If they can not unite to deal with the difficulties, they will be struck out by the rules in the end, and they will not reach the last step at all.

Therefore, the Warcraft tide leader saw Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy's performance, and was very satisfied with their performance.

I also think that the four of them can continue to go down, but he won't let them go so easily. Now the Warcraft tide leader says again.

Fang Fen said: "young people, in fact, I still appreciate you. There are not a few people who come to the third level. Most people leave after seeing us, and few people will insist on seeing me.

I didn't expect that you were not afraid, but also dared to confront me and negotiate with me. I appreciate you very much, but this is the rule of the underground palace.

If I let the four of you so easily, then how can I be worthy of the human beings who have been wandering around before. "

The Warcraft tide leader's attitude has become very good, Fang Fen and they must now have made up their minds to go out of this primitive forest, and to break through the third level.

So no matter how hard he tried to embarrass Fang Fen, the four of them were in vain. It was also a waste of time, energy and saliva. He might as well tell Fang Fen about the twists and turns.

Sure enough, after hearing the Warcraft tide leader said so, Fang Fen also understood the practice of the Warcraft tide leader very well.

Fang Fen of course knows that if they are really so easy to let go, then for those who came before, it must be very wrong, it must be very unfair.

Fang Fen is not a person who is willing to take the path or go through the back door. Since he knows that the Warcraft tide leader wants to maintain the fairness and justice of the underground rules, he is certainly willing to accompany him to the end.

No matter what difficulties the Warcraft tide leaders will encounter with them and deal with them in the end, they are willing to make every effort to help them realize their wishes.

Fang Fen looked at the Warcraft tide leader, and then firmly said to the Warcraft tide leader, "of course I understand these principles. Don't worry, you just put your horse here. No matter how you try to test the four of us, we will accept it completely.

We are not willing to go through the back door. Since we want to maintain the fairness and justice of the underground palace rules, of course, we are willing to maintain it to the end. "

When the Warcraft tide leader heard Fang Fen say this, he appreciated Fang Fen's behavior more and more. Originally, he thought that Fang Fen might hear him say that he could not let them pass the third level so easily, and he would be angry.

However, he did not see anger or angry expression on Fang Fen's face. Moreover, the Warcraft tide leader also looked at Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy, and their three faces floated past.

As expected, they did not see any angry, any unhappy appearance, on the contrary, each of them is very firm, they clench their hands, are very attentive.

They are fully prepared to meet these challenges. The leader of the Warcraft tide is an eye opener today.

Originally, he thought that every human being is the same, all cowardly and greedy for life and death, but now he met Fang Fen, and the four of them knew that a man can't be seen by his appearance, and that everyone's way of doing things is different.

In this world, not all human beings are greedy for life and death, and not all human beings will not persist until the end. The Warcraft tide leader is not afraid to overflow his praise on his face.

And the little boy behind saw that the Warcraft tide leader seemed very satisfied with their actions. The little boy was also relieved.

The fennel boy is very afraid of the other party's behavior because he doesn't listen to him.

But now it seems that he has thought a lot. He thinks that the Warcraft tide leader has a certain degree of self-confidence.

The Warcraft tide leader will not be angry because of some strange reasons and defeat Fang Fen.

The little boy put his mind at ease for a while. As long as Fang Fen was not in danger, only Fang Fen was not attacked by the Warcraft tide leader, which was a happy thing for everyone.

As for whether they can successfully go out of the third level, it is still a mystery for the time being. The little boy can see from the conversation between Fang Fen and the Warcraft tide leader. The Warcraft leader must have intended to let them go.

Not only fangfennel, but also ye Wuwei. In fact, the little boy also saw that the Warcraft tide leader didn't want them to continue down.

On the surface, it is to embarrass them, but in fact, the Warcraft tide leader is thinking for them. In the third level, it is already very difficult, and he has come to frighten them.

Then the next level will become more and more difficult, and it will only make people feel more and more uncomfortable. But even so, it doesn't matter. The little boy has always been very confident in his ability.

