"Phil, it's none of your business. Is someone picking them up?" Seeing Xiao fei'er push the responsibility to himself, ye Xiao said quickly!

"Do you have a cable?" Xiao Fei Er's expression of surprise!

"No, but sometimes you don't need a clue!" Ye Xiao said lightly, but his words were full of affirmation!

Last night, he thought about it all night. Moustache and he had no injustice or hatred. There was no special reason why he would never take such risks to deal with him, and the dark moon alliance could not command big beard. In this way, Lin Xiuyuan and Li Liangzhong were the only ones who were hostile to him. Of course, Lin Xiuyuan was more likely. After all, the Lin family had great prestige It's nothing to do with beard. However, Li Liangzhong is also possible. The Li family is a well-known family. Although it has been getting worse and worse these years, no one knows how many students the old man had. It is said that beard was a soldier before everything!

It is not impossible for him to have contact with the Li family. Of course, all this is Ye Xiao's guess! If there are people from these two families intervening, it will not be easy to arrange for some people to come in. Especially after the civil strife in Tianmen, the vitality was damaged a lot, and it is impossible for all the places to come in!

Seeing the resolute color in Ye Xiao's eyes, Xiao fei'er no longer reproached herself, but said, "what if they started on the road?"

"They don't have the courage. If they really have the courage, then it's better to save me looking for them one by one after I come back!" Ye Xiao said coldly, but the cold murderous spirit naturally diffused. Last night, so many brothers died, and there was a Jie who followed him from the earliest time. How can this blood feud not be revenged!

"Well, the car is ready. Be careful all the way." Seeing ye Xiao's strong confidence, Xiao fei'er doesn't say anything more!

"Well, be careful. Remember to call Xiao Feng. It's better not to run around these days. No matter where he wants to go, he will wait until the new year is over." Ye Xiao nodded and told Xiao fei'er again!

"Well!" Xiao fei'er nodded and hugged Huayue charm. This just saw Ye Xiao and others leave!

The members of the dragon soul team quickly came to the front of those Mercedes Benz cars, forming a tight square array to protect Ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU from getting on the car, while Kanu and sharna disappeared in front of everyone!

They will protect Ye Xiao and others in the dark. As for cold soul, he has been lurking in the dark. He may not be as good as sharna in comparison with the shooting skills, but if it comes to sniping ability, he is even above the gun god!

Ye Xiao is holding Huayue charm on the silver Rolls Royce, and there is already a person in the car. It is Huang lingyao who is picked up by Xiao fei'er!

Today, she is wearing a light yellow sweater, a down jacket outside, and a pair of jeans under her. She wears a hat with thread on her head and gauze on half of her face. Obviously, it was scalded by cigarette butts!

"Is sister Hua OK?" Seeing Hua YUEWU and ye Xiao come in, Huang lingyao has a smile on her face and says in a low voice!

Since ye Xiao received the Flower Moon charm that day, she has been staying by her side, and Hua YUEWU also introduced her to the best beauty master, that is to deal with those burns on her face, but the scald is very serious, many skin has been burned to death, it is not easy to repair, can not completely recover in a short time!

Originally, she was recuperating. However, she received a call from Hua YUEWU saying that she would go to Jinghai city with her. Huang lingyao also agreed. In Kyoto, although she still had parents, she could hardly face the pair of parents who pushed her to the fire pit in person. So why not go to Jinghai city with Hua YUEWU? Is that where ye Xiao lives?

But what she didn't expect was that ye Xiao would be together with Hua YUEWU. As soon as she thought of her present appearance, she felt sad. She didn't know whether he would like herself when he saw her like this?

"No problem!" Hua YUEWU smiles and takes the initiative to hold Huang Linglong's small hand and sits with Huang lingyao. She is only one year older than Huang Linglong. However, she feels like a big sister. Just this smile will dissolve Huang lingyao's uneasiness and embarrassment!

And ye Xiao also directly got into the car, sat opposite the two people, looking at the two women living in harmony, his heart is a burst of emotion, no matter who, whether it is a man or a woman, as long as you are together with Huayue charm, you will quickly integrate together!

She has such a charm!

After the three people got on the bus, Xie Chen personally took the driver's seat of Rolls Royce, and another member got on the co driver's seat. The other members of the Longyao club also got on the Mercedes Benz that the members of Tianmen let out one by one!

Through the window, beckoning to Xiao fei'er standing at the door, the huge motorcade starts slowly!

Seeing the team leaving slowly, Xiao fei'er waved to a man beside him. The man quickly approached and looked respectful!

"Tell the brothers below to keep your eyes open, especially the people of the Lin and Li families, and keep an eye on me. If there is any abnormality, please tell me immediately!" Although Ye Xiao didn't say much, Xiao fei'er already knew what to do from ye Xiao's eyes!"Yes The man respectfully answered, turned and walked outside!

"Bon Voyage!" At this time, seeing the disappearing motorcade, Xiao Fei Er murmured!

When ye Xiao and others left Kyoto, Li Liangzhong, in his study, was lying on a bamboo chair in a long gown. Zhang YangZheng, dressed in black, stood respectfully in front of him!

"They have left Kyoto and are heading for Jinghai city!" Zhang Yang reported the news of Ye Xiao and others!

"What does the bearded man say?" Li Liangzhong frowned. He didn't think that he wanted to capture a little flower moon without success!

"They said there were not enough people to stop it!" Zhang Yang replied honestly that Li Liangzhong had asked people to practice Zhangu Xiu when he knew Ye Xiao wanted to return to Jinghai city. He hoped that they would fight again and kill Ye Xiao on the road!

"Not enough people? Isn't beard sending so many people this time? Why are there not enough people? Tell him that I will provide him with some people and let him do his best. Ye Xiao must not return to Jinghai alive! " Li Liangzhong laughed angrily!

"General, isn't that good?" Zhang Yang's face changed as soon as he heard that Li Liangzhong wanted to involve his men. It's good to say that if it's successful, if ye Xiao and others really escape and know the evidence of their collusion with big beard, it's a fatal blow to the whole Li family!

"What can I do for you? Do you think that once Ye Xiao returns to Jinghai, we still have a chance? " Li Liangzhong snorted angrily!

Zhang Yang chose to be silent. If ye Xiao really returned to Jinghai City, they really did not have a chance. In Jinghai City, it was Ye Xiao's territory. The military, the political circles, the police, the big men of these forces and ye Xiao had countless opportunities. How could they have the chance!

"Just do as I say!" Seeing Zhang Yang's silence, Li Liangzhong said again!

"Yes, general. By the way, this is what you want me to investigate!" Zhang Yang didn't dare to retort again. Then he suddenly thought of something. He took out some information from his pocket and carried a photo. When he saw this photo, Li Liangzhong frowned slightly!

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