The team started slowly and gradually disappeared at the scene of the party. After the team completely disappeared at the scene, a black Audi car slowly drove out of the shadow. In the driver's seat, there was a man in his thirties!

The man is also an oriental face. He is quite handsome, but a scar on his face from the corner of his left eyebrow to the corner of his right mouth completely destroyed this handsome face and made his whole person look ferocious!

Seeing the speeding motorcade, the corner of the man's mouth appeared a grim smile, slowly took out the phone from his arms and dialed a number!

"Well, you can do it. Remember, it must be fast!" With this sentence, the man directly hung up the phone, and then drove the Audi car slowly followed behind!

In Bentley car, Hua YUEWU reclined on the back seat, slightly closed her eyes, put her hands on her temple position, gently kneaded, these days, she has to be busy with too many things, but think of all this is for ye Xiao, her heart is full of sweetness!

The motorcade ran towards the villa, and gradually drove out of the city. At this time, it was already early in the morning, and the urban area was better. After arriving in the suburbs, there were fewer and fewer vehicles on the street, only occasionally a taxi passed by!

The carriage was still kneading her temples for herself. Suddenly, she felt a jump in the corner of her eyes, and she was extremely fierce. An unprecedented sense of uneasiness appeared in her heart!

"Xiao Jie..." Hua YUEWU was just about to ask ah Jie what he was driving in front of her. Suddenly, she saw a strong beam of light coming from the distance. The strong light was so dazzling. Even if the glass of Bentley car was brown, Hua YUEWU felt her eyes twinkle, while ah Jie and others were still in the process of driving. They only saw a huge truck coming directly from the front On the highway with the isolation belt, the car is obviously driving in the opposite direction, and the light is so dazzling that any fool knows that the other party will never be kind!

But the truck turned on the lights too late, and the speed was very fast. When they understood, the truck had directly hit the first car!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the black Mercedes Benz was hit and stood up completely. The truck had already rushed to the front of the Mercedes Benz and directly hit the bottom of the Mercedes Benz. Then, pushing the Mercedes Benz towards the second Benz, the speed was really too fast. The Mercedes Benz stood up completely, and the tail of the car rubbed against the ground, causing fire FLOWER!

"Boom..." There was another loud noise. The cover of the first car was against the front of the second car again, and the first Mercedes Benz was deformed by the whole pressure. The bodyguards inside even had no time to jump out and had been crushed into mud. What's more, the fuel tank of the car was crushed at this moment, and the gasoline was sprayed out, which was directly ignited by the friction sparks, and then the whole explosion occurred Come on!

There was a loud noise in the whole night sky. The huge shock force smashed the body of the second Benz, and countless pieces flew out. The two people sitting in the driver's seat were stabbed to pieces on the spot!

Other Mercedes Benz cars want to drive past, but the huge truck made a sharp turn before the explosion, which not only saved the driver, but also swept the huge carriage directly, blocking the huge road!

This is a highway with isolation belt, both sides are guardrails, now the truck is so blocked, other cars even if they want to run past it!

At this time, the carriage of the truck suddenly opened from the side, and the whole carriage collapsed directly, and then exposed everything inside. When seeing the things in the truck, everyone, including ah Jie, was shocked!

Nima, that is actually a sniper gun. Although it looks old-fashioned, it is a sniper gun after all!

Bentley car can withstand the attack of rocket launcher, but it may not be able to resist the power of this kind of shell. A lot of cold sweat comes out from ah Jie's head. He doesn't care about his life and death. But if something happens to Hua YUEWU, how can they be worthy of Ye Xiao?

In addition to a sniper gun, there are seven or eight big men in camouflage suits. Everyone is full of fierce breath, which is not weaker than the spirit of dragon team members!

There is no need to tell, there are two Mercedes Benz cars have stopped, several men in black took out pistols, and rushed towards the truck, they must kill the people on the truck at the first time, only in this way can we ensure the safety of Hua YUEWU!

In the face of the rushing bodyguards, these big men, in addition to leaving two people playing with sniper guns there, quickly jumped out of the car, armed with black submachine guns, and pulled the trigger towards the coming members of Longyao club!

"Dada dada!" In the night sky, there was a crazy roar of submachine guns. Countless sparks flashed in the night sky. All the bodyguards who rushed forward were beaten into a sieve!

At this time, ah Jie had already turned the front of the Bentley, while another Mercedes Benz ran into the truck at full speed, which was a suicide attack. However, the members of the Longyao Club driving the Benz didn't show any fear at all!Not only he, but also eight members of the dragon soul team got out of the car and pulled the trigger at the big men with the Mercedes Benz as the cover. They had to stop the other party from firing sniper guns!

However, it was obviously too late. When the Bentley had just driven less than 100 meters, people heard a loud noise, and a fire came out from the muzzle of the gun barrel. Then they saw the Mercedes Benz flying up behind the Bentley and hit the trunk of the Bentley heavily. The huge shock force even made the Bentley jump up It's not the Bentley. It's estimated that this blow will knock it over directly!

But even so, Hua YUEWU, who was sitting in the Bentley, was also shocked and her blood was rolling. She bumped into the roof cover and had soft cushions on the top of the car. She didn't suffer from serious injuries, but she had a little skin on her forehead!

The driver ah Jie didn't care to comfort Hua YUEWU. He put the gear in one hand and stepped on the gas pedal wildly. The Bentley began to run again. But at this time, there was a huge roar in the night sky, and then he saw a meteor flash past and directly hit the back of the Bentley!

This car was built by Ye yubai and Xiao Nan wholeheartedly, and its performance was extremely superior. Even if it was hit by such a shell, it was not broken on the spot. However, the huge force still made the Bentley car fly. It rolled several times in the air, and finally fell to the ground!

Even in this case, the Bentley seems to have removed the scuffing, and there is not much damage. At least a few glass of the body is still intact!

Seeing the Bentley being blown over, the other Mercedes Benz turned quickly one by one, and the body directly crossed the side of the road, blocking the Bentley. It seems that they want to block the attack of sniper gun with their own body!

Ah Jie, who is in charge of driving Bentley, kicked the door open, climbed out of the car directly, and then quickly opened the door of the rear car. Four members of the dragon spirit team also surrounded for the first time!

"Are you all right, miss?" Seeing that the charming flower moon can still come out of it, ah Jie's heart that has been hanging has finally been put down

Although it is not out of danger, but it is not a big obstacle. If there is something wrong with Hua YUEWU, he can only find the other party and try his best.

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