He would never go out with him, so Fang Fen was in a dilemma. He didn't think he would tell his parents about these things.

He didn't think it was necessary to tell his parents before, but now after some strange ideas, he still thinks that it might be better to tell his parents these things first.

Otherwise, if his parents have no way to know their whereabouts, and become very sad, become very sad, what should we do?

Although Fang Fen really doesn't like to work in his family business, he really doesn't like to do some business management.

But he has always been a more filial person, and his relationship with his father has not been very good, but after all, it has begun to reconcile, after all, now their relationship has broken the ice.

He really hopes that these relationships can continue to go on, really hope that these relationships can become very good, so he still insists on his own ideas.

Seeing that he was angry, the little boy still insisted on his idea. Seeing Fang Fen, he thought that he should go out to discuss with his parents before deciding whether to live in the primitive forest. The little boy felt a little unhappy.

The little boy thought that Fang fennel had turned his back. He had already said that he would live in the virgin forest. The four of them had already agreed to stay here.

Although they only set up a simple tent, they will definitely go to find the wood suitable for the tent the next day to rebuild their house.

The little boy really thought that this fennel how to become so strange, the little boy he said his idea directly, the little boy he came to fangfennel.

Then he said to him, "brother Fang Fen, why do you have this idea? We have already agreed that we must live in the virgin forest.

Why do you suddenly think we should go out and tell our parents that our parents don't care about this.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng's parents, as well as Fang Fen's brother, your parents will certainly agree with your decision, but my parents don't care about me at all.

Even if I decide to live here, they should also feel very good. They should feel that their burden is gone. "

Because the little boy knew that his parents might think he was a burden, he was not willing to be nice to him and not willing to pay so much to him.

He felt that there was no need to go home and talk to his parents so much, and the parents of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng should be the same.

After all, their parents will certainly agree with their decision, and they will definitely agree with their decision. If they have made a decision, their parents will definitely not oppose it.

And fangfen's parents, the little boy, he has also been in contact with. The little boy knows that fangfennel's parents will absolutely agree with fangfen's decisions.

So the little boy really felt very strange. Why did brother Fang Fen do these things? Why should he do such things?

These things clearly can be done very well. Fang Fen heard the little boy say that, in fact, he can understand why the little boy said so.

Because he also knows that the little boy may feel that they don't need to do these things. He also knows whether it's Xu Haojie or Zhao Xincheng, or Fang Fen himself.

Their parents will make the same decision, and to be honest, even if their parents don't agree, there is no way.

They will also live their own lives according to their own will. In Fang Fen's eyes, no matter whether his parents agree or approve of his decision, he is obliged to say so.

After all, this is the most basic thing that should be done as a son of man. Although Fang Fen thinks that there is a loophole in what the little boy said, he can understand the little boy.

After all, the little boy is only eight years old now, and the little boy has never felt it before, including his parents' love for him, which belongs to those innovative little boys. He thinks that they do not need to do these things. He still thinks it is OK and he still thinks it can be understood.

The little boy looked at Fang Fen all the time after he finished, hoping that Fang Fen could give him a better reply, but what else could Fang Fen say?

Fang Fen really thinks that they should tell their parents about these things, otherwise their parents are worried about them, it must be a bad thing.

If their parents have suffered some unnecessary trouble because they are worried about them, it will certainly make them feel very regretful.

Even if their parents would certainly agree and approve of their living here, their parents would certainly like them to live happily and happily.

If we can find the value of life and the meaning of life in the virgin forest, then their parents will definitely approve of it.

But before they agree, should they tell their parents about these decisions first, so that they can't let their parents worry about them all the time.They can't let their parents down there because they're missing, or whatever.

Therefore, Fang Fen also patiently explained to the little boy: "we can't say that. Although our parents may agree with our life in the virgin forest, it is one thing to agree, and another thing to say.

We have to say these things well before we can live in the primitive forest in peace of mind. Don't you think this is a very good thing

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Fang Fen say so, they lowered their heads and were not willing to agree with Fang Fen.

Although they know from the bottom of their heart that Fang Fen's words are very reasonable, and they also know that Fang Fen should consider these things.

But they just want to selectively ignore, if they really want their parents to know where they are.

Maybe their parents will have some other ideas. They know that their parents will definitely agree with them in the end, but the process may have some twists and turns.

If they want to live forever in a place where there are no people and only four of them, they may think that it is not good at all.

Although the scenery in the primeval forest is really beautiful, it is really very good, but after all, it is a more important thing, must let his parents know.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie really don't want to listen to Fang Fen's words, but they have to listen. They think it doesn't matter.

They think that Fang Fen said these things will not happen, but they still have to listen to it, and now they have listened to Fang Fen.

Although the heart still very does not agree with Fang anisuo these words, but the heart actually also has some vacillation, because they two people also know.

Although their parents will agree in the end, they also feel that their parents will definitely have some disappointment.

They are in favor of their decision because they are their parents' sons. Therefore, their parents will support their decisions unconditionally.

Maybe their parents will also be disappointed. Their parents are the only child who wants to live in the virgin forest and set up a camp in the virgin forest. They can't go out and be filial to them.

Their parents will certainly feel very disappointed, very sad.

However, in the face of a beautiful life, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng still feel that they should abide by their own heart. It is not that they can not meet again.

After they have lived in the primeval forest for a period of time, they can also go outside to observe and visit their parents.

It's also true in real life. After they get married, they will certainly not live with their parents, and they must also live outside.

that will be like living in the virgin forest, and occasionally have time to go out to see their parents. Is this a bad decision? Is such a decision a bad thing?

Therefore, Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu think that Fang Fen's problems can be solved, not things that can't be solved.

Xu Haojie came to Fang Fen's side, and he said to Fang: "you think there is no problem with these things. We should just live in other cities. We don't have to tell our parents to live in the virgin forest.

We just need to tell them that they love other city life and will go back when they have time. That's good. Isn't it just the best of both worlds? "

In fact, Xu Haojie doesn't know that what he said is not easy to achieve, because people of this generation like their parents will certainly have some more antique ideas.

If they really live in the primeval forest, they will certainly not get married or have children. If their parents know, they will not approve of it.

Even if their parents are very open-minded and open-minded and agree with their non marriage principle and are willing to let them become DINK families, their parents will be very disappointed.

Fang Fen still thinks there are many loopholes in what Xu Haojie said, so Fang Fen told Xu Haojie what he thought.

Xu Haojie thinks that no matter what kind of life it is, it will be very good to solve it.

"In fact, we can't say that. Even if we tell our parents that we live in other cities, we will visit them when we have time.

But have you ever thought about what to do if one day your parents want to live in your home? Are you going to bring them into the primeval forest? "

"Why not? It's better to take them to the primeval forest. You see, all four of us like life here so much.

Our parents will certainly like it very much when they come here. We should not think that our parents don't know anything or know nothing, which is not good at all. "

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