The door of the office was kicked open so violently that it was so sudden that no matter Xiao Feng or Xiao Liu, they were directly stunned in situ!

This is Xiao Feng's office. As the vice chairman of Tianmen group, Xiao Feng is not in charge of affairs, but his status is very high. In the whole company, except Xiao fei'er, no one has a higher position than him, but even Xiao fei'er will knock on the door politely when he comes to find him. Absolutely no one will break in directly!

Who is the guy who kicked the office? Doesn't he know that Tianmen group is actually the biggest gangster group in Kyoto? Didn't he know that if he offended Xiao Feng, he would have offended death?

Secretary Liu lenglengleng, silly, even forget his shirt is still open, also forget his underwear is also perfect in the air!

Just at this time, the security guard downstairs also ran over. Before he could see the situation of the office clearly, he had already said in a loud voice: "deputy director, I'm sorry, we can't stop him at all. All the brothers who want to stop him are lying on the ground!" The head of the security guard said this sentence in a series of words. Then he looked up and saw the scene of the office. When he saw the new young secretary sitting on the deputy director's lap, the security captain bumped his head against the door frame of the office and fainted directly!

I'm kidding. Although all the big bosses have secretaries to do and nothing to do with secretaries, they can't be exposed. Now I've seen such an indecent scene, and even saw the tall and straight chest of the beautiful secretary. If the boss knows about it, he will be fired!

As for the matter now, it's not just a matter of getting back to your own head!

Seeing that the security captain fainted quickly, Xiao Liu finally came back to his senses. With a cry of surprise, he jumped up directly from Xiao Feng's thigh. He quickly turned around and began to button up. His face was even scarlet. He wanted to find a way to get in!

It's too shy, too shy to be seen by others. What do they think? They must think that they are shameless and seduce the vice chairman. They must be like this, but they really do not. They are just discussing something pure with him!

By the constant purity of Xiao Feng, the Secretary has become extremely pure!

"I grass, Lao Tzu said how can you refuse me to be a secretary here, Xiao Feng, you are a good boy!"

"Hey, where is it? I just discussed the structure of underwear with Xiao Liu. We are pure. Would you like to discuss it together?" Seeing that it was Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng's face flashed a few embarrassed colors, but soon, that embarrassed color also disappeared without a trace!

"Are you cleaning your clothes in the office during the day Ye Xiao is very angry and comes to Xiao Feng directly!

"Of course I'm a human being, and I'm a big good man, Xiao Liu. Tell him, are we pure? We're just talking about it? " Xiao Feng a face of injustice, a pull over the small Liu, open mouth said!

At this time, Xiao Feng's identity is still lower than Xiao Feng's? Thinking of this, Xiao Liu tried to suppress the shame and indignation in her heart and said: "I and vice Dong are really just discussing and discussing. We are pure!"

"Well, you are all very pure, then you continue your purity and show us your purity!" Ye Xiao rolled his eyes directly and opened his mouth!

Then a pair of eyes constantly in Ye Xiao and Liu secretary's body around, seems to want to see where they are pure in the end!

Show you your purity? This Can you look at it at will? Did not see other people's security team leader light rain very simply fainted in the past? This time, don't say Secretary Liu would like to find a seam to drill in, even Xiao Feng would like to find a gap to drill in!

"Hey hey, don't say that, what did you come to the company all of a sudden today?" But Xiao Feng's face, after all, has been thick enough to a certain level. He quickly adjusted it and said with a smile at the moment!

"I'm not here for you! I'll go to Phil Ye Xiao remembered the purpose of his coming this time. He left such a sentence, turned and walked outside, leaving a surprised Xiao Feng. He didn't come to me. What did you do to break the door of my office? Isn't this a good thing to disturb me?

Secretary Liu on one side has been completely speechless. Originally, he thought that this guy knew the vice president very well. Now he went to the chairman directly. What else did he call the chairman? Phil? Xiao fei'er is the chairman of Tianmen group on the surface, but she is actually the queen of the underground world of Kyoto. No one dares to call her that except the old chairman who passed away!

Even those elders also respectfully become her miss, but this guy, he even called Kyoto's underworld queen Fei Er? Still calling it so close? Is he the chairman's boyfriend?"Well, if you don't get up, I'll call the funeral home!" At this time, Xiao Feng said to the captain of the security team who fainted on the ground!

"Vice chairman, it's not my fault. We've really tried our best, but we can't stop him!" Just now, the head of the security guard jumped up in grief!

"Nonsense, if you can stop him, there will be a ghost!" Originally, I thought that the vice chairman would blame himself and others for not doing a good job in intercepting. But Xiao Feng said such a sentence, which made the leader of the security team stunned. What's this? Do you mean you can't wait for someone else?

"His name is Ye Xiao. It is he who helped the chairman stabilize Tianmen." See the security captain startled Leng appearance, Xiao Feng light way, and hear this sentence of the security team leader is a heart beat, almost jump out of the mouth!

He is not the regular security guard of the security company, but a gangster leader under Tianmen. Xiao fei'er thinks highly of his ability to be a man, so he is transferred to Tianmen headquarters to take charge of general security work. Of course, this is mainly to intercept some unexpected guests. Xiao fei'er's protective force is Tiandao!

Because he was a member of Tianmen, even though he had not experienced the bloody incident, he also heard about those things. At the beginning, several elders rebelled and threatened the sect leader, a young man named Ye Xiao, to turn the tide around. He personally killed several elders and washed Tianmen from the beginning to the end. Later, the headmaster appointed him as the chief elder, He is also the only elder of Tianmen, and even his power is still above the master Xiao fei'er!

What did you just do? He even wanted to lead his own group of hands to intercept the demon? Isn't it too long?

As for Xiao Liu's secretary, she is at a loss, ye Xiao? Stable Tianmen? Is this man related to Tianmen?

"Well, you go down, secretary Liu. You find someone to install the door again. Don't you know it's expensive?" Xiao Feng also ignored the surprised captain of the security team, left such a sentence and walked to Xiao fei'er's office. What did ye Xiao come to look for Xiao fei'er?

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