"Shua!" The sound of a sword flash, two members of the Dragon Yao club are shocked in their hearts, and their bodies quickly retreat back!

Then I heard the sound of "hiss". There was a bloodstain on their necks. If they were slower, their throats would have been cut!

Seeing that the two people avoided their own knife, a look of surprise flashed in the man's eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect the two bodyguards to avoid their own knife!

"Miss, let's go!" Two members of the dragon spirit team yelled at Hua YUEWU. They had already drawn out the dagger from their bodies and rushed at the man. At such a close distance, the dagger was obviously better than the pistol!

Hua YUEWU's heart is also a burst of worry. These four members, however, are the strongest under ah Jie. On weekdays, even seven or eight big men can easily turn them over. However, this guy has solved two of them easily. Seeing the people who died miserably, Hua YUEWU has a sharp pain in her heart. They all died in order to protect themselves. They are all ye Xiaoshen Side of the most loyal brothers, in the heart of Hua YUEWU, also early regarded them as their own people, rather than born for their own bodyguards!

However, after hearing the words of the bodyguard, she still resisted the pain in her arm and ran to the front at full speed. Her competitors absolutely did not have such strong strength. Even if they had, they killed themselves at most. Just now a sniper shell blew down, and she had gone to see God, but they did not have so many, which only showed that they wanted to capture themselves alive Self!

The purpose of catching herself alive must be to coerce Ye Xiao. She must not be able to let them catch her. If she is really caught, she will have a decisive color in her eyes at the thought of here. Even if she is dead, she can't let the other party catch her!

"Beyond my ability!" See two bodyguards actively launched an attack on themselves, the man's mouth appeared a sneer, wrist a turn, hands of the scalpel constantly rolling, flashing light, and then the body directly up!

The light of the knife in his hand flashed, and it had already been scratched to one of the people's necks. However, the man did not mean to flinch. Instead, he held the dagger in his hand and stabbed him in his heart. The other man rushed over at full speed, not caring about the safety of himself and his companions!

The man was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect these two guys to be so desperate. With his speed, he could definitely kill them instantly. But in that case, he would be injured. He was not sure that he could safely avoid the two daggers after killing them!

As a result, the man who had rushed forward could only get a meal, and then the scalpel in his hand was inserted downward. One was inserted into the wrist of the dragon soul member holding the knife on the right. The member snorted coldly, but his body continued to rush forward, while the other hand had already grabbed the falling dagger!

As for another member of the Longyao Club named he Longyu, he speeded up his speed. The dagger even sent out a cold light and continued to stab the man's heart!

Seeing that the opponent's wrist was pierced, he still wanted to attack himself. The man was shocked again, and his body had to continue to retreat. He pulled out the scalpel inserted in his wrist, and then he Longyu's knife was swung open. Then his body deviated to avoid the knife stabbed by the other man's left hand. Then the scalpel flashed again and crossed that one Human neck!

A bright red blood spurted out, and the sneer of the man's mouth became more and more intense. He continued to turn over the scalpel in his hand. However, his body had already rotated, and he was kicked in the abdomen of he Yulong. The huge force directly kicked him out of the air. The man was still in the air. The scalpel in the man's hand flashed and broke out of the air, Directly inserted into the heart of he Longyu!

When he landed, he had opened his mouth and burst out with blood!

The man did not look at the fallen two people, so step by step towards the Flower Moon Charm, but just walked out of a few steps, he Longyu, who still had a scalpel in his heart, hugged his legs!

"Miss, let's go!" He Longyu exhausted his whole body strength, clinging to the man's legs, just in order to be able to exchange that little time for Huayue charm!

Seeing that the most elite soldier around him could not resist the man's ten moves, Hua Yue's face turned pale. Who is this man and how can he have such strong strength? Seeing he Longyu's unsatisfied face with bloodstains and hearing that he did not forget his own safety even when he was hit by such a heavy blow, he also exchanged even a trace of life for himself. Hua YUEWU's heart seemed to be blocked by something. It was so hard!

At this time, she had turned around and ran at full speed. Her exquisite high-heeled shoes had already gone nowhere. She ran like crazy on the cold road with bare feet!

Her feet were soon red with cold, but she didn't care so much. There was only one thought in her mind: run away at full speed and escape from the pursuit of the other party. If she can't escape, she will find a chance to end her life!

The man didn't expect that he Longyu was not dead. He immediately burst into a drink, his legs burst into force, and a strong breath burst out, directly shattering he Longyu's arms. Then he kicked he Longyu's head and smashed his head. Then he felt relieved and walked towards Huayue charm!He seems to be walking very slowly, but in a few steps, she is about to catch up with Hua YUEWU. Hearing the footsteps behind her, her heart keeps beating, and she still rushes forward desperately. But I don't know whether her feet are too red with cold and lose consciousness, or other reasons. She falls to the ground by accident, and her arm is already broken Now, after falling to the ground, where can I get up!

Half lying on the cold road, his eyes full of despair!

Seeing the charming flowers on the ground, a faint smile appeared on the man's face: "beautiful lady, follow me obediently, you can rest assured that I will not treat you badly!" The man said, has come to the Flower Moon Charm in front of, is active toward the Flower Moon Charm stretched out the right hand!

Seeing the man close at hand, Hua YUEWU is still able to move with a hairpin firmly in her hand. Her eyes are dead. What comes out of her mind is just Yexiao's pretty face. If she dies, will he think of herself?

When Hua YUEWU thinks about pricking each other first, or directly stabbing herself, the man who originally stretched out his right hand towards Hua YUEWU suddenly changed his face, and his body was instinctively flashing to the left!

And then you hear "Hoo!" The sound, it seems to be the sound of bullet broken empty, Hua YUEWU naturally can not hear what the sound is, she just surprised to look at the man who suddenly flashed to the left, what's this guy crazy about? Why is this all of a sudden?

When he heard the shot of a few bullets on the ground, he stopped and turned over the hole!

Seeing such a hole, Hua Yue's charming eyes are happy. Did ye Xiao send someone to help him? Think of here, Flower Moon Charm do not know where to come from the courage, even one hand to support the body, run forward!

At the other end of the road, there was a huge roar. It was the sound of motors

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