"Yes, it's her. How do you have her picture?" Li Mengqi exclaimed in surprise. Apparently, he didn't expect Ye Xiao to have a picture of the woman. He instinctively asked, but after that, he was afraid. Now it's Ye Xiao who asked himself? Ask him that yourself? Will he get angry?

"Besides you, how many people in the Li family have contact with her?" Ye Xiao did not get angry, but continued to ask!

"No, I'm the only one in the Li family to contact her?" Li Mengqi shakes his head again and again!

"No? Do you think I'll believe it? " There is a sneer at the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. At the sight of the sneer, the sweat on Li Mengqi's forehead is rising one by one!

"Really no, even if there is, I don't know. At the beginning, they took the initiative to find me and promised me a lot. For example, the thing that my father was about to be transferred to the so and so field army as the commander was what they promised me to do!" Seeing ye Xiao's cold eyes, Li Mengqi quickly tells what he knows. He is afraid that ye Xiao will break his head if he is not satisfied!

If there is no leg, you can get a prosthetic limb, but if the head is broken, there is no fake head. 1

"the last question, do you know who the Lin family contacted with them?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. From Li Mengqi's words, he got a terrible news that the dark moon alliance had penetrated into the top echelons of China. Otherwise, how could it affect the promotion of a field military region commander?

Li Mengqi's father is only a general of the staff, which has no real power. But if he becomes the commander of a certain military region and is also the commander of a field army, the weight of the major general will be much heavier. It is totally different from the chief of staff!

It is difficult to transfer an idle chief of staff to a field army area command even with the energy of the Li family. However, under the promotion of some people, this matter has been accomplished. Does not this just mean that the other party's potential forces in China are terrible?

The old chief executive has always wanted to get rid of these scum, but now that he has reached the top level, will he be in any danger?

He pressed down all kinds of doubts in his heart and asked again.

"Lin family? How could anyone in the Lin family cooperate with them? " Is Li Mengqi surprised?

"Why not? Don't you think the route on that video is a coincidence? " Ye Xiao sneered!

But Li Mengqi immediately closed his mouth. He knew clearly that Lin's ruthless death was not killed by Abe's half hidden. The real killer pretended to be ye Xiao. He didn't feel anything before. Now, after ye Xiao's reminding, he realized that the man's route was all based on the Lin family's invisible camera monitoring route, which is obviously a show It seems that the Lin family must also have a ghost!

At the thought of this, there was a cold sweat behind him. It turned out that the organization was so powerful that it was not only connected with itself, but also with the Lin family. What a huge force it has!

"You don't know that, either!" Seeing the startled light in Li Mengqi's eyes, the light in Ye Xiao's eyes also cools down!

"I..." Feeling Ye Xiao's gradually cooling light, Li Mengqi's face changed greatly. He had already felt the killing intention in Ye Xiao's heart. He wanted to say what I should say, but the words had not yet been uttered. Ye Xiao had already waved the wrench in his hand and directly waved it in the past!

"Bang!" The wrench hit Li Mengqi's skull directly. His skull was smashed to pieces. A piece of skull was smashed and flew like a golf ball. The white brains and bright red blood rushed out of the big hole!

Throw the wrench on the ground, ye Xiao dropped a sentence: "bury him!" Then go up!

The matter of burying the corpse naturally has other younger brothers to solve. Xie Chen quickly follows Ye Xiao's side and asks in a somewhat puzzled way: "brother Xiao, now that you don't have any evidence of him, would it be improper to kill him like this?"

In his opinion, killing a captain of the security team is nothing, but killing the eldest son of the Li family seems to intensify the contradiction!

Of course, if we can find the information about Li Mengqi's collusion with the dark moon alliance, it will be another matter!

"There's nothing wrong with it. As long as we find out the big man, all the people related to him will be implicated. Now that the Li family has an extra military commander, how can this matter be settled like this?" Ye Xiao murmured to explain a, in the heart of that angry just gradually subsided!

The old leader and the Dragon Emperor expelled him from the dragon clan and only gave him four words "easy to do". Since it's easy to do, it's naturally cheaper. Can we find evidence for everything? At this moment, he is not a dragon warrior, not a soldier. He is just a Mafia emperor, a Mafia emperor, killing people. Do you still need evidence?

Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Xie Chen doesn't say much at present. Anyway, ye Xiao is their leader. They just need to follow Ye Xiao's instructions!

After washing his hands in the corridor, ye Xiao comes to the villa and takes a look at the surrounding environment. This is the middle-class villa area. There are more than 500 households sitting in this area. Xie Chen and his wife will not be found out in a short time. However, Li Mengqi is dead and beaten by himself. Neither Kyoto nor the Li family should let go of himself If you stay here all the time, something will happen sooner or later!"Let the brothers break up and wait for my order!"

"Yes Xie Chen respectfully replied!

Ye Xiao didn't say anything more. He went straight to the garage and drove a black Audi. He ran out of the community. He took out his mobile phone, took out his mobile phone card, and then replaced it with another card. He made a phone call,

"Hello, Secretary Zhan, this is Ye Xiao. Is the old chief executive available now?"

"Yes, you wait!" Secretary Zhan is the most trusted person of the old chief. Naturally, he knows that he is not really blaming Ye Xiao!

"Got something?" A moment later, the old chief executive's kind voice came from the other end of the phone, and he asked in his first sentence. Obviously, he knew that at this time, if there was no important thing, ye Xiao would not call him!

"Well!" Ye Xiao didn't talk much nonsense. He told the old chief executive the news from Li Mengqi!

When ye Xiao reported to the old chief executive, Leng Tianyang, the mayor of Beijing City, stood in the advanced ward of the first people's Hospital of Kyoto with a gloomy face, watching his son, whose abdomen was sewn with 14 stitches and his head wrapped with bandages!

It's so outrageous, so outrageous. This ye Xiao is so brave that she dare to beat her son like this in front of so many people! And his subordinates dare to kill people in public. Is there no royal law in his eyes?

"Mayor, General Li is here to see the young master!" At this time, Yang's secretary came forward on a cold day and whispered!

"General Li?" On a cold day, Yang was stunned. He suddenly thought that it was Li Mengqi's father, General Li, who was going to be a field army. His son was only stabbed last night, but his son was directly captured, and no one has been found yet! Maybe he has already gone to the prefectures now. Thinking of this place, Yang hurried out on a cold day. The commander of the field army is no longer comparable to the original idle chief of staff

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