"What's wrong? Aren't we talking about pure art? We are pure. Do you have impure ideas? If not, sit down Xiao Feng a face serious said, eyes is unspeakable purity, it seems that he really did not think the same!

Xiao Liu bit her lip, and did not know whether she wanted to prove her purity or other reasons. She sat on Xiao Feng's thigh carefully!

"It seems that you are very pure indeed, and I am also very pure. Don't worry, everything we do is pure." Xiao Feng said, hands have been small Liu embrace, and then the "pure" art magazine on the desk!

"What do you think of the style of this underwear? Well, don't have any other ideas, it's pure discussion! " Xiao Feng opened the magazine and pointed to a pair of hollowed out black underwear and said that his lips were on the edge of Xiaoliu's earlobe. A stream of hot air spurted out, which made Xiao Liu's whole body tense. He wanted to stand up, but he was afraid that he would really annoy the boss. He had to try his best to make his mind pure and put his eyes on the magazine!

"And All right Xiao Liu didn't know where Xiaofeng's purity was. She said cautiously!

"What about these little underpants? How are you doing? " Xiao Feng also pointed to a translucent, very exposed small neinei said!

"It's OK." Xiao Liu still has that tone!

"Will you wear this style?" Xiao Feng asks suddenly!

"No No, too Too exposed Xiao Liu is a little stuttering because she is wearing such sexy underwear today!

"Really?" Xiao Feng asked again!

"Really!" Xiao Liu nodded forcefully, as if only in this way can make himself more firm!

"I don't believe it. Since you bought such a magazine and saw such beautiful underwear, how could you not buy it yourself?" Xiao Feng's face is upright!

Xiao Liu is crying again. This is not her own magazine. Even if it is her own magazine, do you want to buy it when you see the style above?

"Deputy Dong, I really don't wear it," said Xiao Liu, almost crying!

"I still don't believe it. Otherwise, you can show me. If you really don't wear it, then it's my estimation error. As compensation, how about I give you a half month's salary?" Xiao Feng said with a face of righteousness!

I'm dizzy. Where can I see it? Don't say you really wear this style, even if you don't wear it, you can't see it for half a month's salary?

"Vice president, isn't that good?" Xiao Liu didn't know how to refuse. She could only say it tactfully!

"What's wrong? I just look at it and don't do anything. Do you think we are not pure? Or do you have impure ideas about me? "

"I I didn't... " Xiao Liu is really about to cry this time, even tears are anxious to come out, how to say that he is not pure?

"If not, why not? Or is your aunt here? So no? If so, we will not look at underwear, look at corset, anyway, this is a set, if your bra is such a style, even if I win, if not, then I will directly give you a month's salary? How about it? " Xiao Feng said solemnly, as if what he said was the most serious thing!

But his heart is a burst of secret smile, NIMA's, there is heating in the room, still buckle so solid, what to do? You can't even see a little spring when you sit so close!

Xiao Liu's face was flushed, but her heart beat suddenly. Her monthly salary was 8000 yuan, which was enough for her rent for four months. It was just such a shame

"What? Do you really have impure ideas about me? That's why... " Seeing that Xiao Liu is still hesitating, Xiao Feng has a face!

"No, it's not like that. I didn't think much about it!" Xiao Liu repeatedly waved her hands and began to waver in her heart. Her corset was only half of the style. Although it was also lace, it was definitely not so exposed. Her salary for that month was steady. Of course, she was not just because of the 8000 yuan, but because she was afraid of completely offending Xiao Feng. For such a good job, if she was fired, where to find it?

"In this case, let me have a look. Don't worry. It's just a pure look. I will never do anything! We are pure between us Xiao Feng side said, has side of the pure hands on the small Liu's collar, began to untie the button!

Xiao Liu had some hesitation. Now that Xiao Feng starts to do something, she doesn't want to say anything more. Isn't it just a look? Anyway, after a look at it, it's 8000 yuan, and he also said, just have a pure look, and think of yourself as a cover model!

Thinking like this, Xiao Liu completely let go and let Xiao Feng help him to unbutton his shirt!

Nima's, really did not expect this girl is quite material, looks like this, at least also is c cup above?

"What material is this? Can I touch it? " See that lace corset, Xiao Feng is very "pure" asked!"Ah Xiao Liu is stunned. Isn't it just a look? Why do you have to touch it? Have not reacted, Xiao Feng's hand has been put on the bra, gently rub!

Xiao Liu's body trembled and didn't dare to move. He was afraid that Xiao Feng's claws would touch his skin!

"Well, it seems to be lace. What about inside? Let me see what's in it? " This time, Xiao Feng's words have not finished, a finger has been inserted from the gap in the bra!

Xiao Liu's body is trembling. She has only been in love once, and at most she is holding hands. Up to now, there is nothing about men and women. Of course, there is still some theoretical knowledge. As a new generation of college students, if you haven't seen any Japanese love action movies, it's not up to the standard. However, the theory and practice are totally different Same!

Now, being held in the arms of a man, she was even pressed by his finger on her own mountains. Xiao Liu felt a shiver all over her body. Unexpectedly, she felt a strange pleasure flowing through her heart. But when she thought that she was in the office, and Xiao Feng was not her boyfriend, wouldn't she take advantage of her? When Xiaofeng wanted to do something for himself, Xiao Feng had already withdrawn his fingers and murmured in his mouth: "inside is cotton and foam, and that's what the underwear is like."

Seeing Xiao Feng's pure face, Xiao Liu's mind was puzzled. Did he just want to see the structure of his underwear? Did you misunderstand him? Does he really just want to see?

"Bang..." When many thoughts flashed in Xiao Liu's mind, the door of the office was suddenly kicked open by people from outside, and then a burst of angry roar sounded: "Xiao Feng, you son of a bitch, you dare to refuse me outside the door!"

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