With such a hot figure and such a revealing dress, she even asked Ye Xiao to teach her how to swim. Do you think ye Xiao would refuse?

Maybe there is no man in the world who will refuse!

The woman chuckled and looked back at Liu Yu not far away. After smiling at him, she followed Ye Xiao to the seaside!

It was at this time that Murong Mingyan took yibao'er out of the dressing room!

Instead of wearing an exposed bikini, I was wearing a one-piece bathing suit in aqua blue all day. Under the swimsuit, there was a skirt, which covered the full hips, but showed the round and slender thighs. When walking, the skirt corners swayed and swayed, which attracted more men's eyes!

And her chest is very big, far from the young women around her. Even if she is wearing a one-piece swimsuit, the deep jade ditch is also exposed!

And her curly hair is also casually draped behind the head, walking between the amorous feelings!

As she walked out of the dressing room, at least 70% of the men around her cast their eyes!

The one who came out with her was wearing a one-piece swimsuit printed with dolphins, but even so, the same huge chest still made the remaining 30% of the man linger. Walking on the beach, this combination attracted almost all the men's attention!

Liu Yu laughs. This is the woman he likes. A woman in her thirties who still keeps her prime time. God knows how she is maintained. Even those young female stars are worse than her!

With a friendly smile on her face, Liu Yu walked up to Murong Mingyan!

"Mingyan, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here..."

Murong Mingyan looked back and saw Liu Yu standing in front of her body with a smile. She frowned?

How could he be here?

"It's quite clever, Mr. Liu!" Murong Mingyan's voice can not be warm, neither offend each other, nor give each other a little close!

In fact, such a tone has already offended people like Liu Yu. Of course, that is to say other people. For Liu Yu, such Murong Mingyan is the most beautiful. Isn't that what Tan Jitong said?

The most beautiful thing is what you can't get, and so is the person!

If Murong Mingyan was so easy to handle, he might not have been interested in her for a long time!

"Since it's such a coincidence, why don't we go there and sit down together? I haven't talked to you for a long time... " Liu Yu continued to smile!

Murong Mingyan would like to refuse, but at the thought of Liu Yu's status in Jinghai City, it was not good to offend him too much, so she nodded!

On the other hand, yibao'er is smart. When she hears Murong Mingyan calling Mr. Liu, she sees Murong Mingyan's frown. She seems to think of something!

"Auntie Mingyan, I went swimming first?" After saying that, let go of Murong Mingyan's small hand, a jump on the beach to rush!

"Be careful, baby!" Murong Mingyan called to yibao'er, and then walked to the beach chair not far away with Liu Yu!

"Annie, your hands need to float forward. Yes, just open them up. Push your legs hard and have rhythm. Yes, that's it Don't put your butt up so high, put it flat... " Ye Xiao doesn't know about the shore. He is standing in the shallow water to teach women to swim!

Just now he had known that the woman's name was Annie. At this time, he was holding the woman's abdomen with one hand to let her body float in the water, while the other hand occasionally patted Annie's buttocks, saying that it was to correct the other's posture, in fact, it was constantly taking advantage!

Annie's figure is very good. She should be convex and should be warped. Her buttocks are also very fleshy. Every time ye Xiao takes pictures, she will feel an indescribable pleasure!

And Annie can't help but whisper when he claps. It's even more provocative that he can't bear the evil fire

"Brother Ye Xiao..." At this time, ebol had already run to not far away and yelled at this side. He was shouting and waving to this side!

Ye Xiao looked back and scolded her in her heart. Good, you dead girl, didn't you see that I was busy? Now what are you doing here?

But when he thought of bao'er's miserable childhood, he was not very angry. He just said to Annie, "I'm sorry, Annie. My sister called me. I'll go and have a look first."

"Well, you go, I'll wait for you here..." Annie considerately replied. Her voice was graceful and her eyes were dark. She was fascinated by Ye Xiao for a while!

She doesn't like herself already, does she?

With a happy mood, ye Xiao quickly came to her side and said, "what's the matter? Don't tell me you can't swim? I don't have time to teach you now! "

"Cut, I learned how to swim when I was nine years old. Who wants you to teach me? I'm here to tell you something. Put your ears together!" Yi bao'er disdained to curl her mouth, and then waved to Ye Xiao!

What's so mysterious? Ye Xiao is puzzled in his heart, but he still puts his ear close to him. Then yibao'er stands on tiptoe and says a few words in Ye Xiao's ear. When he says Mr. Liu, his face has changed!"Wait here for me, and I'll tell them!" After that, she ran to Annie without waiting for her to open her mouth. She was also a beautiful woman. Even if she wanted to leave, she had to say hello first!

"Annie, I have some things to deal with. You should swim according to my method first."

"Ah, but I will not..." Annie's face is disappointed. She is reluctant to part with her eyes. It seems that she doesn't want Ye Xiao to leave

Ye Xiao's heart and soul in her eyes are so charming. How long has it been that I can't give up

"I'll be back soon." However, compared with Yan sister may suffer from Italy, the other party's reluctant to give up is obviously so insignificant, after all, a woman who is just a one-sided relationship, but a person who is one of his closest relatives in the world, has no comparison at all!

Annie herself was sent by Liu Yu to attract Ye Xiao. Although she didn't understand why Mr. Liu wanted to do this, and she wanted to accompany Mr. Liu more, but this is the requirement of general manager Liu. In order to achieve her future, she must complete this task well. Now, seeing ye Xiao's determination to leave, where would she agree!

"Really fast?" Anne said with a twinkle in her eyes!

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded and was about to leave. He didn't want to waste too much time here!

"That's OK, ouch..." Seeing that ye Xiao was about to turn around and leave, Annie suddenly exclaimed, and her body was also natural, so she fell towards Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiaozheng was about to turn around and suddenly saw Annie coming towards him. Instinctively, he stretched out his arms to hold her. But because of the position, his right hand just caught Annie's straight right chest!

But he didn't have time to experience the pleasure. With Annie's body bumping into his body, he was unsteady when stepping on the sand, and his body was instinctively going to fall down!

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