"How can you be so perfunctory and perfunctory to me? These are really the facts. I really choose to do this because I want to protect the right people."

Hearing the Warcraft tide leader or continue to say so, ye Wuxiang feels a bit unbearable. He does not respond, nor does he respond.

In response, the Warcraft tide leader said that he was too perfunctory and did not respond. The Warcraft tide leader felt that he was too cold and did not know how to do these things.

Ye Wuwei thinks that he still has to think about how to let the Warcraft tide leader know. His real idea is really like this.

Although Ye Wuqian knows that the Warcraft tide leader may not have said it clearly or finished, he doesn't mind at all.

Ye Wuqian was a little curious before, wondering why the Warcraft tide leader put down the principle like this, but he also knew that the Warcraft tide leader must have his own reasons for doing so, and he did not break the casserole to ask the end.

Since the Warcraft tide leader didn't say it himself, he didn't need to let the Warcraft tide leader continue to talk like this, so he didn't intend to let the Warcraft tide leader continue to speak.

However, the Warcraft tide leader always told him, even if he didn't say how bad, but the Warcraft tide leader didn't say clearly. If he didn't say half, how should he respond. Should he be perfunctory or not.

"I really did not perfunctory you, no matter what kind of choice you make, there is your reason, I can understand, no matter you want to help Fang fennel or not to help them, they will continue to go down, it doesn't matter."

When the Warcraft tide leader heard ye Wuque say this, he turned his eyes in his heart silently. He really felt that ye Wuque didn't cooperate so much.

Although now his goal has been achieved, that is to let Ye Wuqian believe that he continues to go down, not because of his heavy playing heart.

It's not because you want to see what the next level looks like. You must let Ye Wuqian know. He is just to protect the people who are destined to be in their underground palace.

But now that ye Wuqian really believed it, the Warcraft tide leader felt a little unhappy. If ye Wuque believed what he said so easily, what is the difficulty.

There was no difficulty at all. He really didn't want to do it. Before the leader of the Warcraft tide said it, ye Wuwei could see what the Warcraft tide leader was thinking.

Ye Wuque really thinks that the Warcraft tide leader is really speechless. He wants to do this again, but he doesn't want others to know why he did it.

Other people don't want to know why he did that, and then suddenly they want to let others guess why he did it. What's the meaning of all these twists and turns?

So ye Wuwei really doesn't want to go along with what the Warcraft tide leader said, but after all, the Warcraft tide leader is the master of the illusion, which is made by the Warcraft tide leader.

Ye Wuwei is also worried that he really ignores the Warcraft tide leader. The Warcraft tide leader will be angry and the other party will do some bad things.

Although the Warcraft tide leader also said that, because Fang Fen and their several people, one of them is a predestined person in their underground palace, the Warcraft tide leader will certainly protect them.

But if the Warcraft tide leader is really just to protect their predestined people and ignore other people, it is certainly not easy to offend.

Ye Wuqian also has this layer of research, and has not continued to say anything. But in fact, ye Wuqian really misunderstood the Warcraft tide leader this time.

The Warcraft tide leader is not such a stingy person. The reason why the Warcraft tide leader always wants to let Ye Wuqian know these things, has always wanted Ye Wuqian to understand these things and believe what he said.

It is also because the Warcraft tide leader is like a little boy, playing with a very heavy heart, so he chose this style.

It would be better if ye Wuqian could believe what he said, but it doesn't matter whether ye Wuqian doesn't believe it.

"Well, ye Wuqian, since you also know what I'm talking about, I won't say it. Then I won't force you. If you don't want to know, it's OK."

After the Warcraft tide leader finished speaking, he also turned his head to look at Fang Fen and the four of them, and did not continue to speak with ye Wukui.

Ye Wuwei feels very strange now. Why does the leader of the Warcraft tide seem to be trying to cover it up? In fact, the Warcraft tide leader is just deceiving him, not because the Warcraft tide leader wants to protect them, but for other reasons?

He didn't care about the lack of tide in some places.

In the eyes of Ye Wumian, as long as the Warcraft tide leaders already have other ideas, it doesn't matter if the Warcraft tide leaders don't talk about other things.

In ye Wumian's eyes, as long as we can ensure the safety of Fang Fen and the four of them, it's very good. No matter what kind of calculation the Warcraft tide leader is, it has nothing to do with him. He won't feel anything.As long as you can let the four of them safely through the checkpoint, as long as you can let the four of them achieve the ultimate goal, it is very good to achieve the final goal in peace and security.

However, different from fangye Wuwei and the Warcraft tide leader, there is another situation in fangfen.

Fang Fen proposed to let Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy go out together and tell their parents their decision to live in the virgin forest.

They have always been very opposed to it. Now they suddenly feel that Fang Fen's words are quite reasonable. If they follow Fang Fen's words and make it clear to their parents.

If their parents don't agree, maybe they can't live in this primitive forest in peace and contentment, but if they say so.

If their parents agree very much, they will bring their parents' best wishes to them and live in the primitive forest together.

Now Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie both think that Fang Fen's words are reasonable. Maybe they should follow Fang's advice and think about whether these things should be done in this way.

Otherwise, they will feel that their ideas are too extreme, even if they don't want to go back and discuss with their parents.

However, they should not always oppose fangfen here, and they are more and more aware of it. What Fang Fen said is quite reasonable.

If they don't go back and talk to their parents, it may cause a series of troubles, maybe they don't feel it in the virgin forest.

But their parents will be very sad, very sad, their parents have always been so like them, are so love them, are so supportive of their decision.

Now they decide to live in the virgin forest without the consent of their parents, which may really hurt their parents' feelings.

They don't want their parents to be so sad and sad because of their affairs. Their parents are also very old. It's really not easy to give birth to them and support them.

If it is because of their disobedience, so that their parents are still there silent sad, it is really a very unfilial thing.

Whether it is Xu Haojie or Zhao Xincheng, they really feel that such a thing, they are very reluctant to see.

The little boy felt that their parents were really bad. He didn't care about him all the time. He never felt the concern of his parents.

But the little boy also knows that his parents gave birth to him and raised him is a bigger thing than the sky, although his parents have no way to meet his requirements emotionally, can not give him too much care.

But his parents really like him and care about him. Even if his parents do not do well, they may have some problems in the role of parents.

But the little boy can understand a little, his parents want to give him a good life, want to make his material life better.

That's why he chose to be busy with their career. His parents were not cruel people. He also thought that maybe he should agree with Fang Fen.

First go out and talk to his parents, let his parents agree to his life in the virgin forest, after all, with their parents' wishes, they will have a happy life.

Of course, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also think so. They originally thought that what Fang Fen said was nonsense. They thought that Fang Fen's asking them to do these things was just to make it redundant.

But now they know that these things are completely justified and can be done. If they can't let their parents know that they live in the virgin forest, their parents will be very sad.

Finally, if something irreversible happened, they might not forgive themselves in their whole life. So Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy all put down their own things and took the initiative to Fang Fen's side.

They talked to Fang Fen about their ideas and their decisions, although they still feel that living in the virgin forest is a wonderful thing.

But they also had a certain idea in their hearts. They thought that even if they wanted to live in the virgin forest at last, they must discuss it with their parents before.

If they can, they are willing to take their parents to the virgin forest and let them do these things with them.

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