"No problem!" Even if such a thing happened, even if the forehead was scratched, even if his right hand was broken because of the car rolling, but Hua Yue's charming face is still calm, a hand on the ground to drill out.

Under the protection of Ajie and several members of the dragon spirit team, they ran to the rear of the road. All the cars have overturned. Moreover, compared with the sniper guns, the car's target is too big, and it's not safe to take a car. Now the Mercedes Benz has blocked the road, and they can't catch up with them. They can only run away on foot!

The reason for escaping along the highway is that there is no alternative. On one side of the road is a big river. In such a cold weather, if you fall into the river, you will almost die. As for the other side of the isolation belt, it is the road. Who knows whether the other side will also have an ambush there?

However, it is strange that during this period of time, the sniper gun has never sounded. Instead, the men on the truck have jumped down and rushed towards this side. They look like they want to catch alive!

Ah Jie and four members of the dragon soul team protect Hua YUEWU and run towards the rear, while the others stay behind. They must stop these people from catching up!

On the one hand, they are thugs who specialize in smuggling arms and drugs. On the other hand, they are members of the Longyao society, which dominates the whole southern underground world of China. No matter which side they are, they have long ignored life and death and completely let go!

However, the weapons on the side of Longyao club are obviously poor. Their main task is to protect Hua YUEWU. In order to carry them conveniently, they are only equipped with desert eagles. Compared with the other party's miniature submachine guns, they are too poor!

However, they won in the number of people, taking the car body as a shelter, and they really intercepted each other in place for a moment!

In the night sky, the sound of shooting is constantly sounded, everywhere is the fire, and Hua YUEWU is also under the protection of Ajie and other people, more and more far away, see the Flower Moon Charm and others have disappeared in front of you, the people on the truck are obviously worried, even started to mobilize sniper gun again, launched an attack on the Mercedes Benz in front of you!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a Mercedes Benz was lifted up, and a member of the Longyao club who was hiding behind the Mercedes Benz was also lifted by this huge force. Finally, the Mercedes Benz directly pressed down under it, and the whole person was crushed. Taking advantage of this gate, the group of big men from Siberia pulled the trigger decisively, and several members were shot to the ground!

Now there are only four elite members of the dragon soul team who intercept this group of people. They look at each other, and their bodies all go around in four directions. They even launch an attack on these men from Siberia!

Seeing the four men who were like moths to the fire, the men on the truck showed a cold smile, which was also divided into four parts, and surrounded them. After a moment, the gunshot rang out

On the other side, with the delay of a group of dead men, Hua YUEWU and others have already run for thousands of meters, and they are about to escape completely. A black Audi suddenly comes from the distance, and ah Jie's eyebrows jump rapidly!

A member of the dragon soul team pulled the trigger without hesitation. At this time, such an Audi suddenly appeared, which is not a good omen. They would rather kill by mistake than hurt Hua YUEWU!

But the Audi seems to have known for a long time that several people would like to shoot. Unexpectedly, the steering wheel was swung, and the Audi car drifted to the full speed and hit Hua YUEWU and others on the road at full speed!

"Be careful, miss!" Ah Jie was shocked. He pushed Hua YUEWU to the side. Then the Audi car directly hit ah Jie's body and flew it directly. It landed heavily on the ground, especially on the back of his head. He hit the ground directly, and there was a group of blood on the spot!

"Come on Take the lady away from Leave Ah Jie said such a difficult sentence, pupil shrink, there is no sound again!

The remaining four Dragon Soul members burst into tears. Jackie has always been their head. Since they joined the Dragon Yao club, they have been working under ah Jie. Ah Jie has always been good to them, but now he is dead?

However, they understand that this time is not the time to revenge for Jackie. Their primary purpose is to protect Hua YUEWU from leaving!

Two dragon soul team members quickly toward the Audi car, the other two have helped up the fallen Hua YUEWU, around the Audi car to run forward!

Flower Moon Charm's eyes also showed a burst of grief, she did not understand who is going to start on their own? How could such a elite force be mobilized!

Two members of the dragon spirit team pulled the trigger directly at the Audi car, breaking the wheels of the Audi car. They were worried that the people in the car would drive the car to chase Hua YUEWU!

After a few gunshots, the Audi car was quiet. Looking down, they found that there was no one in the driver's seat of the Audi car. They could not help but feel that there was no one in the car? Where did the man go?

Just when the two people were frightened, a cough sounded from behind them. Their hearts were shaking wildly. When did the other party arrive behind them?

Without turning around or turning back, the bodies of the two men rushed forward at the same time. The people were still in the air, and their bodies had begun to roll. Then the desert eagle in their hands had pulled the trigger without hesitation!"Eh?" At this time, the man behind them showed a voice of surprise, as if they were very surprised by the reaction of the two people, obviously did not expect that the two people's reaction speed will be so fast? But at the same time, the man's body has stepped forward, and miraculously avoided the bullet shooting. He came to the side of two dragon soul team members without using any weapons. The man directly blew out a blow at them!

"Bang!" The two members who were still in the air couldn't avoid such a blow. They felt a sharp pain in their abdomen, and then they flew back uncontrollably. Finally, they fell heavily on the ground. On the spot, a mouthful of blood gushed out. The man also came to the two people's front and hit them in the heart again!

"Click!" With a crisp sound, their sternum was smashed to pieces, and their eyes were opened wide. Obviously, I can't believe that this man's strength is so powerful that he can easily kill himself with his bare hands?

Casually clapped his hands, the man stood up again and looked at the fleeing Hua YUEWU and others, and his mouth appeared a sneer smile!

At the foot of the foot move, the man's body into a shadow, quickly toward the Flower Moon Charm and others, to see how quickly to solve their two companions, the rest of the two members are crazy, know that this is an extremely terrible strong, but their eyes do not have a bit of fear, but once again hold the hands of the desert eagle, to Shoot at the man!

However, before they had time to shoot, they saw a flash of light in the man's hand. Then they both felt a pain in their right hand. The desert eagle in their hands fell down. When they looked down, they saw a sharp scalpel in their palms. Fresh blood was rushing down

In their hearts, they were replaced by fright. How could the speed of each other's knife be so fast? When they looked up again, the man had come to them

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