Tianmen building is located in the west of Wangfujing, the most prosperous street in the center of Beijing. It is less than one kilometer away from Wangfujing. Its geographical location is also the most luxurious area in Kyoto. After the last reshuffle, most of the big men with strong dark color in Tianmen have died. After Xiao fei'er took over Tianmen, a large number of new people were promoted Some people have no dark color. They are all high-quality students graduated from regular colleges and universities. With the help of these high-level students, the losses suffered by Tianmen group some time ago are gradually making up, and now they are on a regular basis!

On the 33rd floor of Tianmen building, less than 50 meters away from the chairman's office, is a vice chairman's office, which is specially prepared for Xiao Feng by Xiao fei'er. Anyway, he is his brother after all. Even if he doesn't care about Xiao Zhentian's industry, Xiao Feier still thinks that he should be given such a job!

Originally, I didn't expect Xiao Feng to come to work, but he didn't know what kind of stimulation he got a while ago. He even drove a BMW to work. As long as there was no course, he would come and have a look!

Now the school has been on holiday, and even the exam is over. Xiao Feng comes to Tianmen building all day long and goes to and from work on time!

If you don't have a pair of fingers on the desk, you must find one in front of the desk

A beautiful female secretary in a sexy professional suit is standing on a high stool, trying to look through some books in the cabinet. The vice chairman said that a magazine he had subscribed to was put on it, but he did not find it after searching for a long time. The female secretary's forehead was sweating!

Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are a lot of things to deal with. But now I've been delayed in finding things. Do you have to work overtime tonight?

The female secretary is determined to find the nonexistent car magazine for Xiao Feng, but she doesn't find that Xiao Feng's eyes have penetrated through her skirt from top to bottom and see the spring under her skirt!

"Red?" See inside the small inside, Xiao Feng murmured to himself!

"Ah, vice president, didn't you just say it was a blue cover? How did it turn red again? " Hearing Xiao Feng's murmur, the female secretary asked, and she also turned around and looked at Xiao Feng!

Xiao Feng immediately sat up straight, his face a little embarrassed, "Er, maybe I remember wrong, forget it, if there's no one on the top, you can see if there's one under the cupboard, maybe it's falling to the bottom!" Xiao Feng said, and pointed to the bottom of the cabinet!

The female secretary did not dare to refute, so she had to walk down from the stool. However, the cabinet was too short. Even if she was squatting on the ground, she couldn't see it at all. She had no choice but to kneel on the ground and look under the cupboard with little PP pouting. Her professional dress was originally short. In this way, the red cotton inside was completely exposed to Xiao Feng's eyes!

Red lace, NIMA, or translucent, I really can't see that Xiao Liu is so enthusiastic!

"Ding Lingling..." Xiao Feng is staring at the female secretary Xiao Liu's small inside when the phone on the desk suddenly rings!

Xiao Feng, who was concentrating on his work, was startled and quickly picked up the phone. Meanwhile, Xiao Liu, the female secretary, finally grabbed a magazine from the inside and quickly stood up. However, the magazine was not a car magazine, but a yellow magazine with extremely hot cover and extremely hot content. When she saw the couple of men and women who were almost naked in the magazine, they hugged each other , the female secretary Xiao Liu's cheek suddenly flushed!

Hello Xiao Feng didn't notice Xiao Liu's face. When he saw Xiao Liu standing up, he thought he was startled by the telephone ring. He was very dissatisfied with who called at this time!

"Vice president, there is a Mr. Ye at the front desk who wants to see you. He..."

"What surname ye but not ye? Tell him to go away. I'm not free now, young master!" Xiao Feng was naturally upset when he was interrupted by others. Without waiting for the other party to speak, he yelled at him and hung up the phone directly. Then he looked up and burst into a smile that he thought was the most charming. He opened his mouth and said, "have you found it?"

"Well, I don't know if it's this..." Xiao Liu said something in a low voice, the color of the blush on her face was more thick, and she handed the magazine up at the same time!

Xiao Feng took a look, immediately also slightly changed his face, NIMA, this is not Chen Tan Shang that sultry man gave his own AV actresses limited edition photo album? Don't you put it at home? When did you bring it to the office? See the female secretary that shy with disdain in the eyes, Xiao Feng suddenly, the feelings of her own as a big lecher!

"What is this? How can I have such a thing in my office? Xiao Liu, you didn't put it in my office, did you? " Xiao Feng said solemnly. He looked pure and holy. He joked that his image in the company has always been pure and kind, young and promising. He is the diamond king in the eyes of countless female employees. If people knew that he had a yellow magazine hidden in his office, would he still mix with his face in the company?

"No No, deputy director. I found it below. I really didn't do it? " On hearing Xiao Feng's tone of questioning himself, secretary Liu's face changed with fright, and she shook her hands again and again. She had just graduated and finally found such a well paid and relaxed job. What should I do if she quarreled with herself because of the dissatisfaction of the vice director?"Not you? Isn't it you me? You think I'll read such a terrible book? " Xiao Feng said with a positive face!

"No, how can you read such a book, deputy director?" Liu Lian shook his head, indicating that Xiao Feng was the purest and most upright deputy director!

"Since it is not mine, then only you and I can come in this office. It must be yours, ah, Xiao Liu. I see you have a long time of Stevens. It is pure. I don't think you even like these things!" Xiao Feng a pair of old-fashioned appearance, and Xiao Liu has cried out quickly, how could it be their own? But now the boss said that, if he doesn't admit it again, it makes the boss upset. As a secretary, what is most important is, of course, following the boss's meaning!

"Sorry, deputy director, I......" Xiao Liu is trying to admit wrongly that it is indeed his own, but before he has finished speaking, she hears Xiao Feng to continue to say, "but these are nothing. If you appreciate it from the perspective of pure art, it is not a moral failure, are you right?"

"Mm-hmm!" Xiao Liu nodded, she was really afraid Xiao Feng said that his moral failure, and then dismissed herself under the pretext of this!

"Now that's the case, let's talk about pure human art!" Xiao Feng said with great care!

"Ah?" Xiaoliu's blank face, what is pure human art?

"Xiao Liu, come here. How can we discuss it so far away?" Xiao Feng beckoned to the pure and kind little willow!

Liu dare not refute, as long as he walked to this side of the desk, stood beside Xiao Feng, his hands in the abdomen, a pair of vivi is the appearance of no!

"Come on, sit here!" Xiao Feng patted his thigh and said!

"Ah, deputy director, is that bad?" Liu face shy, this is big day, now so discuss human art, how shy ah? You know, she only talked about a love in University, although the heart is hot, but still is an uninspired big girl of yellow flowers!

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