Despite his anger, Abe banzang followed his elder martial sister out of the room for the first time. He didn't want to carry such a black pot for others!

They left the Millennium Hotel quickly, not even through the main door, but through the back door. They went through an alley and came to another alley. As long as they passed through this lane, they could get on the main road, and then take a taxi. However, a figure blocked their way!

It was a giant man over two meters tall. He was holding a black iron bar of two meters in his hand and a cigar in his mouth!

"Kanu?" Seeing this giant man, Abe banzang's eyes flashed two sparks. They were the sparks of anger. At the beginning, his master was besieged and killed by people including him. The scum of the dark world actually took refuge in the target who should have been killed in order to survive!

"Aha, I didn't expect you to know me. It seems that I have a good reputation." Kanu grinned, showing two rows of yellowing teeth!

"You are the scum of the killer world. I will kill you today to avenge my master!" Abe banzang roared, and his figure was already rushing towards Kanu!

On the other side, maple Matsushima didn't mean to help him at all. His figure flashed, and he had already jumped onto a wall and rushed into a small room. He left the scene at full speed. This scene made Kanu surprised. Aren't they the elder martial brother? Why doesn't she care about her brother's life or death? Or do you have full confidence in your younger brother?

Although he was terrified, he didn't dare to be careless in the face of Abe banzang, who came at a gallop. How can we say that the other party is all Miyamoto Musashi's disciples? How can it be simple for someone who can be accepted as a disciple by such abnormal people as Miyamoto Musashi?

Without any hesitation, the dark iron stick in his hand has already appeared in his hand. When he swings it, he sweeps it towards Abe Bancang, who is directly attacking him. This Xuan iron stick has at least several hundred jin. Now, it is waved by karu, and the wind is blowing in the air. Look at this posture, it is not a person, even a rock, it will be smashed to pieces!

In the face of such a rude stick, Abe banzang did not draw his knife. Instead, he held the handle and sheath in one hand and directly crossed his chest to protect his body!

He didn't dodge? This thought flashed through his mind, and then the iron bar had swept on Abe banzang's scabbard. Abe banzang only felt his arms hurt, and the huge force smashed him upside down!

The corner of Kanu's mouth showed a grim smile, and he wanted to continue to give him another stick. However, he found that Abe banzang's body had just landed, which was a backward somersault, and jumped onto a residential building. He jumped down directly!

"I grass, he ran away?" Seeing the first mock exam, in a threatening manner, he did not think that he had terrified and threatened to escape directly. In other words, he didn't want to fight at all, and he planned to leave long ago? Is attacking yourself just a cover?

However, seeing the direction of Abe banzo's departure, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Kanu's mouth. Fleeing in this direction is simply death!

Abe banzang went through several houses in a row, then went around a large circle, and finally came to a small square, where Maple Matsushima had already been waiting!

Seeing Abe banzang coming, maple Matsushima quickly stretched out his right hand and waved to an empty taxi that just came by. When the taxi stopped in front of her, Abe banzang just came over!

"Where do you want to go, gentlemen?" Two people quickly on the car, heard the driver's question!

"To the east city, Shangri La Hotel!" Abe banzang didn't think much about it, and said directly!

"OK!" The driver agreed. As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, the taxi would be like a runaway wild horse, galloping away. The traffic situation in Kyoto has not been good all the time. Traffic jams are common, especially in the city center. Although the government has made a series of measures, the congestion has not been solved. However, the taxi driver's driving skills are first-class. They suddenly run from left to right in the traffic flow It took only a while to get on the ring expressway. After driving for a long distance, I turned onto an auxiliary road and finally came to a forest and stopped!

"Master, why don't you go?" Abe banzang thought that the other party was going to go to Dongcheng via the ring road, but unexpectedly he stopped here. However, maple Matsushima frowned and suddenly pulled out a long sword and stabbed at the driver's seat!

But the driver was obviously prepared. The man had already kicked the door open and rolled out!

Seeing such a scene, Abe Bancang didn't understand where he was being played. He kicked the door open and rushed out directly. Matsushima Maple also ran out after him. However, when they ran out of the taxi, they found that there were already a group of people around. All of them were men in black Zhongshan suits. Each of them was embroidered with a piece on their neckline Dragon pattern!

But if they don't kill a group of people together, they can't fight with each other, but they can't fight with each other!The most important thing is that each of them still holds a black submachine gun. Abe banzo has no doubt that if he does, he will be beaten into a sieve at the first time!

Matsushima Maple's eyebrows are also tightly wrinkled together, a pair of Danfeng eyes swept these people in black, seems to be looking for what target?

"Who are you? Why deal with us? " After a long time, Abe banzang said!

"I don't want to deal with you. I just want to ask you a few questions." At this time, there was a clear voice from the crowd. Abe banzang couldn't help but scold. He asked a few questions. Did you need to make such a big move? But when he saw the visitor, his pupils suddenly contracted together!

"Ye Xiao?" Abe banzang exclaimed in surprise. Originally, he thought it would be the elite troops of China to capture him. Who knows it was Ye Xiao who he always wanted to see!

"Ha ha, it seems that if you know me, it will be easy to do it. You only need to answer a few questions from me. Who ordered you to go to Xiyuan?" Ye Xiao said coldly!

"The simple question you want me to answer is to beat me with your own strength." Seeing ye Xiao, who has always wanted to challenge, is in front of him. Abe banzang can't let go of such an opportunity!

"Will my own strength defeat you? You mean you're going to fight me out? " Seeing Abe's half hidden proposal of such an idiot under such circumstances, ye Xiao's mouth shows a trace of irony!

"Good! As long as you can beat me, I'll tell you everything you want to know! " Abe banzang also sneered. His purpose of coming to China is to fight ye Xiao alone, and kill him in the contest to avenge his master!

"Well, as you wish!" Ye Xiao said faintly, and Abe half hid for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect that this shameless fellow would agree with his proposal. But at this time, his ears had already heard his elder martial sister's voice: "be careful!"

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