Ye Wuqian asked his doubts, "don't you pay much attention to the balance of the underground palace rules? Why now suddenly I have to come up with the idea of going through the back door to help Fang Fen and the four of them. "

Can Warcraft tide leaders forget what they said before? The Warcraft tide leader is not saying that for the sake of fairness and justice, for the sake of fairness, it is certain that Fang Fen will encounter some difficulties.

Now Fang Fen and they have not come out of the illusion. The leader of the Warcraft tide took the initiative to tell him that the next level will help Fang Fen and the four of them to break through.

So ye Wuxiang felt very strange. If there were no such things, maybe he could understand, but after all, he knew what kind of person the Warcraft tide leader was.

After all, he knows that the Warcraft tide leader is a person who pays great attention to fairness and justice, and is a person who will not go through the back door. But now the Warcraft tide leader does these things.

You can clearly see that the Warcraft tide leader wants to help Fang fennel and the four of them, although Ye Wuwei can also guess.

The reason why the Warcraft tide leaders put forward such a thing is that they feel that their predestined people are in fangfen's team.

Maybe the leader of the Warcraft tide just wants to help their people who are destined to pass through these levels successfully. But after all, the leader of the Warcraft tide is not that kind of person. No matter what, ye Wuqian also wants to ask.

Of course, he knows that Fang Fen has his own different views on these things. In fact, he has nothing to hide.

Since his previous image was fair and just, and now ye Wuqian has raised it again, he will certainly answer ye Wuque's question well.

The Warcraft tide leader thought it was unnecessary. He felt that he had completely complied with his original intention. He could do whatever he wanted. Since ye Wuqian has already mentioned it, he must come to answer Ye Wuqian's doubts.

So he said to Ye Wuqian: "although I am a person who pays great attention to fairness and justice, it is because their starting points are the same. Now that I have known, Fang Fen and their ability is very outstanding.

Also know that the predestined person is in a few of them, so I think it is not wrong to slightly bias them. I believe that the owner of the underground palace is willing to let me do this. I am the guardian, and of course I can have such rights. "

Moreover, the Warcraft tide leader is actually a little selfish. He has been guarding the third level here all the time. He has always been guarding here in the primitive forest. He has never been to other levels in the underground palace.

In fact, he said this because he wanted to go to other checkpoints to have a look, and he also wanted to open his eyes. Anyway, they finally got their right person. He could go out and have a look.

They don't have to stay in the primeval forest all the time. They can take the opportunity to protect their predestined people. They can also know who their predestined friends are at the first time.

After all, the rules of the underground palace will slowly kick out the best in their team. Ye Wuqian is the first to be kicked out.

Who is the second one to be kicked out? The Warcraft tide leader also feels very curious, as long as he has been following Fang fennel down.

He can know at the first time who is the right person of the underground palace and who can help them finish the final task.

That's why the Warcraft tide leader has such an idea. Ye Wuqian still feels very puzzled. Originally, the Warcraft tide leader didn't want to say.

Because the Warcraft tide leader doesn't want Ye Wuqian to know that his heart is so heavy, but he doesn't want Ye Wuqian to know that he wants to open the back door and help Fang Fen and several of them because he wants to go to other levels to play.

That's why he admitted that he wanted to help Fang Fen and some of them, even if it had an impact on his fair and just image, it didn't matter.

"Even if what happens to you after I leave, anyway, I'm here to look for the right person. Now that the predestined person has appeared, I don't need to abide by those rules. The rules are dead, but people are alive."

The leader of the Warcraft tide has been talking about his own thoughts here. In fact, ye Wuwei thinks it's OK. Anyway, as long as it's the decision of the Warcraft tide leader, it doesn't matter.

Warcraft tide leaders want to go through the back door, or want to trust the relationship, anyway, as long as they can make themselves do well, it doesn't matter. Ye Wuxiang doesn't care about this at all.

The reason why he felt strange was that what the Warcraft tide leader said and did was not consistent with his own image, so he was curious.

Since the Warcraft tide leader himself does not feel how, then how can he as an outsider have any idea? Even if he really has an idea, it doesn't need to.

