a layer of bondage, could he really travel in the sky!

"No matter who they are, their purpose is to force Ye Xiao into a desperate situation, but what they will never think of is that this is just to get rid of the shackles for ye Xiao!" Thinking that the other party arranged such a plot, the corner of the Dragon Emperor's mouth appeared a smile of irony!

"Yes, there is only one result of their doing so, that is to get rid of the shackles of Ye Xiao. Dragon Emperor, do you believe in Ye Xiao?" The old chief officer nodded, agreed with the words of the emperor, and then raised his head to continue to ask!

"Well! I believe that his loyalty to the motherland is beyond doubt! " The Dragon Emperor nodded his head, which he never doubted!

"In that case, let's get rid of these shackles. Although violence is not the best way to solve the problem, it is definitely the fastest way." The old chief officer murmured a sentence, his eyes already twinkled with distant light!

The emperor of the Dragon originally wanted to interface with him, but he was stunned when he heard such a meaningful sentence from the old chief. Is it true that the old chief's time is not much? Otherwise, how could he agree with his original proposal?At this time, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the outside. The Dragon Emperor's body flashed and disappeared into the shadow. Then he heard the voice of the guard: "chief, Lin Xiuyuan, please see you."

"I see. I'll be down soon!" The old chief executive agreed, and then whispered a sentence in the direction of the Dragon Emperor's hiding: "Lin Xiuyuan, the old fellow, is afraid that you will protect Ye Xiao and find the ghost person directly. Now if ye Xiao doesn't resist, he will soon arrive. You are also ready to prepare for it." With that, the old chief stood up and walked outside!

And behind the dark also came a sigh voice, and then there is no sound, the study once again restored the past quiet!

The national security bureau is the most confidential Department of the state, and the ghost is the most important department of the National Security Bureau, which is the same as the status of the dragon clan in the army. Moreover, each member of the ghost is also an elite selected by thousands. If the dragon clan is a sharp weapon to the outside world, the existence of the ghost is a scalpel, which is specialized in cutting some rotten meat inside to maintain the body Active!

Of course, those ordinary officials don't need ghosts to come out in person. Only when it comes to the dragon clan or some other special people who violate the law and violate the rules, they need the ghost to come forward!

The ghost and the dragon clan have always maintained the prosperity of China, and there has always been competition between the two organizations. It is said that the supreme leader of the ghost, Ling Di, once had a quarrel with the Dragon Emperor over a woman. The contradiction between them has been long. It can be said that the two organizations are not compatible at all. However, no matter whether it is the ghost or not, it's not too much Whether it is the dragon people, they are directly in the hands of the old chief. Even if the Lingdi was entrusted by Lin Xiuyuan to arrest Ye Xiao, he also got the permission of the old chief. Otherwise, he lent the Lingdi a hundred courage and dared not rashly arrest the red man in the eyes of the old chief. Of course, the whole Chinese nation knows no more than three such things!

Under the leadership of Zhang Ji and others, ye Xiao came to a secret base in the western suburb of Kyoto. It was also an office space for the ghost. Originally, he thought it was a cold iron room waiting for him, but unexpectedly, it was a huge living room, and there were several people he knew well in the living room

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