Just out of the ward, Li Liangzhong, Li Mengqi's father, came over in casual clothes. Beside him, he was followed by a man in his thirties, who should be his secretary or adjutant!

"Mayor Leng, what's your injury like?" Major General Li just saw Yang on a cold day and asked directly!

"Thank you, General Li. The injury is stable, but you can't get out of bed for at least a month. By the way, General Li, do you have any news about your son?" In cold weather, Yang forced out a smile on his face and said!

"I haven't heard from him yet. I'm afraid he...!" Li Liangzhong sighed softly. Even now, he doesn't know why Ye Xiao captured his son, and he did so openly!

"General Li, the auspicious have their own nature. Don't worry about it. Please come here!" What is the meaning of two generals who are going to be a major commander in the city?

As a senior ward of the first people's Hospital in Kyoto, there are also Suites for family members to rest. This is mainly for senior officials. On a cold day, Yang invited Li Liangzhong to the living room of the suite. The rest of the people stayed outside. Obviously, he knew that the two big men had big things to discuss!

In the room, Yang personally made a cup of tea for Li Liangzhong on a cold day. Then he sat down opposite Li Liangzhong and said, "does he know anything already?"

Lengtianyang's question is very inexplicable, but Li Liangzhong is not surprised at all. He obviously understands lengtianyang's words!

"I don't know, but the two Japanese people have left the hotel and I have lost their news. Maybe Ye Xiao knows something from them!" Li Liangzhong's brows are tightly knit together!

"Will Mengqi..." On a cold day, Yang wanted to say whether Mengqi would tell these things, but when he saw Li Liangzhong's cold eyes, he took all the words back!

"Mengqi is a sensible child. Even if it's death, he won't say it..." Speaking of this, Li Liangzhong clenched his fists tightly together, and his arms were full of blue veins. Obviously, he was in great pain. He also understood that his son was really in danger!

"What do you want me to do, brother Li?" Seeing Li Liangzhong's miserable appearance, it was hard for him to say anything more. He asked directly that they were on the same front. In private, they didn't call the general any more!

"This is a very serious crime. Don't say that the boy has been expelled from the dragon clan. Even if he is still in the dragon clan, no one can save him this time!" Li Liangzhong said coldly!

"I know how to do it. Don't worry, brother Li. I'll let you know as soon as there is news." Yang nodded on a cold day. Anyone who lost his best son at this time would not be in a good mood!

"Well, thank you very much." Li Liangzhong nodded and said some other things. Li Liangzhong stood up and left the hospital. When he left, his back was more crooked. It seemed that this event made his whole person look old!

On the same day, the Beijing Metropolitan Public Security Bureau began to investigate the murder case of Wu Zhi Lin Hui, searching for ye Xiao and Xie Chen everywhere. However, they disappeared as if they were mud into the sea!

At this time, in the old study in Jinling garden, the old chief executive was sitting on his wooden chair as usual, while the mysterious Dragon Emperor was standing in front of him, frowning tightly together!

"How could Li Liangzhong's transfer involve so many people?" Seeing the pile of data on the table, Emperor long felt that his head was two big. When the news of the leaf Xiao Li would tell the old leader from Lee Meng Qi, the old leader immediately turned out the relevant personnel data about Li Liangzhong's mobilization, but there were too many people involved in it, and what clues could not be found at once.

"Yes, these people have something to do with this transfer. Do you think they are all members of the dark moon alliance?" Old chief executive light says!

"No way. If they had infiltrated so many people, our government would have been ruined." The emperor of the Dragon refused!

"Yes, so I told Lingdi that these people don't need to check. They won't have any problems!" The old chief officer nodded with satisfaction. Obviously, he was interested in the politics of the emperor!

At present, there is a lot of darkness in China. It is difficult to find out these moths with the power of ghosts. He also feels that his time is running out. Therefore, he has no choice but to drag the dragon clan into the water. The dragon clan is an organization independent of various departments and the only organization in China that has not been dried up. Only such personnel can be fully employed Trust!

"Ah?" Hearing the old chief's affirmation, the emperor was surprised. Even if he wanted to confuse his eyes, he always wanted to get some fish eyes in? Why not even one person? If not, by what means did they send Li Liangzhong to that position?

"Ha ha, don't worry. You have to believe that boy's means. He won't let us down. Now, Li Liangzhong can't sit still. I heard that he went to see lengtianyang's son. I've asked Lingdi to pay attention to lengtianyang." Seeing the puzzled look of the Dragon Emperor, the old chief said again!Emperor long said nothing more. Li Mengqi and Leng were in trouble. At this time, it seems that it is not much for Li Liangzhong to go to lengtianyang. However, since the old leader thinks that the matter is not so simple, he also sent the Lingdi to the local government. So it seems that the cold day Yang has a problem!

But, besides cold days Yang and Li Liangzhong, how many officials still have ties with the dark moon League? When did officials of the Chinese state fall to this point when they thought of the fact that the eyebrows of emperor Longdi were tightly folded together? In Kyoto, Li's old house and limongqi's study, Li Liangzhong stood quietly in front of the computer desk in a military uniform. He looked at the picture of him and his son on the computer table. His eyes were full of tears. The time has passed for two days, but there is no news of his son. He has understood that his son may have been poisoned this time!

This is his only son, this is the hope of revitalizing Li family, now it is so? Just so suddenly, ye Xiao, I will never let you go!

At this time, the study sounded the knock on the door, Li Liangzhong whispered in, the door opened, the man who followed him to the hospital in his thirties came in!

"General, the Public Security Bureau has sent news, and someone turns himself in!" The man saw the gloomy face of Li Liangzhong, without a little fear!

"Surrender? Ye Xiao, do you think you can escape this robbery if you find a few scapegoats? Even if the public security bureau can't do anything to you, I will never let you go. Zhang Yang, what do I want you to do? " When he heard the words "surrender", Li Liangzhong laughed very angrily. He naturally didn't think ye Xiao would go to surrender himself. The person who surrendered must be under Ye Xiao!

In the hands of these big black guys, there are always some people who are not afraid of death!

"General, I have already contacted them. Their bearded people will be able to enter Beijing tonight!" Zhang Yang respectfully said, when it comes to three words of big Hu Zi, the voice is shaking!

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