After the Warcraft tide leader finished speaking, he observed Ye Wuqi's reaction and found that ye Wuqi didn't seem to have much reaction. It seemed to be the same.The leader of the Warcraft tide thought that ye Wuwei felt that he was lying. Although he did hide something, it was not a big deal.

He really felt that there was no need to say it. The Warcraft tide leader coughed a few times, and then went on to say, "it's really nothing. I just wanted to be fair and just.

So we have to test Fang Fen and his four people. Now that one of them is destined, I am sure I want to help him, right

Ye Wuqi can't help but look at the Warcraft tide leader, and then turn to continue to look at the four of them.

The Warcraft tide leader saw ye Wuque with such an expression. He really felt his head was big, and he didn't know what ye Wuque was thinking. He didn't know whether he believed what he said.

So the Warcraft tide leader really felt that, otherwise, he would tell his real reason. He just played hard and wanted to follow them to have a look.

How could he say it without a good reason? But now to see ye Wuqi so distrustful of himself, the Warcraft tide leader is not happy, feel uncomfortable.

That is to let Ye Wuqian know that he is really a good man, not a man without principles. The reason why he chose to continue to help Fang Fen and the four of them was just to find a reason for him to go on.

Moreover, the rules of the underground palace are the same. As long as they find the person who is destined to be in the underground palace, then he can go down with the person and protect the person.

Although the rules of the underground palace will never let the predestined get any harm, but also prevent some accidents, after all, I don't know the accident and who will come earlier in the future.

The Warcraft tide leader also has his own considerations. The Warcraft tide leader thinks that these considerations are very mature, but in the eyes of Ye Wuqian, it seems that they are not like this.

The Warcraft tide leader thinks ye Wuque is really a very promising person. He did not expect that he would have such a great pressure in front of Ye Wuque.

He also felt that he was a child who did something wrong. Because of this, the Warcraft tide leader felt that ye Wuqian was a dragon and Phoenix in a man, and that ye Wuqian's future was really limitless.

"Ye Wuwei, why do you always look so light? It seems that I don't believe what I said. It's too much.

If you believe what I said, you should know that I will not tell lies. I want to help them completely because one of them is a friend of our underground palace. "

Warcraft tide leader has been there to explain, I hope Ye Wuqian can listen to his explanation of these things, I hope Ye Wuqian will not doubt his original intention, do not doubt his ideas.

But ye Wuque never said any doubt. Ye Wuque felt that, no matter what, it was the choice of the owner of the underground palace.

What kind of choice does the master of the underground palace have to do with him? Anyway, it doesn't matter what the Warcraft tide leader wants to do. What the Warcraft tide leader wants to do has nothing to do with him.

He also has no way to stop the Warcraft tide leader from doing so, and he has no reason to let the Warcraft tide leader do this or that.

This is the work of the Warcraft tide leader himself. It is his own choice. The Warcraft tide leader can do what he wants. He has nothing to say.

But the Warcraft tide leader's mind is not like this, the Warcraft tide leader he just wants to let Ye Wuqian believe his words, the strange thing is that ye Wuxiang has always been so light hearted.

After the Warcraft tide leader saw it, he thought it was because ye Wuque didn't trust himself, so he would be so light hearted, and he would have no expression.

Therefore, the Warcraft tide leader hoped Ye Wuqian could give him some reaction, and hoped Ye Wuqian would not be so indifferent because of these problems.

"Ye Wuqian, you are saying a word. I have said so much, but you are not willing to give me an expression. I am not a person without principles.

The reason why I am willing to do this is because I think it is very important for me to have a predestined person. I want to protect the predestined person. Isn't this OK? "

The Warcraft tide leader really wants Ye Wuqian to agree with him. It seems that he wants Ye Wuqian to deal with him, but ye Wuqian ignores him. This makes the Warcraft tide leader feel very surprised, and also makes the Warcraft tide leader feel bad at all.

Ye Wuqian feels a little strange when he sees the head of the Warcraft tide like this. He always explains to him what he wants to do.

Ye Wuqi directly said these ideas to him. He said to the Warcraft tide leader in a bad mood: "OK, OK, I know.

I know that you want to protect those who are destined to help them. You are not a person without principles. Is that ok? "

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