Although Xu Haojie is holding a knife, it is very small, but it should be very sharp. As long as they can use it properly, they can definitely get the wood back.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard little boy and Fang Fen say this. They are both confused. They don't know why little boy and Fang Fen want to say so.

After all, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng don't know at all. They don't seem to have any plans to answer their questions when they see the little boy and Fang Fen.

They can't sit still. Xu Haojie comes to Fang Fen and grabs Fang Fen's knife.

He said to fennel, "why don't you look for wood to build a simple tent? Why don't you get anything back now.

I'll take my knife back. I can tell you, it's the only tool the four of us have. "

Because Xu Haojie also knows that the four of them usually don't have the habit of carrying knives or scissors. Only he carries this little Swiss knife.

If they take the fennel and lose it, the four of them will have nothing, although they are willing to survive in the virgin forest.

But if there is nothing, it must be very difficult for him, but he must think of some good methods for his later life. He can't prepare anything and take nothing, which is really not good at all.

Fang Fen heard Xu Haojie say so, he did not explain what, but the little boy's mood is more excited.

When he saw Xu Haojie take the knife back from Fang Fen's hand, the little boy immediately came to Xu Haojie's side and said to Xu Haojie:

"brother Xu Haojie, why are you so excited? We came back with a knife because we saw that there was wood over there and there was no way to get it back

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng went to catch fish in the river, the little boy thought that they must have tools, but they really wanted to be right.

After Xu Haojie heard the child say this, he knew that the boy and Fang Fen had come back so soon.

Because they didn't have the tools, they couldn't get back the trees that were suitable for building simple tents, so they came back to borrow the tools from them.

Small, but Xu Haojie thinks it's not very right. After all, how can these trees be so thick? His knife is so small. What should be done if he is damaged?

So Xu Haojie didn't want them to take his knife away. Zhao Xincheng was beside him. He could hear clearly why the little boy came back so early than the two of them.

They didn't have the tools and could not get the trees back. So Zhao Xincheng was relieved. Xu Haojie thought Fang Fen and the little boy, like him and Xu Haojie, did not find the right wood to build a simple tent.

Fortunately, it's just because they don't have these tools, which is understandable.

"Let's not think about these things for the time being. Let's think about why this simple tent that we promised to build before will break down."

When Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he immediately adjusted his mood and returned to the main story.

After all, in Xu Haojie's eyes, he searched for wood and continued to build a simple tent. But the tent, like the first one, soon became dilapidated. What should we do?

Isn't that futile? Isn't it a waste of their time and energy? They don't want it to happen.

So Xu Haojie also quickly followed Zhao Xincheng's words and said to the little boy and Fang Fen: "yes, let's think about it first. Why did we build a simple tent before it would break down? It's impossible for us to get it down without thinking."

The little boy and Fang fennel had already thought of these methods when they were looking for wood, because they thought that it was because the Warcraft tide leader wanted to test them, so they would do this to them.

If it wasn't for the Warcraft tide leaders to test them, how could the simple tents they had just built break down.

So the little boy told Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng what he had discussed with Fang Fen before, hoping that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would dispel their doubts.

No matter whether the difficulty they are facing now is whether the Warcraft tide leader has given them a test or not, it is because the Warcraft tide leader wants to test them, so they deliberately do so.

At least they should do these things well first, and then think about other things. Originally, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not understand and felt that this matter was unnecessary.

But after hearing the little boy's words, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng knew that they had not taken this into consideration.

In fact, they also suspected that before the Warcraft tide leader also said that they should let a few of them pass some tests. If they can pass the test, they will let them go to the next level.Just because they had decided to live in the virgin forest, they didn't think they needed to do these things again.

I didn't expect that even if they planned to set up camp in the virgin forest, even if they didn't plan to go down, the Warcraft tide leader would continue to test them.

So Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu know that the Warcraft tide leaders are not so good at talking. If they think they are living in the primitive forest before, they will certainly take care of them and help them.

Now think about it, maybe this matter is a little mysterious, but Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not say their consideration.

Because both of them knew that if they said this kind of consideration, it would be counterproductive, no matter whether the Warcraft tide leader wanted to test them or not.

It doesn't matter whether the Warcraft tide leaders are looking at them or for other purposes. They believe in their ability, and they believe that they can do these things.

No matter what it will be like in the end, they are willing to work hard and make some plans for their own lives. Now Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie agree with the little boy very much.

I think what he said is really right. I didn't expect that the little boy and Fang fennel had already thought of this point before. However, after they could not find the wood, they thought of it on the way back.

So from this point of view, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng admire the little boy and Fang Fen. They are really much better than them.

The two of them thought for a long time, but they couldn't figure out why the simple tent they built suddenly became so shabby.

Now after the little boy and Fang Fen's suggestion, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng suddenly understand that it is because the Warcraft tide leader is going to test them.

The Warcraft tide leader wants to know if the two of them have the ability to withstand such a thing.

That's why the tent they just set up becomes so dilapidated. They have every reason to believe that it was not only the simple tent they built for the first time, but also the second and third time they built it.

As long as they don't comply with the Warcraft tide leaders, they will surely come here to test them and continue to attack them.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also find it very difficult to do. Fang Fen, who has never spoken, naturally knows what Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are worried about.

In fact, Fang Fen thinks that there is no need to worry about these problems. Even if Fang Fen knows now, he may let the Warcraft tide leaders increase the difficulty of their test for some unnecessary reasons.

But Fang Fen didn't worry, because he knew that no matter how difficult it was, they would be able to get to the end. Since they had planned to live in the virgin forest, they did not intend to continue to break through the barrier.

I believe that even if the Warcraft tide leaders want to test them, the test should not be very difficult. The Warcraft tide leader is to test and test casually, not in other things.

Although Fang Fen is not sure now, Fang Fen knows that they don't have to do those things now. Since they have decided to live in the virgin forest, the Warcraft tide leader should just turn a blind eye.

They will never come to trouble them because they want to set up camp here. This is what Fang Fen doesn't want to see and what Fang Fen thinks is impossible.

In fact, all four of them are wrong here. The Warcraft tide leader is not such a person at all. They set up this simple tent and suddenly become like this.

It's not because they've slowly begun to wake up, and when they're fully awakened, these things will all disappear.

However, Fang Fen and several of them have not turned around. In their minds, they still think that this may be because the Warcraft tide leader is going to test them.

That's why they deliberately make such traps and test them. They don't know what happened.

While ye Wuqian and the Warcraft tide leader on the side, they saw Fang Fen and the four of them continued to discuss whether to build a simple thing here.

Warcraft tide leaders feel that they are close to the answer, but why is the progress so slow?

They will come out of here in the end. After all, the Warcraft tide leader knows that they have awakened and will not be controlled by this illusion.

But how can this process take so long? If they have already awakened, they should seize the time and come out of the fantasy quickly?

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