Crying, ye Xiao has not cried for a long time. When ah Hu died, he told himself that he was a man, and a man should not shed tears easily. Since then, no matter what kind of difficulties he encountered and what kind of sad things he met, he did not cry or shed a drop of tears, but when he saw Ouyang Qian Qian did everything for himself, but he could not help the tears in his eyes, so let it pour down!

The warm and kind-hearted girl, who would rather bear all the sufferings on her own, rather than other people's sad, she left. Even before she left, she also prepared breakfast for herself and prepared new clothes for herself. Even when she went to bear the bitter fruit silently, what she cared about was herself!

How deep is this love? How strong is this love? Can not love you, but already love can not extricate themselves, love deep into the marrow, love to the deepest soul!

Gently stretched out her hands, took out the soybean milk and steamed stuffed bun with the right temperature in the microwave oven, and gently bit the steamed bun. The fragrant and tender meat stuffing flew into her mouth and felt the delicious taste. In her mind, ye Xiao unconsciously thought that for the past six months, she would hold the bag and soybean milk downstairs waiting for herself almost every day!

"Ouyang Qianqian, you fool, don't you know I love you too?" Ye Xiao called out in his mouth, but at the fastest speed, he finished eating steamed stuffed buns and soy milk, and then rushed out of the room. While running outside, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Ouyang Qianqian's phone number. However, there was an imaginary prompt tone that couldn't be connected!

Came to the front desk, asked the boss Qianqian when to leave, but the answer is half an hour ago, thought of here, ye Xiao would like to pull himself to the ground, where has his vigilance gone? Why did you sleep so heavily last night? Why don't you even know where Ouyang Qianqian went?

Rushed out of the inn, eyes look around, the streets of people, whether men or women, are in a hurry, where there is Ouyang Qianqian shadow!

At this time, ye Xiao's mobile phone ring suddenly rings, ye Xiao's mind moves, originally thought it was Ouyang Qianqian, but picked up a look, it was Xie Chen's phone!

"Brother Xiao, this guy doesn't seem to cooperate very well. Do you want to use some means?" The voice of Xie Chen came from the other end of the phone!

"Wait for me to come!" Forced to suppress the palpitation in his heart, ye Xiao wiped away the only tears from the corner of his eyes, called for a taxi, reported an address, and ran to the countryside. After he left, Ouyang Qianqian, who had already changed into a down jacket in another room of Rose Inn, looked at Ye Xiaoli's direction, murmured: "I'm sorry, ye Xiao!"

A tear, once again from the corner of the eye, fell on the windowsill, soon covered by snow!

In the suburb of Kyoto, ye Xiao got out of the car and came to a relatively large villa. There was a younger brother who came to open the door. After ye Xiao entered the door, he led him down to the entrance of a basement. With him, he walked into the basement. Below was a basement with a width of hundreds of square meters and a billiard table As well as some fitness equipment, more than ten members of the dragon soul team are exercising, and Li Mengqi, still covered with blood, is tied to a chair!

Xie Chen is standing next to him with a cigarette in his mouth. Obviously, he is asking Li Mengqi something. However, although Li Mengqi's nose is blooming, his face is completely disdainful. He turns his head to one side and ignores it at all!

"Brother Xiao..." See ye Xiao down, including Xie Chen, all people immediately respectfully called!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded and walked towards this side!

"Ye Xiao, you'd better let me go at once, or you'll feel better when my people find here!" Seeing ye Xiao's appearance, Li Mengqi snorted coldly. Although Ye Xiao's methods were violent last night, he still thought that ye Xiao didn't dare to really do anything to him. Otherwise, why didn't he directly kill Lenglie last night and didn't kill him directly?

It's just killing a security guard, killing a security guard, and killing a senior dandy. That's an essential concept!

What's more, he needs to know something from his own mouth to catch himself. It is absolutely impossible for him to kill himself. Since he will not kill himself, what is he afraid of doing?

Ye Xiao didn't answer at all. He was still walking towards Li Mengqi step by step. When he passed a toolbox, he grabbed a spanner one foot long and walked towards Li Mengqi fiercely!

"You What do you want? " Seeing ye Xiao coming with such a big guy, Li Mengqi's face changed. But his voice just dropped. Ye Xiao had already swung the wrench in his hand and smashed it at his knee!

"Bang!" At the end of the day, Li Mengqi's pig killing howl resounded through the basement. In this way, his knee bone was smashed by Ye Xiao's wrench. The pain almost made Li Mengqi faint!

However, ye Xiao didn't mean to stop. He waved the wrench again and smashed Li Mengqi's lower leg again. It was a crisp sound, and his leg bone was smashed to pieces. However, ye Xiao didn't seem to enjoy it. He smashed the leg violently again. Only for a while, Li Mengqi's left leg had been smashed from below the knee several times Li Mengqi fainted with pain, and finally woke up again!"Bang!" Ye Xiao kicked Li Mengqi's abdomen again, kicking him and his chair out. Finally, he hit the floor directly. Naturally, Li Mengqi's body fell to the ground, but the huge impact force still made his body slide forward. His face was tightly attached to the cement floor and cement A burst of friction on the ground, the whole face was worn to pieces, and the burning pain made him desperate!

Ye Xiao stepped forward and came to Li Mengqi again. Then he put his foot in Li Mengqi's heart. He held a wrench and looked down at him. A cold voice sounded from his mouth: "I ask, you answer, you don't answer, die!"

Li Mengqi wanted to say that even if you killed me, I would not say it. However, he felt Ye Xiao's cold murderous spirit. He had no doubt that if he said half of what he was not satisfied with, he would really kill himself!

Words to the mouth, it turned into a good word, this moment he is really afraid, this guy is a devil, a completely crazy devil!

"Who asked you to arrange for Abe banzang to kill Lin mercilessly?" Ye Xiao said coldly, and the cold and frigid air diffused the whole basement!

"I don't know!" Li Mengqi said, but when he saw Ye Xiao lift the spanner, he immediately shook his head wildly: "I really don't know who that person is. I only know that they should be an extremely large organization. I work with them and I also want to get their help and revive the Li family." Li Mengqi is really afraid that ye Xiaohui will hit him with a wrench, and then he will really die!

"Is this the man you are in contact with?" Ye Xiao suddenly took out a picture from his arms. It was a beautiful woman with beautiful figure!

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