He also believed that whether it was brother Fang Fen, brother Xu Haojie, or brother Zhao Xincheng, the three of them would be able to cope with these difficulties.Absolutely not because they can't leave the third level as soon as possible, they will lose confidence in themselves, will be depressed, so now the little boy also feel very confident.

The leader of the Warcraft tide caught a glimpse of the boy's confident appearance. He was surprised. He didn't expect that every member of the team was a dragon and Phoenix among the people, so powerful.

After seeing some creatures that are different from their world outlook and values, they didn't react at all. They were able to solve these problems so easily.

The Warcraft tide leader really did not know what he was thinking in his heart. The Warcraft tide leader thought that if he was in Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy, the three of them saw the look of fear and worry.

Then he will never be lenient. He will definitely intensify his efforts to frighten their team and let them go from where they come from as soon as possible.

Because if you want to continue to break through the next level, you can't be afraid. If you don't have confidence and courage to go on, you don't have to waste each other's time. It's the wisest choice to leave quickly.

But to the surprise of the Warcraft tide leader, even if he thought so, he did not see any stage fright among the four people in front of him.

The Warcraft tide leader has seen too many human beings who have come to explore the underground palace before. They have seen too many people who retreat in the face of battle, and have seen too many people who have no courage to go on.

Fang Fen is really very powerful. The Warcraft tide leader directly said these thoughts in his heart. He laughed a few times, and then walked forward, getting closer to Fang Fen.

The little boy saw that the distance between brother Fang Fen and the Warcraft tide leader had become so close that the little boy's heart beat fiercely.

Because he is worried that the Warcraft tide leader wants the other side fennel to make some adverse actions. The little boy is a little different. Of course, the Warcraft tide leader feels it.

But the Warcraft tide leader didn't feel anything, because the Warcraft tide leader knew that the reason why the little boy was afraid was not that he would be eaten by Warcraft.

It's not that they won't be able to leave from the third level, but they're worried about the safety of anfangfen, who is the leader of the Warcraft tide, who will do something bad to him. That's why they are so worried there.

When the Warcraft tide leader arrived here, he was a little depressed. He looked at the little boy. The little boy met the Warcraft tide leader's eyes and was not willing to show weakness. He also glared back.

Warcraft tide leader more and more depressed, he is not to hurt Fang fennel at all, OK? The reason why he went to the fennel was that he wanted to have close contact with the fennel.

He wants to know what kind of courage and charm Fang Fen has as the second leading core of the team.

To be able to make the other three people completely listen to what he said can make the little boy so calm, not worried, but also worried about his safety.

So now the Warcraft tide leader's heart is of course very confused. He wants Fang Fen to answer his doubts, but he certainly won't say it.

After all, he felt that if he really said so, it would be a relatively low price behavior. Fang Fen saw the Warcraft tide leader coming towards him. Of course, he knew that the Warcraft tide leader had something to say to him.

He didn't have any worries because the Warcraft tide leader approached him. He just stood there, his hands around his chest, looking at the Warcraft tide leader lightly.

When the Warcraft tide leader touched Fang Fen's eyes, he knew that Fang Fen was not afraid of him at all, so he was somewhat discouraged, but he did not give up completely.

Now the Warcraft tide team leader's tone is slowed down a lot, he said to the other party, "I didn't expect that you, as the second leading core of your team, are so bold.

Young man, I'm very optimistic about you. I hope you have such good courage in the next level and lead your teammates to continue to explore. "

Fang Fen didn't notice that the Warcraft tide leader saw that he was the second core leader of the team. Fang Fen focused on the second half of the word.

He believes that since the Warcraft tide leaders have said that they can lead their teammates forward to explore, it proves that they still hope to pass the third level.

Although the Warcraft tide leader has not let go, has not said that will let them smoothly pass the third level, but at least also released a message to him.

After they successfully passed the test given by the Warcraft tide leader, they must be able to successfully pass the third level and move forward to the fourth level.

So now Fang Fen also nodded, and then said to the wave of Warcraft, "of course, I'm sure I will lead my team-mates to continue to explore.

Now, the most important thing we need to do now is to solve this matter. Since you are not willing to break the rules of the underground palace, please release all your moves so that we can solve it as soon as possible, and then pass the third level as soon as possible. "

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