Although now they have listened to fangfennel's words, they are looking for wood outside and building simple tents again, which is actually very strange and confused in their hearts.

But they didn't say anything about them, because they knew that if they said all their doubts, they might cause some unnecessary trouble.

They don't like what's going to happen, so now they're hiding their real thoughts in their hearts, and they don't say it anymore.

In the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the weight of the two words of the little boy and Fang Fen is very heavy. If both of them say that they can continue to go down, there is no need to worry about what kind of problems. Then maybe there is nothing to worry about.

"Zhao Xincheng, don't you think it's really strange that we set up this tent this time. All of a sudden, it becomes dilapidated. We have been watching it all the time.

It turned out to be like that in a flash. We didn't go in and lived there. It was so strange that it took only half an hour

Even if Xu Haojie doesn't say it, Zhao Xincheng will think of these things, but Zhao Xincheng has not said it.

Because Zhao Xincheng thinks that even if they are in the primeval forest and there are many things beyond nature in the underground palace, he does not want to take the initiative to mention these things.

No matter whether there is something beyond nature, they all feel that they are at peace. Why should they think about other things?

Now that Xu Haojie has said it, Zhao Xincheng thinks it can be discussed.

He said to Xu Haojie: "in fact, I think it's very strange that we have just built it. Although our construction is certainly not as good as that demonstrated in some textbooks.

But with Fang Fen and the little boy's knowledge, I believe our two abilities must be OK. How could that simple tent suddenly become like that

If it's because of their poor craftsmanship, poor ability and poor workmanship, it may be understandable, but their simple tent has been inspected many times before.

They all agreed that there was no problem, but when they put these things down, they found that the simple tent they had built suddenly became so shabby.

In Zhao Xincheng's heart, of course, there will be a lot of doubts, but they did not say so, since they have already said so.

The two of them also discussed this issue in depth. They thought that if they still encounter the same situation in the future, they would even find the wood suitable for building a simple tent.

But it is also the same as this time. After they have built and checked, they are suddenly damaged, or they can't live in. What should we do?

So both of them are still very nervous. They have the idea of setting up tents and have these abilities.

If they can't solve these problems all the time.

They all do things like this without looking for the answer, and they may not get some good results in the end.

Therefore, no matter who it is, they all think that they should go back and discuss with the little boy and Fang Fen to find out how to solve the problem and how to solve it.

If we can't put things in front of our eyes, if we can't solve the problems, we should continue to do them blindly. That will only backfire and waste their time and energy.

Now Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu are not willing to waste their time and energy. If they continue to live in the virgin forest, they can not let these unknown difficulties entangle them.

They must solve these difficulties in advance before they can do what they want to do. Now they have set up this simple tent, and there is no way to save it.

They have to make sure that their house can be preserved before they can make plans for the next step. Otherwise, if there is no way to save the house, it will be a waste of time.

So Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu have the same idea. They look at the leaves in their hands, although they don't throw them all away all of a sudden.

But they all think that leaves are like chicken ribs. They can't even find the right trees to build houses without solving the most fundamental problems.

They must first go back and discuss with Fang Fen and the little boy, how can such a situation happen and how to solve such a problem.

After the discussion, only after solving the problem can they plan for the next step and make a good plan for the next step.

Therefore, Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu feel that they should not pick other leaves for the time being. They should take these leaves back for the time being. They also want to discuss with Fang Fen before making a decision.Now the two of them didn't go east and West, they didn't continue to look for some trees suitable for building houses, and went straight back.

As soon as they went back, they saw Fang Fen and the little boy in the distance. They were waiting there.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie feel very strange, how they both come back now, but the little boy and Fang Fen have already been waiting for them.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng naturally looked around the little boy and Fang Fen and found that they did not bring anything back.

Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not find wood, at least they picked some big leaves from the roadside, which can be used as roof.

But Fang Fen and the little boy didn't bring anything back. It's really strange. Before they came here, the little boy saw Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie first.

The little boy happily called Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. He came to Xu Haojie's side and said to them, "you two have finally come back. Brother Fang Fen and I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy say this, they were more and more surprised. Why wait for them? Didn't they work together to find wood?

Why did the little boy and Fang Fen come back so early and are still waiting for them? Is there anything that needs to wait for them to do?

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xin are confused. They don't know Fang fennel or little boy. What medicine do they sell in gourd?

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not speak now. They took the little boy's hand and went to the same place together. Then they saw Fang Fen and looked at them in shock.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie feel more strange. They seem to have done nothing wrong. How can Fang fennel look at himself like that?

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are really urgent. They want to ask what happened to Fang Fen. But seeing Fang Fen like this, they know that Fang Fen will not say it easily.

So the two of them waited here, hoping that Fang Fen and the little boy could explain these things clearly by themselves, although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng felt that it was OK not to bring wood back.

Even if they can't set up a simple tent today, they can sleep on the ground, which is no problem. However, the climate of this primitive forest is very pleasant.

Anyway, there is no night. It should not be very cold. It should not be cold. So Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie don't mind sleeping in the open air.

The two of them felt very strange. Did the little boy and Fang Fen think the same way, so they didn't prepare anything and didn't look for some wood to see the construction and simple tent?

It's strange that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have made achievements, but they have not said anything, because Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng know that as long as Fang Fen and the little boy want to talk, they will certainly say so.

The little boy opened his mouth and said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, when you caught fish in the stream and then dealt with the fish, what did you do with it? Is it a knife? Do you have knives with you? "

Originally, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng wanted to ask Fang Fen, a little boy, to explain how they came back so early. They did not bring wood or anything useful for building a simple tent.

But now I heard the little boy suddenly ask if they had brought knives and how they handled the fish. They both felt strange.

However, the two of them still told the truth. Xu Haojie took out his Swiss knife and handed it to the little boy.

"We do it with a knife. Fortunately, we usually prepare these things. Otherwise, even if we find something to eat, we have no way to deal with it. Fortunately, I have prepared this knife."

When the little boy saw the knife that Xu Haojie took out, his eyes were bright, because the little boy knew that Xu Haojie must have prepared a knife.

Otherwise, they will not be able to do these things. Fortunately, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie have these knives around them.

I believe that they will have a lot of things to be solved easily, and Xu Haojie saw the little boy saw the knife he handed over, his eyes became very bright, knowing that he might have misunderstood something.

So Xu Haojie said to the little boy, "what's the matter? Good to ask me how to deal with this fish. Are you interested in this knife

When the little boy heard Xu Haojie say so, he did not answer. Instead, he took the knife and handed it to Fang Fen.

Fang Fen took the knife from the boy and said to the boy with a smile, "yes, now we can go back to the place before us and transport the wood back."

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