Reality or dream, he only belongs to himself at this moment. As for what will happen tomorrow, it will be tomorrow!

"Qianqian..." Ye Xiao wants to speak, but Ouyang Qianqian covers her mouth with one hand!

"Ye Xiao, I'm not dreaming, am I?" Ouyang Qianqian is so helpless lying on Ye Xiao's body, but the tears in her eyes do not mean to stop!

"Fool, this is not a dream, all this is not a dream!" Although Ye Xiao also feels that this is like a dream, he still can't really regard all this as a dream. It's irresponsible!

"It's good that you don't have a hug anymore Ouyang Qianqian murmured, but hearing this sentence, ye Xiao's heart is a burst of pain, no longer embrace in the dream, that shows how many times she has dreamed of himself? And how much did she miss herself?

"Every time I hug you in my dream, I am the happiest time, but every dream will wake up. At that time, I was thinking, if only all that was true, but now when it really happened, I hope it is a dream!" Ouyang Qianqian continues to say, and ye Xiao has opened her eyes?

"Why?" Ye Xiao doesn't understand. He can clearly feel Ouyang Qianqian's missing for himself, also can clearly feel her love for himself in her heart, and can clearly feel her longing for this kind of scene. In this case, why do you want it to be a dream!

"If it's a dream, I don't have to worry about other things in the dream, but this is not a dream, I'm sorry to smile!" When talking about this, Ouyang Qianqian cried directly. She cried so loudly. She was so sad. She cried like a three-year-old girl!

Ye Xiao's heart aches, people say that love is selfish, but under such circumstances, what she thinks is that she should be sorry for her best friend. She loves herself, loves herself too much, and can't control her emotions. However, she has to suppress this kind of love. She can't love herself just because she is between herself and Tan Xiaoxiao!

But is that fair to her?

"Fool, there is no right or wrong in love, and there is no saying of sorry. If you really want to say sorry, it is also me who says sorry to you." Ye Xiao thinks his language is very pale, but he still wants to say so!

"Woo Ye Xiao... " Ouyang Qianqian didn't know if she heard Ye Xiao's words. She still cried and cried out her name again!

"Well!" Ye Xiao gently agreed!

"I love you, I really love you!" Ouyang Qianqian lies on Ye Xiao's body and whispers in his ear. He says what he wants to say most in his heart, but dare not say it all the time!

"I know, I really know!" Feeling Ouyang Qianqian's firm words, ye Xiao even has an impulse to cry. What she sees in her mind is the little things Ouyang Qianqian has done for herself in the past six months. It is these small things that make her not know when to start and live in her own heart!

"Ye Xiao..."


"How about sleeping with me


Ye Xiao said, slightly turn over, let Ouyang Qianqian's body slide down from his body, and then hands tightly embrace her, let her so nestle in his arms!

"Ye Xiao, can you hold on a little more?"


"Ye Xiao, I love you!"

"Well, I know!" Ye Xiao gently nodded. Maybe, at this moment, he understood what is love. As for how deep this love is, even he does not know. He only knows that from now on, she will be his own woman, only belong to his own woman!

"Thank you, ye Xiao." Ouyang Qianqian murmured. After finishing this sentence, there was no sound any more. She had already fallen asleep. Looking at Ouyang Qianqian with a trace of tears hanging from the corner of her eyes, ye Xiao gently buried her head and kissed the tears in the corner of her eyes, but also slowly fell asleep!

The next morning, the bright sunshine from the window into the room, thorn in the face of Ye Xiao, will sleep in Ye Xiao wake up!

Vaguely opened his eyes, saw a warm room, ye Xiao's mouth emerged a faint smile, from last night, he had a woman, the woman's name is Ouyang Qianqian!

"Qianqian..." At the thought of this, ye Xiao shouts, but there is no response. Ye Xiao holds her hands and finds that the bedside is empty, where there is a half figure!

"Qian Qian?" Ye Xiao sat up from the bed and swept away. There was no Ouyang Qianqian in the room. Instead, she hung her own clothes and a brand-new shirt on the hanger!

Ye Xiao quickly jumped up from the bed, grabbed the clothes on the hanger and put it on his body. He was about to rush out of the door. However, he found a piece of paper on the table beside him. Ye Xiao stepped forward and picked up the note. There was a line of words on it, which was Ouyang Qianqian's handwriting!

"Xiao, I love you, but I can't love you. You are Xiaoxiao's favorite person. She has done a lot for you. I can't rob her man and make her sad. Everything last night is a dream. If you wake up, you will leave. Please forgive me for not telling me goodbye. In addition, there are Goubuli steamed stuffed bun and soybean milk that you like to eat in the microwave oven Remember to eat breakfast, oh, can't love your QianqianYe Xiao almost opened the microwave oven with tears in her eyes. When she saw the steamed buns and soybean milk that had been hot in the microwave oven, the tears could no longer help but pour down from the corner of his eyes

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