The hall is not too big. It has 50-60 square meters, and there are several sofas in the middle. At this time, it is not other people who sit on the sofa in the middle. It is the old leader who has been doting on Ye Xiao all the time!

On his left is an old man with the same gray hair. Ye Xiao knows that he is Zhan Guodong, director of the National Security Bureau, and also a person of high position and power in China. To the right of the old chief executive, Lin Xiuyuan is full of iron. At the moment of seeing ye Xiao, his eyes burst with flames, and he would like to tear Ye Xiao into pieces The proud grandson was killed by this guy. How can he not be angry?

In addition to these three people sitting, other people are standing, including the Dragon Emperor, who is the master of the dragon clan, and a figure with a silver black mask. However, there are sofas behind them. They just don't sit down. They just stand on both sides, one left and one right, looking like a tiger!

Seeing the man wearing the mask, ye Xiao already knew that he was the master of the ghost organization, the Lingdi, and one of the most mysterious people in China. At least, as ye Xiao, he didn't know who he was and who his strength was. Even if it wasn't for Lin Wuqing, there would be no contact between him and the ghost!

Zhang Ji, with Ye Xiao, also respectfully stepped aside. Although these people in front of us don't often appear on TV news, the invisible power they hold is absolutely huge. Even a ministerial figure, he has to behave himself. What's more, he is just a small section chief? Although many times this section chief's power is very big, very big!

"Old chief, now ye Xiao has arrived and can be interrogated!" When Zhang Ji retreated to one side, Zhan Guodong, director of the National Security Bureau sitting on the left side of the old chief, took the lead in opening the way!

When it comes to the members of the dragon clan, he must be present!

"Ye Xiao, where were you at four o'clock last night?" The old chief looked at the Dragon Emperor and the spirit emperor and asked directly!

"In the Royal Mingdian apartment building!" If other people asked that, ye Xiao would certainly ignore it. But since it was the old chief executive, he still answered honestly!

"Can anyone testify?" The old chief continued to ask. He was completely business like!

"No!" Ye Xiao shakes her head. Hua YUEWU wants to attend some parties last night. She doesn't come back. She is there alone!

"Someone accused you of entering Xiyuan last night and killing Lin Wuqing. Can you admit it?" The old chief asked again!

"I didn't!" Ye Xiao shakes his head. He didn't kill Lin mercilessly. How can he admit it?

"You don't? What is this Seeing ye Xiao's calm face, Lin Xiuyuan on one side could not sit still. He stood up directly from his seat and did not worry about what ye Xiao would do to him. He directly threw a photo from the tea table to Ye Xiao's body!

Ye Xiao glanced at it and found that it was a ward. Lin Wuqing was lying in a pool of blood, with a knife on his neck, and his fingers were writing a large "leaf" character!

"Oh, you don't have a brain attack, do you? I'm the killer just by a photo? " Seeing the blood character written by Lin heartless, a strange idea flashed in Ye Xiao's heart. Lin Wu lover's product is not so good. It's also well written, although this is the last word he wrote in this world!

"Well, more than that, of course! I just want to remind you that you'd better admit it at once, or you won't even have a chance to forgive when the evidence is confirmed later! " Lin Xiuyuan sneered, obviously he has identified Ye Xiao as the murderer!

Ye Xiao didn't say much. He just kept sneering. To tell the truth, at first, he was worried that people from the National Security Bureau would take him to torture him to extort confessions. He was still considering when to resist. But now he brought it directly to the old chief executive. He was completely relieved. He would never admit anything he had not done, and he also believed that the old chief executive would not It would be so easy to fool!

This is definitely one of the wisest old people in China. Who can cheat him?

So let Lin Xiuyuan shout at the side, he stood still and said that I killed people, that's good, take out the evidence!

Seeing ye Xiao unmoved, Lin Xiuyuan turned his eyes to Zhan Guodong. Zhan Guodong nodded to Zhang Ji. Zhang Jili immediately turned on the projector in the living room. Soon, the projector played a video, which was recorded by the monitor secretly. It was the scene of a figure entering the West Garden quietly. The route he took was the dead corner of the camera Video is also pieced together, obviously this is another set of monitoring equipment recorded, and finally cut!

saw the shadow as like as two peas in the video. Ye Xiao's face changed slightly. Although it was a big evening, the picture was not clear, but he still could see a rough Lun Kuang. This man was very similar to him. Later, under a hidden camera, the man showed a handsome face, and it was exactly like Ye Xiao.

Seeing this, ye Xiao's face changed completely. If he didn't know that he didn't have the habit of sleepwalking, he really suspected that it was his sleepwalking that killed Lin Qingqing!

"Ye Xiao, you didn't expect that Xiyuan has a set of monitoring equipment on the surface, and another one behind the scenes. Even if you have been prepared for it, it's still a long way to go. Now, what else can you say?" Seeing ye Xiao's changed face, Lin Xiuyuan snorted coldly. If he hadn't thought of his own death, he would have laughed happily!"How do you know it's me in the video?" Who expected that ye Xiao was not frightened by his appearance, but asked a question!

Lin Xiuyuan was so angry that he almost spat out blood. The clear face on this video is not you or someone else? Don't you lie with your eyes open?

"Don't you know that there is an art called transfiguration?" Seeing Lin Xiuyuan's livid face, ye Xiao sneered. He didn't have any twin brothers, and he didn't go to Xiyuan, so the only explanation is that he must have been easily tolerated!

It's just that this person's transvestition level is too high, right? Even ye Xiao almost can't recognize himself!

"Yi Rong? Well, thanks to what you said, what is this Lin Xiuyuan pointed to a transparent bag in front of the table!

"What is this?" Ye Xiao looked at the table that completely vacuum transparent bag, very puzzled asked!

"This is some debris from the scene, detected by DNA technology, and it matches your DNA perfectly!" At this time, it was Zhan Guodong, director of the National Security Bureau!

As soon as he heard this, ye Xiao's heart jumped again. At this moment, he understood why even the ghosts were out. Dare to say, with such hard evidence, they have identified themselves as the murderer, but that guy is too powerful, right? He not only changed his appearance, but also got the debris on his body. What's more, he skillfully left it on the scene. It seemed that there was no trace left, but he inadvertently left such irrefutable evidence!

Even if you can't find an excuse to defend yourself, let alone others?

Looking up at the old chief executive, he found that he was still frowning as tightly as he had just been. It seemed that he could not believe Ye Xiao would do such a thing. However, the Dragon Emperor stood behind, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Seeing that smile, ye Xiao suddenly realized!

"Ye Xiao, can you plead guilty now?" The old chief asked again!

"I plead guilty!" This time, ye Xiao didn't have any excuse and accepted it

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