At this time, as an expert, he kicked with one foot and rotated his body. He just adjusted his body when he was about to dive into the water, so that Annie could not plunge into the water. However, he grabbed Annie fengluan's right hand and pulled it uncontrollably. How could he bear such a pull!

I heard "pa..." With a sound, the golden chest band was broken directly

"Ah..." Before ye Xiao had time to enjoy the wonderful spring scenery, Annie had already jumped out of Ye Xiao's arms, covered her chest with her hands, and began to scream with tears in her heart. Her eyes were full of panic, as if she had been humiliated!

Such a scream pierced the whole beach. The tourists swimming around looked at this side one by one. There were a group of young men who claimed to be just people rushed over one by one. In the blink of an eye, a circle of people surrounded Ye Xiao!

"I'm sorry, Annie, I didn't mean to..." Ye Xiao had a cold sweat on his forehead. How could he tear off his chest?

"You shameless hooligan, I didn't say anything for taking advantage of me just now. Do you still want me here, are you still a person?" Ye Xiao originally wanted to apologize, and then escort her to leave. This matter was just like that. Who knows Annie, who was still reluctant to part with her just now, has completely changed into a person and scolded Ye Xiao!

Look at her like that, it's like Ye Xiao is going to punish her here!

Ye xiaosilly, oneself take advantage of not false, but that is also you deliberately seduce me? Besides, I just accidentally touched your chest.

If you want to take advantage of it, or do you take more of it? I didn't say anything. What do you care about here?

Even if I accidentally touched your chest just now, I would have broken your chest strap if I were not afraid of you falling into the water?

It's just to whom are these words addressed? Is it useful for people around you?

After he was shocked, he was replaced by anger, boundless anger and uncontrollable anger. When did ye Xiao get so wronged from childhood to adulthood

Seeing those people around him pointing at him, ye Xiao's anger is surging upward

"Annie, I didn't think you were such a person..." Maybe she was very angry or angry to the extreme. Anyway, ye Xiao calmed down at the moment and looked at Annie with a regretful look on her face!

Hearing that ye Xiao still looks meaningless in this situation, the onlookers around him are quiet. Is there anything hidden in this? After all, just now, someone else saw them love each other? Why did you start to make an indecent act?

Annie is also asked by Ye Xiao's words, a Leng a Leng, what does it mean that you are such a person? Are you familiar with me?

"As I said, I have a girlfriend, and I can't accept your love. If you want, we can still be friends. But now, do you think you take off your clothes and threaten me in front of so many people, will I promise you? No, you will only make me hate you. I'm sorry, I'm leaving first Say, turn around to leave

Her back is natural and lonely, and her expression is solemn and holy. Where does she look like a lecher? I have to say that ye Xiao's acting skills are even more outstanding than Oscar's film emperor!

The people around me are completely stupid. It turns out that this is such a thing. I really didn't expect that this guy should be so dedicated to his feelings. Such a beautiful girl refused to throw herself in his arms!

Bull, bull!

Annie was also stunned by Ye Xiao's words. What is my love for you? When did I express my love for you?

Still be friends? I don't want to be friends with you? If not for general manager Liu's instructions, who would like to take care of such a little boy as you?

Seeing that ye Xiao was about to push aside the crowd and go out, Annie reacted instantly!

"You rascal, you take advantage of me, make up a lie, think you can cheat everyone? If that's what you said, would you call your girlfriend Annie is sure that ye Xiao has no girlfriend. Otherwise, how could his girlfriend not come with him?

With Annie's roar, other people also react later. Yes, where can a man sit still? It must be that the boy didn't take advantage of it, and then he wanted to take the opportunity to escape. The originally loose crowd was surrounded again!

They don't want to let Ye Xiao leave. Of course, they want to take this opportunity to see Annie's body!

Being surrounded by these people, ye Xiao's anger is even more intense. Just now, although he was angry, he was worried about his sister Yan's safety. He didn't want to pester him here. He was so quick that he said some sacred words that made him feel sick. He was ready to leave first and then talk about it. Later, he would clean up this woman. Who knows how fast she reacts, how could she In a short period of time, I saw through my own plot

"If you're such a thing, even if you're naked and put it on the bed, my boyfriend won't look at it more! How can I take advantage of you? " Just when ye Xiao was at a loss, a silver bell like sound came from the crowdHearing such a sound, the crowd could not help but get out of the way, and then saw a beautiful girl in a lavender swimsuit coming over!

If someone else said that, others would certainly disdain it. After all, although Annie was not so beautiful, her irritating figure still made most women feel inferior. But when they saw the coming people, people around them thought it was natural!

The girl has long black hair and wears a lavender swimsuit!

Her slender figure, even barefoot, is 1.72 meters. Because she only wears a swimsuit, her slender thighs show up. This is just the thighs that can make countless men dream back. Even those leg models are not as good-looking as her legs!

It can be said that just relying on these legs, the girl has completely compared Annie, and when she sees her appearance, even a beautiful woman like Annie will feel inferior!

Compared with Annie, who often use various kinds of skin care products, the girl's skin is naturally beautiful, which can be broken with a finger, and her appearance is several grades higher than Anne's. although it is not so powerful, it can also make people's eyes shine in Causeway Bay surrounded by beautiful women!

And with the girl's words, she even exudes a momentum, a suppressed momentum that other women dare not say more, like a princess!

As for ye Xiao, when she saw the visitors, she laughed. I didn't expect to see her here, and she appeared in such a timely manner!

Tan Xiaoxiao came to Ye Xiao's side with a cold face and naturally took Ye Xiao's arm. Then she said slowly and leisurely: "I told you before that she is not a good woman, but you are always too soft hearted to say that you are afraid of hurting them. Do you see, don't you still find a chance to deal with you now?" While saying, pulling Ye Xiao toward the crowd outside!

Annie was stunned by such a scene. Did he really have a girlfriend? Why didn't you see her just now?

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