Brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng and brother Fang Fen are not the same. All three of them are going to go home. Ask their parents whether they are willing to let them live in the primitive forest again.

Would you like them to set up camp in the virgin forest? Only in this way can they do it and let their parents not worry about them.

Fang Fen also saw that the three of them agreed very much with what he thought, so Fang Fen continued to follow his advice.

Then he continued to say to the three of them, "in that case, what I want to say now may be guessed by you. After all, we are sons of man.

We should tell our parents about our decision, so as to avoid our parents from being sad. Do you think I'm right

Originally, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, as well as the little boy, thought Fang Fen was quite right, but now they heard Fang Fen say so.

The three of them felt that Fang Fen's words didn't seem necessary. After all, they all thought that the primitive forest life was their own decision.

They want to live here by themselves, and there is no need to tell their parents, and even if their parents know, they will not be sad.

Their parents will definitely agree with their decisions and opinions, even if they don't make it clear to their parents.

Their parents would not object to it, so they all felt that Fang Fen's remarks were superfluous. They all thought that it would be better to live directly in the virgin forest if they could.

There is no need to go out and talk to their parents. Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng think that if they go out from the original forest and then come in, they may not be able to reach this place.

What should they do if they broke in again at that time and could not get through the first and second levels? If there is no way to get out of the secret room, what should we do?

They have every reason to believe that the difficulties of the rules of this underground palace will be doubled when they come in the second time. They are already so difficult when they come in for the first time.

What should we do if the difficulties are doubled the second time? Although they think that Fang Fen's words do have a little bit of truth.

As sons of man, they should tell their parents their decision and let them know that they have decided to camp in the virgin forest and have decided to live in the virgin forest.

But in any case, they all felt that if they lost this opportunity, they might never have a chance to come back to the virgin forest in their lifetime.

Therefore, Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu feel that there is no need to do what Fang Fen said. Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu are very opposed to what Fang Fen has done.

However, they didn't say it. Fang Fen saw the faces of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. Seeing their expressions, he knew that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng certainly did not agree with what he said.

Fang Fen also feels a little difficult, but even if he feels a little difficult, it doesn't matter. He will stick to it in the end.

Although Fang Fen also felt that it was a wonderful thing to live in the virgin forest, he also felt that they might not be able to come in again after they went out. But in any case, it's certainly better to let their parents know their decision.

Absolutely not because of their own personal, absolutely can't because of their selfishness, let their parents in the real world become so anxious, become so helpless.

Although Fang Fen is also his parents, they may agree with him very much and may agree with his decision very much, but Fang Fen still thinks that it may be better to let his parents know these things.

Even though his relationship with his father was not very good, after he returned to their family business, the relationship between the father and his son improved a little.

But Fang Fen knew that his father had always loved him very much and cared about him. Knowing that he wanted to live in this primitive forest, he would certainly support his decision.

So no matter what, I still think it would be better to go back and report with their parents. If we say that this primitive forest is really suitable for their survival.

If they can't come in after they go out, it proves that they are not suitable for living in the virgin forest.

So Fang Fen continued to persuade Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, as well as the three little boys.

Fang Fen said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "think about how sad our parents would be if they knew our life in the virgin forest, but were not willing to tell them our actions."

"How can you be sad? Because our parents are aware of our decision, but also very much agree with my decision.

Even if they know that we are living in the virgin forest now, they will support it with both hands. How can they have so many troubles? "

Zhao Xincheng does not understand Fang Fen said these words, because in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, these are unnecessary.There is no need to waste this time reporting with their parents, and they have nothing to do with their parents.

If their parents know, they will certainly agree. Why should they go through this process? Is this process really so important?

If it was before, Xu Haojie certainly would not have such an idea. After all, Xu Haojie's attitude towards work, or too much for life, has always been very rigorous, and there is no such idea at all.

But because he was influenced by the phantasm of the primeval forest, his ideas had changed, and some had changed.

What he could not have said or done before had become something that could be done in the virgin forest and in the illusion, but even now he thinks that his parents may not be so important.

Although Fang Fen said it was quite reasonable, but he did not dare to agree, he always felt that his own decision to complete it, his own decision after he did not regret the line.

Don't report with his parents, do not need to say these words with his parents, why should they waste their time and their lives.

It's a good thing to survive here. Why do you want to do something superfluous?

Even if Fang Fen said so, Xu Haojie still felt that they could not tell their parents. Now Xu Haojie continues to refute Fang Fen.

He said to Fang Fen, "Fang Fen, I don't mean you. In fact, I think that no matter how much we say, our parents will certainly agree with our decision. Anyway, we are not going to do anything harmful to nature. How could they be sad?"

Hearing Xu Haojie say so, Zhao Xincheng also nodded his head, because Zhao Xincheng also felt that it might be better to tell their parents their decision.

But their parents are not necessarily unhappy about their life in the virgin forest, which is absolutely impossible.

Zhao Xincheng knows his parents very well, although Zhao Xincheng's father had some bad things for him just because he wanted him to go back to his family's enterprise and inherit his family's enterprise.

But Zhao Xincheng knows that his father and his mother have always been very supportive of him. If not for this, how could he be willing to work in the game development studio?

If his parents don't approve of his decision, don't care about his ideas, and force him to work in their family's enterprise, why let him realize his dream and let him do these things in these places.

So Zhao Xincheng really thinks that there is no need to do these things mentioned by Fang Fen, because those things mentioned by Fang Fen are impossible to happen.

Originally, the little boy thought that they could understand Fang Fen's words, but now seeing Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, they seemed to disagree with Fang's words.

The little boy also quietly came to the camp of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, because although the little boy was eager for his father before, his mother could treat him better.

However, he had been disappointed for a long time. Especially after he realized Fang Fen's parents, he realized that even a stranger, even a person he had just met, would treat him so well.

His parents were so bad to him that he had been disappointed with his parents and felt that his parents were no longer qualified to be his parents.

So the little boy really felt that there was no need to tell his parents about these things. It was futile to tell his parents. No matter whether his parents agreed or not, he would not be aggrieved by his parents' thoughts.

He can live a very good life in the virgin forest. He doesn't need to be unable to live in the virgin forest because of these strange things and some outsiders' reasons.

If they can come in after they go out, maybe they can discuss it, but if it's really like what Zhao Xincheng and the two of them think.

After they went out of the primeval forest, there was no way to come in again. What should I do? So the little boy really disagreed with Fang Fen.

Now four of them have become two camps. Fang Fen is a single camp. He thinks that they should tell their parents about this.

After consulting with his parents, he decides whether to set up camp in the virgin forest. Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy are in the same camp.

All three of them agreed that they didn't need to tell their parents about it and that they would just live in the virgin forest.

After all, life is their own, life is their own, it is not necessary for others to do so many things, so their two camps really win by more.

If Fang Fen insists on going out and telling his parents about these things, he has every reason to believe that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy will not agree.

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