look out? Be careful what? Abe Banzan is shocked. Ye Xiao's figure has come to him in an instant. His eyelids are jumping wildly. How can this guy be so fast?

Without any hesitation, Abe banzo immediately drew his knife, and he wanted to kill this guy!

But what Abe banzang didn't expect was that one of his hands had just been put on the handle of the sword, and he had just pulled out an inch of the samurai's sword. Ye Xiao's hand had already been patted on the handle, and the huge force had directly patted the blade into the scabbard. What's more, ye Xiao's fist had been waved like lightning!

Abe is half hidden. Is this ye Xiao's strength? Is this the strength of the man who killed his master? Didn't he beat up his master with others?

At the same time, Abe banzang can't take care of drawing his knife. His body quickly retreats, and he has to pull the knife again!

Seeing Abe banzang retreating, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. He just took a step forward and then made another fist. Before Abe banzang's body completely retreated, the blow had already hit Abe banzang's chest!

The four inch force suddenly erupted, and Abe banzang felt as if his body had been hit by a shell, and the whole body flew up, and there was a crackling sound on his chest bone, which was like a broken wood!

A mouthful of blood spurted directly out of the mouth, and showy blood flowered in the air!

"Bang..." With a sound, Abe banzo's body hit the taxi behind him heavily, and the taxi was smashed into a depression. Abe's body was almost stuck there!

Such a heavy blow made Abe half hide a mouthful of blood, and his face was even more miserable!

But ye Xiao didn't let him off. The figure had come to him. He twisted his hair and lifted it up directly. It was like twisting a chicken and smashed it directly at the back window of the taxi!

"Bang!" There was another loud noise. Abe banzang's head and the rear window came into a close contact. The glass of the car was smashed naturally. And Abe's head also had a big cut. The blood splashed down. The whole person was dazzled. Even the samurai sword in his hand fell down!

Then ye Xiao threw Abe half hidden on the ground like a dead dog. Then he said slowly, "now, can you say it?"

Shocked, extremely shocked, not to mention that Abe Bancang, who was beaten to be an adult, even Maple Matsushima is also looking at Ye Xiao in horror!

It is not that they have not collected Ye Xiao's information, especially about the fight between him and his master. They have studied repeatedly for a long time, and finally come to the conclusion that ye Xiao's strength is not as good as that of Miyamoto Musashi, which is only a little higher than Abe's half Tibetan. Under such circumstances, the strength of Abe's semi Tibet is not as good as that of Abe's So Matsushima Maple only needs to seize an opportunity to kill it, revenge for his master I, and then rush out in the chaos, but what they didn't expect is that ye Xiao's speed is so fast!

Even Maple Matsushima did not have time to draw a knife, and only had time to send out a cry of surprise. Abe banzang had already been defeated and had no strength to fight back!

Is that terrible? This kind of strength is not much different from his own master. He can even fight against his master alone. But how long has it been? How can he progress so fast?

"It was Li Mengqi who came to us. He only said that as long as he helped him kill Lin Wuqing, he would help banzang to have a fair fight with you." Seeing Abe Bancang trampled on by Ye Xiao, maple Matsushima tries to suppress her shock and opens her mouth!

"Li Mengqi? Li Mengqi of the Li family? " It's really related to Xiao Ye!

"Well!" Maple Matsushima nods. By now, she has confirmed that she and Abe Bancang have been sold, and only Li Mengqi knows where they are. Since Li Mengqi has sold them, there is no need to hide anything for Li Mengqi. Let these Chinese people fight for themselves!

"No one else?" Ye Xiao continued to ask!

"What do you mean? The descendants of Miyamoto will not tell lies Xiaotou, but she can't believe the other party!

She represents the Kendo of Miyamoto Musashi, which is absolutely not allowed to be insulted!

"I didn't say you were lying. It's just that someone leaked your information, but this person is definitely not Li Mengqi. He absolutely doesn't want me to find him through you!" Ye Xiao shook his head and murmured!

Maple Matsushima is stunned. It seems that it is such a thing. But besides Li Mengqi, who else knows where they are? Did Li Mengqi tell others? And who even sold Li Mengqi?

"All right, let's go." Seeing Matsushima Maple's puzzled eyes, ye Xiao faintly felt that she did not seem to know the other inside information. He waved to them, and he himself also walked towards the forest!"Are you going to let us go See ye Xiao unexpectedly want to let oneself two people leave, Pine Island Maple son's Danfeng eyes open greatly, one face's unbelievable!

"Of course, if you don't go, I won't force it either!" Ye Xiao didn't stop and spoke as he walked. Other people in black, including Xie Chen, who was disguised as a taxi driver, also put away their guns and followed Ye Xiao away!

"Don't you worry about our revenge?" Seeing ye Xiao really didn't want to kill her two people, maple son of Matsushima exclaimed again. Such a scene made her really hard to believe. After all, the purpose of their coming here is to find Ye Xiao to avenge!

"Although I killed Miyamoto Musashi, I also admire him. If you want to avenge him and fight with me, I will accompany him!" Ye Xiao left this sentence, the people have gone, and the other people in black also quickly disappeared, the scene left a battered taxi!

Seeing his younger martial brother lying on the ground, and thinking of Ye Xiao's last words, a bitter smile appeared on the face of Songdao Maple: do you want to fight with him? His younger brother in his hands even the strength of resistance are not, even if it is himself, and really have a chance to win?

It seems that Li Mengqi did not disclose the purpose of their whereabouts. But if it was not for Li Mengqi, who was it? At the thought that they should be put together, maple Matsushima eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, this matter can not be so calculated!

No longer in place to stay, to help his younger brother, also quickly left the scene!

On the other side, ye Xiao and others walked out of the woods. There was a photo of Audi parked there!

"Brother Xiao, why don't you let the brothers kill them? They must be the disciples of Miyamoto Musashi? It will be a disaster to keep them Xie Chen Ran to the front to open the car door for ye Xiao, and asked at the same time!

"They are Miyamoto Musashi's disciples, but they are not Miyamoto Musashi, but just chess pieces, and the fate of chessmen is still chessmen after all!" Ye Xiao said meaningfully!

Seeing ye Xiao's meaningful smile, Xie Chen did not say anything more. He quickly started the Audi and left. Ye Xiao also took out his mobile phone and called Xiao fei'er: "I need to know the details of Li Mengqi!"

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