"The bearded man?" Outside the operating room of a private hospital in Kyoto, ye Xiao heard Kanu's words and frowned tightly together!

Maybe he didn't know who the bearded man was before, but since he entered Kyoto, many things have been known. If nothing else, Xiao Zhentian, as a dragon nationality, controls the whole Tianmen and sits in the north to monitor Siberian beards? Now all the bearded people are in Kyoto? Why didn't you even receive any news?

Seeing the fear in Kanu's eyes and the fear in Sarna's eyes, ye Xiao fell into deep thinking!

Kanu and Sarna sent huayuewu here at the first time, and ye Xiao also arrived here at the first time. When he knew that all the brothers sent out to protect Hua YUEWU were killed, ye Xiao's heart was filled with grief. When he learned that it was the bearded hand, his heart was full of shock!

In particular, the person who came was doctor Sirius, who was the most famous abnormal in bearded hands!

Yes, abnormal. According to the information obtained by Ye Xiao, doctor Sirius is a real abnormal. He is also a Chinese. It is said that he was born in an ancient family of traditional Chinese medicine. However, he killed 364 people in the whole family with a knife because his idea of learning medicine was not in line with the elders of the family. Even his own parents were also given to him Gouge!

It is said that when his father finally died, one third of his bones had been removed!

It was such a pervert who committed the mystery case, and finally escaped the pursuit of the dragon people and entered the underground world. A few years ago, he had been active in Southeast Asia. He had set a record of 49 consecutive days dissecting 49 babies. He also made a huge name in the underground world. The most classic battle of nature is to challenge the first master Shura in the sky list After being stabbed by Shura, he escaped from the pursuit of Shura and became the only living person under Shura!

Later, he disappeared all the time, but what I didn't expect was that he took refuge in the beard!

Such a guy was listed as the first wanted object in China, but what he didn't expect was that he broke in with high sounding!

What is the reason for him to go back to Huaxi again? Who in the end attracted the beard?

There is no relationship between himself and moustache. His people really don't need to enter China to deal with themselves? Of course, ye Xiao is more unlikely to think that the other party is aimed at Hua YUEWU, who is just the president of an entertainment circle and has no conflict of interest with moustache!

When ye Xiaobai was puzzled, the door of the operating room opened, and then saw the surgeon come out!

"How is it going?" Ye Xiaoxian put aside the doubts in his heart and asked!

"It's not a big problem. I've already connected my bones. I just need to meditate for a while and I'll be fine! The patient has been sent to the special ward! " This hospital is a private hospital of Tianmen in Kyoto. The attending doctor naturally knows that ye Xiao's identity is not simple, so he replied respectfully!

"Thank you Ye Xiao said thanks, then went to the special ward, opened the door, went straight in, and Sarna and Kanu were standing at the door!

In the ward, Hua YUEWU is lying on the bed in a blue and white suit. Her forehead has been treated professionally and is pasted with gauze. Her right arm is wrapped with gauze. It seems that she has been put on a splint and is hanging on her neck. Her feet are also wrapped with gauze. After special treatment, this is for her frostbite!

"Are you better?" Ye Xiao came to the Flower Moon Charm in front of the body, reached out to grasp the Flower Moon Charm intact hand, soft voice said!

"Well!" Flower Moon Charm light voice way, at this time she has completely recovered!

"Those people are all because of me, they hurt you!" Ye xiaorou said in a soft voice, her eyes full of apology!

"Fool, do you still talk about that with me?" Flower Moon Charm gently shook her head!

"Well, to hear from Sarna, you were very calm. Aren't you afraid?" Ye Xiao gave a bitter smile, as if he was ashamed to say such nonsense!

"I'm afraid I'll never see you again!" At the mention of this, Hua Yue's voice softened down, thinking of the scene at that time, she was really afraid that she would never see ye Xiao again!

"Fool, I won't let you have any more problems. I will go back to Jinghai city tomorrow. I will send you back in person. When I get to Jinghai City, no one can hurt you again!" Hearing such soft confession, ye Xiao's heart a burst of warm current flow through, tightly grasp the small hand of Huayue charm, is very gentle to say!

"Good!" Hua YUEWU nodded. She had a lot of things to deal with in Kyoto, but now that she has made her hands like this, she can't continue to deal with them. Moreover, she also knows that ye Xiao has a lot of things to do. Because of her own self, she has mobilized such masters as Sarna and Kanu at her side, which has a great influence on his strength. Only after returning to Jinghai City, can she continue to deal with them Only then can he completely rest assured of his own safety!Jinghai City, that is the territory of Longyao club. Even the original dark moon League couldn't mobilize people into Longyao club, let alone a beard?

Night, deeper and deeper, ye Xiao did not leave the ward, experienced such a thrilling thing, Hua YUEWU's heart is very fragile, just need to accompany!

In the early morning of the next day, at the entrance of the hospital where Hua YUEWU is located, a black Mercedes Benz came by and drove into the hospital. Seeing the black Mercedes Benz cars, the medical staff in the hospital opened their eyes one by one. What is the matter? How come so many big Ben? However, what surprised them even more was that behind a Mercedes Benz, a limited and extended version of the "phantom" Rolls Royce drove slowly. At the sight of this extremely luxurious vehicle, all the medical staff in the hospital showed a respectful look. This car only came to this private hospital once, which was the car used by Xiao Zhentian, chairman of Tianmen group, such as Today, the owner of this car is the Kyoto underworld queen Xiao fei'er!

How disrespectful are they when their big boss comes at this time?

First, the black Mercedes Benz opened the door first. One by one, the bodyguards in Black got out of the car and stood in two rows. Someone had already respectfully stepped forward to open the door, and then saw Xiao Fei Er in a black windbreaker coming down!

When getting off the bus, Xiao fei'er seemed to have said something to the car, and then she went straight to the hospital. At this time, as soon as she received the news, ye Xiao personally pushed Hua YUEWU out of the special ward. On both sides of the corridor, there were also full of dragon soul team members who had arrived early. It can be said that all the members who stayed in Kyoto arrived here today!

"Moon Charm, is it better?" Last night, for special reasons, Xiao fei'er didn't rush to here at the first time. Now seeing that huayuewu was completely wrapped in a coat, she was worried and asked, how to say, she and huayuewu are also the best friends!

"Don't worry, it's just a little injury, it doesn't matter!" Flower Moon Charm slightly shook her head, the corner of the mouth is blooming out of a bright smile!

"It doesn't matter. It's all broken. I'm the one to blame this time. It's the negligence of the people below." Xiao fei'er shook her head again and again. Tianmen is her own territory. But now someone comes in with such heavy arms and injures her best friend. Why is she not responsible?

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