In the man's eyes, the magic knife suddenly flashed into the eyes of the moon, and suddenly, a flash of light appeared in the man's eyes The bullet almost wiped his face and brought out a bloodstain on his face!

If he's a little slower, this bullet will pierce his head!

However, he had no time to be shocked. The instinct from the edge of life and death has made his body constantly backward. Almost every step back, there will be a big hole under him. When he withdraws more than 10 meters, a huge Humvee has roared and completed a beautiful drift on the road, turning the front of the car directly!

The roof of the Humvee is open. A beautiful woman with golden hair and black leather tights is standing on the vehicle. She is leaning out of the roof cover. She is holding a huge sniper gun. The muzzle of the gun is aimed at the man holding the scalpel!

In the face of the dark muzzle, the man did not dare to act rashly. Just now the car was still galloping, and the other party had been able to shoot such accurate bullets. Now it has stopped completely and it is such a close distance that he does not have full confidence to avoid the bullets of the sniper gun!

And Sarna standing on the Humvee didn't shoot, not because she didn't want to shoot, but because she didn't dare to shoot at all. This ferocious man gave her a strong sense of crisis. Unless she was sure to kill her, she didn't dare to shoot rashly. If she was hidden by him, she would not rush to kill herself and others!

When she opened the distance, she was still sure of it. However, at such a close distance, she had only one shot to hit the other party. She really didn't have a chance to shoot her. Unless cold soul came along, she could definitely kill her with two shooting skills!

The Humvee's door was kicked open violently, and then the huge figure of Kanu jumped out, and without looking at the man, opened the door for Hua YUEWU directly!

"Kanu?" Even if he didn't see his appearance, the man still recognized him. He snorted coldly and sent out a cold killing intention. Meanwhile, sharna's sniper gun was slightly lifted!

Kanu did not speak to the man at all. After Hua YUEWU got on the car, she got into the driver's seat again!

"You coward Seeing that Kanu didn't pay any attention to himself, instead, he got on the car directly. The man was furious and was about to move forward. However, the sniper gun in Sarna's hand moved slightly. He had no doubt that as long as he moved a little more, the other party would not hesitate to shoot!

And Kanu himself is a direct step on the accelerator, Humvee a shake, to the front of the rush!

With the inertia of Hummer running out, sharna's body slightly shakes, that is, the moment, the man's body moved, this move, like a cheetah, directly rushed to the Hummer!

And Sarna did not have any hesitation, directly pulled the trigger!

"Bang..." A sniper bullet shot out and ran directly to the man. However, the man's body twisted strangely and avoided the key point again. The bullet almost wiped his left shoulder, but it still brought out bloodstains. However, the man's body has quickly swept over. Before the Humvee is fully started, it has Close to catching up with the Humvee!

At this time, Sarna had no time to fill the sniper gun. She directly threw the sniper gun at the original man. The man's head was tilted, and he had avoided the sniper gun. Then she was about to jump up. But suddenly she found that there were two golden desert eagles in Sarna's hands!

A chill rises from the heart, without any hesitation, her body directly rolls to the side. At this time, sharna pulls the trigger, and two bullets shoot at the man in a corner. If he moves more slowly, at least one of the two bullets will penetrate his body. At such a close distance, the modified desert eagle is not as powerful as sniper The gun is small, as long as it is hit by a bullet, even his body will not feel good!

But after all, he avoided the attack of the two bullets, and the Humvee was also thoroughly galloping toward the distance. Seeing the fast leaving Hummer, the man's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together, and a touch of cold flashed in his eyes. At this time, several men in the truck also came to the man's body!

"How is it going?" The man asked coldly!

"Kill at full speed!" A man with a scar in the corner of his eye answered, it was the truck he drove just now!

"Casualties?" The man continued!

"Five dead, eight injured!" The man with a scar at the corner of his eye continued!

Man's eyebrows picked pick, unexpectedly killed so many people? You know, this time he brought all the best soldiers under bearded. Originally, he thought he was just kidnapping the boss of an entertainment company, only dealing with some ordinary bodyguards, but now he has suffered so many casualties?

If you think of the woman with the first-class shooting skills, the man's eyebrows will be even tighter. It seems that the task this time is not simple!In addition to dealing with the powerful existence that may appear at any time, it is not easy to deal with that boy!

"Withdraw!" There was no more to say, the man snorted coldly, turned and ran towards the night!

Other personnel also quickly left the scene one by one, leaving the messy scene to the police who don't know when they will arrive!

On the Humvee, salna had already got into the car and wiped off the cold sweat on her forehead. She took out some acne medicine and gauze from the car. She simply handled the wound for Hua YUEWU, at least stopped the blood. As for the fracture part, she could not solve it!

"How did you get here?" Wait until after the simple treatment of the injury, Flower Moon Charm this just open mouth to ask a way!

This time, Sarna and Kanu did not arrive in time, she will never see ye Xiao!

"After Li Mengqi died, the boss asked us to protect you in the dark!" Sarna simply explained!

As soon as ye Xiao heard that she had arranged such a group of people to protect herself, Hua YUEWU's heart was even more moved. However, when she thought of those Longyao brothers who died for themselves, she felt extremely miserable!

"Kanu, who's that guy?" At this time, Sarna asked the driver's car nu. At this time, his forehead was covered with sweat. It was a cold sweat. Obviously, she was extremely afraid of the man just now!

"Dr. Sirius, Zhan Gu Xiu!" It seems to have summoned up great courage, and the words just popped out of the mouth of the card slave!

And when she heard these words, her face changed!

Doctor Sirius, this is the only one who can enter the top ten of the underground world, and is also the only master who survived from the hand of Shura. It is said that the scar on his face was cut by Shura's knife!

Such a person, unexpectedly appears here? Why is he here? A little doubt in Sarna's eyes? Is it the dark moon alliance again?

"He's a man with a big beard. Beard sent someone here. Are they here to kill me?" Just when Sarna was puzzled, the Kanu on one side had already said again

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