Fang Fen did not notice the first half of the Warcraft tide leader. If he did, he could imagine that the words of the Warcraft tide leader had released two messages to him.

The first is that the Warcraft tide leader knows that ye Wuqian, as the first core leader of their team, has been kicked out by the rules of the first level.

Fang Fen must be the second core leader. If Fang Fen can catch the words of the Warcraft tide leader, he will certainly continue to think.

It will soon be thought that ye Wuqian must have been eliminated by the rules of the underground palace. Then, as the second core leader, he may soon be eliminated by the rules of the underground palace.

Unfortunately, Fang Fen didn't notice this. He didn't notice that the Warcraft tide leader was disappointed with him, or he kept thinking about what kind of tasks the Warcraft tide leader would arrange for him.

What kind of difficulties and tribulations will he encounter? If he can complete these tasks as soon as possible, the Warcraft tide leader will arrange for him, and they can also pass the third level and enter the fourth level as soon as possible.

He didn't notice what he said before and didn't hear what he said.

Fang Fen one mind is to let himself quickly through his tests, and then smooth customs clearance, so will not pay attention to his words.

And ye Wuwei on one side, after hearing the Warcraft tide leader said that, of course, he knew that the Warcraft tide leader wanted to release a message to Fang Fen.

Want to let Fang Fen and their psychological preparation, but a bit of a pity is that Fang Fen did not understand the meaning of the word said by the Warcraft tide leader?

Fang fennel is still so confused that he doesn't know how to keep going. But even so, ye Wuwu can understand.

Ye Wumian knows that the Warcraft tide leader's words are more obscure. In fact, it's no big deal. Maybe Fang Fen thinks that since the Warcraft tide leader is the guardian of the level set by the underground palace.

Then he will know that some other things are inevitable. There is no need to break the casserole and ask the truth. There is no need to go back to the bottom.

Now Fang Fen said to the Warcraft tide leader, "come on, we have to pass this test. Whether we want to fight or how to say it, the four of us must accompany us to the end."

"Young man, don't open your mouth and shut your mouth is a fight. What's good about killing? Can't we think about the good side? Can't we just sit down and have a good talk? "

Hearing the Warcraft tide leader say so, Fang fennel's forehead suddenly three black lines, what is called "can't sit down and talk calmly"?

He wants to sit down and have a peaceful talk, but the Warcraft tide leader has always disagreed. Now he has given up this idea and is sure that there will be a terrible war and a fierce battle.

I didn't expect that the Warcraft tide leader came to ask him why he didn't calm down and talk about it peacefully. Fang Fen felt that he was about to vomit blood.

The Warcraft tide leader's contradiction is really the leader's demeanor, and only the leader can do so.

"Of course we can sit down and talk calmly, but what are we going to talk about? You should at least tell us the solution.

If I were to talk about it, I would directly tell you to release the four of us and let us go through the customs smoothly. Such a requirement is certainly not difficult for you

Difficult is not difficult, but it will break the rules of the underground palace, break the fairness, and break the balance of these. In fact, Fang Fen also knows that it is absolutely impossible for the Warcraft tide leader to agree to his request.

He just said it casually. He had no hope for his own words and demands.

Even if he didn't hope for anything, how could he let the Warcraft tide leader agree? How could he let the Warcraft tide leader agree.

So he didn't think about other things. He heard the Warcraft tide put forward to let them sit down and have a peaceful talk.

Fang Fen was also quite out of his mind. He didn't know what the Warcraft tide leader wanted to talk to him. He had nothing to talk about, nothing to talk about at all.

It's better to have a good fight. Maybe after a fight, they won't fight, they won't know each other and become friends.

Fang Fen is just thinking like this in his heart. This kind of bridge can only appear in martial arts novels. How could they possibly have such a situation?

What's more, although the Warcraft tide leader seems to be more kind than other Warcraft, he still looks vicious.

