Xiao Feng's office is less than 50 meters away from Xiao fei'er. Xiao fei'er in the office has heard about such a big thing just now. However, when she saw it was Ye Xiao through the lily window, she did not come out again. Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng are good friends. There will be no tangle between them!

So when ye Xiao came to Xiao fei'er's office, Xiao fei'er was leaning on the office chair with two legs on her legs and a cup of coffee in her hand. She looked at Ye Xiao who came in from the door naturally!

"You knew I was coming?" Ye Xiao's eyes first fell on Xiao fei'er's black high-heeled shoes, and then the legs covered with silk stockings, which were all the way up to her thighs. Unfortunately, she had two legs on her legs and couldn't see the scenery under the professional dress!

Let Ye Xiao heart regret!

"You beat Xiao Feng's office door from the first floor to the 33rd floor. If I don't know about such a big noise, I don't have to do it!" Xiao fei'er didn't get up to greet her, but snored to the sofa beside her. With her relationship with Ye Xiao, she didn't need to be so polite!

However, ye Xiao did not sit down, but went directly to Xiao fei'er, took out a picture from her pocket and put it on the desk in front of her!

"This man is in Kyoto, help me find out his whereabouts!" Ye Xiao pointed to the person on the photo and said!

Xiao Fei Er looked at the photo and nodded!

"Then I'll go first. Let me know if there's news!" Ye Xiao said faintly!

"Well!" Xiao Fei Er nodded again!

Ye Xiao doesn't say anything more. He looks at Xiao fei'er again, turns around and goes out. As soon as he gets to the door, he sees Xiao Feng running over in a panic. He almost pretends to be full of it!

"Are you leaving now?" Did Xiao Feng want to leave the company? Why are you leaving in a short time?

"Well, what else would you stay for? Do you see yourself discussing purity with others Ye Xiao said casually, Xiao Feng immediately made a big red face, this son of a bitch, how can you talk to people now?

"What about purity?" Xiao Fei Er came to be interested and asked curiously!

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that this guy is in the office talking with his secretary about some body structure. By the way, Phil, it's not a serious job. He should be deducted from his salary!" Ye Xiaosi ignored Xiao Feng's murderous eyes and said such a word. She pushed Xiao Feng aside and walked outside!

"Chairman, don't listen to his nonsense. I just want to discuss work with Xiao Liu. Hello, ye Xiao, you son of a bitch. It doesn't matter if you ruin my reputation, but Xiao Liu is innocent. You..." Xiao Feng explained to Xiao fei'er that he had already rushed out. He didn't want to stay here embarrassed all the time!

When she saw Xiao Feng return to her old smile, Xiao fei'er's corners of her mouth inadvertently put on a smile. Now, Xiao Feng can be said to be her only family member. When she can see him cheer up again, she is relieved. As for discussing some pure human body art with Secretary Liu, she doesn't care too much. If she can let Xiao Liu take care of her Xiao Feng's life is also a good choice!

"Why did you come and leave?" In the elevator, Xiao Feng caught up with Ye Xiao and asked!

"Come to Phil to do something. Now that it's done, what are you doing here? Do you really want me to watch you talk about body art? " Ye Xiao said with a smile that only when he was with Xiaofeng, these brothers, would he show such a sincere smile!

"Shit, you say I'll break up with you again!" Xiao Feng is completely angry. If it is not for the defeat of Ye Xiao, he really wants to rush up and fight with him!

"Well, well, I won't tell you. What are you going to do next? Why don't you discuss the pure human body structure with your female secretary?" Ye Xiao makes a request for mercy!

“……” Xiao Feng is completely speechless!

"What do you want to do with the chairman? Why don't you come to me? I can do it, too? " Xiao Feng finally decided not to discuss this issue with Ye Xiao, or he would be angry with him!

"I asked her to help me find this man!" Ye Xiao also does not hide, and took out a photo, handed to Xiao Feng!

Xiao Feng takes a look and finds that he doesn't know the person in the photo at all, and returns the photo to Ye Xiao. However, he also knows that in fact, as ye Xiao's identity, he can directly direct the people in Tianmen, but he doesn't do so. It's all in respect of Xiao fei'er!

After all, Xiao fei'er is still the master of Tianmen!

"What do you want this man for?" After seeing ye Xiao take back the photo, Xiao Feng asked!

"Lin died as like as two peas, who were the same as me, and this man was also there!" For Xiao Feng, ye Xiao has nothing to hide!

"Ah?" Xiao Feng was surprised, but immediately thought of the problem, and then said solemnly: "do you want me to help?"

"No!" Ye Xiao simply refused, this is his thing, he does not want to involve his friends in!"Oh Xiao Feng a pair of early know such appearance, seem to have expected Ye Xiao to refuse!

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Xiao Feng's dejected appearance, ye Xiao opened his mouth and found that today's Xiaofeng is somewhat different from the past!

"Ye Xiao, do you think I'm useless?" Xiao Feng suddenly raised his head, looked directly at Ye Xiao, and said sincerely!

"Shit, how can you say that? I... " Ye Xiao was about to explain, but he was interrupted by Xiao Feng!

"Every time something goes wrong, you help me, but I have never helped you anything. Not to mention you and me, just between me and the chairman. Although I am a brother, Xiao Zhentian has been taking care of me since she left. Now I am a vice chairman in name, but I have not done anything for the company except taking a huge amount of infrared every day I'm a waste man, ye Xiao. Do you think I'm useless

Xiao Feng Yue said more excited, when it comes to the end, his hands have been dead to grab his hair, a very painful look!

"Xiao Feng, actually..."

"Ye Xiao, you don't have to persuade me. In fact, when I tell you this, I don't want to complain. I just want to tell you that I don't want to go on like this any more. I want to quit the company and go to m country to create a career of my own!" Xiao Feng once again interrupted Ye Xiao's words!

"To m? Why did you suddenly want to go to m Ye Xiaoyi Leng, obviously did not expect the Xiao summit to make such a decision!

"Li Shiqin went to m country!" Xiao Feng looked gloomy and said, but also slowly raised his head, eyes full of missing!

"Li Shiqin went to m, what about Li Yuan?" Ye Xiao is stunned again. Ye Xiao doesn't care about Xiao Feng's release of Li Yuan's sister. For Li Shiqin, although she is calculating herself, ye Xiao doesn't blame her, but he can't believe Li Yuan. This is a woman who carves revenge into bone marrow. He won't believe that she will really give up hatred. As long as the Li family still exists, unless she dies, she can't Can give up!

"She should have stayed in Kyoto. I heard from Shiqin that Li Yuan asked her to go to m country?" Xiao Feng pondered for a while and continued to say!

Yeah? Li Yuan asked Li Shiqin to go to America? This is her only relative in the world. How could she let her go so far without any reason? Did she start a plot against the Li family again? And worried about the danger after the disclosure, so send the closest sister to m first?

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