How can they sit down and have a peaceful talk with them? Maybe when they negotiate with the Warcraft tide leader peacefully, the Warcraft tide leader will turn his face and refuse to recognize people.

They will think that several of them are wrong, so Fang Fen has to carefully verify all the questions raised by the Warcraft tide leader.The Warcraft tide leader is very satisfied with the question he answered, but the Warcraft tide leader still thinks that it may be because he pretended to be too serious before.

Although he knew that Fang Fen was not afraid of himself, he could see that Fang Fen was very careful in answering his questions.

In fact, the Warcraft tide leader can understand. Maybe Fang Fen thinks that although he is not afraid of the Warcraft tide leader, he is afraid that his attitude will make him unhappy.

After that, he will have some unnecessary troubles for Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. So Fang Fen will suppress his mood and talk to him well.

If they did not want to protect Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, Fang Fen would never have become so careful.

"You don't have to be so nervous. Although I'm the leader of the Warcraft tide, I'm more reasonable.

If you didn't provoke me, I would never take the initiative to attack you. You don't need to be so careful. Just relax

Fang Fen, of course, knows this truth, but he is afraid that he has never been in contact with Warcraft, which only exists in fantasy novels.

Today is his first time to see him. Although he is not worried or afraid, he has to worry about his team members. As the core leader of their team, how can he ignore the life and death of his teammates?

He himself doesn't matter, but he must ensure the safety of several of them. He can't expose Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy to danger because of his own negligence.

He is absolutely impossible to let such a thing happen, so even if the Warcraft tide leader says so to him now, he can't guarantee that the Warcraft tide leader has not cheated him.

Fang Fen thinks he should be reserved. He doesn't think that because the Warcraft tide leader has become a good speaker now, he can't be so serious as before.

Fang fennel in the bottom of his heart to pull a line of defense, absolutely impossible, because the Warcraft tide leader told him not to be so nervous, he would really relax, will really slack down.

After all, he felt that in this primeval forest, there were many difficulties, and he had to be vigilant at all times to prevent any accidents, so there was nothing to do but nod his head.

Fang Fen deliberately let himself relax, let the Warcraft tide leader think he has relaxed down, but in fact, Fang Fen's heart is still more vigilant.

He is still worried that there will be some emergencies. When the Warcraft tide leader sees Fang Fen's distrust, he can understand the head of the Warcraft tide.

If he is fangfen, he may do worse than fennel. Fangfen is already very good in this way.

So he didn't make any other requests. Now he continued to say to the other party, "I know you must be very surprised why there are Warcraft in this world.

I know you must be thinking that only the imaginary novels you read will have the existence of us Warcraft.

But the fact also tells you that there are all kinds of things in the world. I hope you don't mind too much. "

Fang Fen didn't mind. They also broadened their horizons. Although they always thought that there would be only scientific things in the world, there would be no strange things.

But now that they have seen it, seeing is believing and hearing is false. Now that they have seen it, they are still able to digest and understand.

Although there is no way to explain this from a scientific perspective, they will try to make their ideas close to science.

They will never feel that the real world they lived in before does not exist because they see these Warcraft, and they will not feel that the real world they lived in before has many things that deceive people.

After Fang Fen heard the Warcraft tide leader said this, he didn't think it was a big deal, so he nodded.

Then he said to the Warcraft tide leader, "we know that the four of us have already discovered this when we were wandering in the secret room.

We have found that there are a lot of situations that can not be explained by science, and we can accept it calmly. However, we don't have to worry too much about this. "

when the leader of the Warcraft tide heard Fang Fen say this, he was a bit surprised. As people in the real world, Fang Fen and his four people would be very surprised when they saw the existence of these Warcraft animals You're going to be scared dumb.

I didn't expect to turn over them, but they were not frightened. They accepted their surreal existence so calmly. Therefore, the Warcraft tide leader was really surprised and surprised.

But even so, he did not say these unexpected and strange feelings in his heart, because he knew that if he did, he might expose the fact that he was more worried about.

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