As long as Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are very confident in children, they will not worry that they will be afraid of the little boy and can walk out of the illusion with their own strength.

And it's not that he doesn't want to help the little boy. It's really because he helps and helps him. He feels that he can't do these things.

After all, he also tried to explore and think about these things, not because he didn't want to help the little boy, but because he couldn't help at all.

Fang Fen has a deep understanding, just like he, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the three of them have been playing tricks and helping the little boy come out of the illusion in the primitive forest.

They want to help the little boy come out of the illusion, but no matter how much help they can't help, it proves that they can't do these things in the future.

It proves that they really think these things are very difficult to do. If it was done before, it might be better. But now Fang Fen has clearly guessed that he has no ability to help the little boy out of the illusion.

So they don't have to waste so much time and energy. Maybe they can remind the little boy, but the little boy doesn't think about it himself.

In fact, the most important thing for them is to put all the clues in front of them.

If the little boy believes it, then forget it. Anyway, they all think that they can still do those things. They can guess that what he is in is just an illusion. Maybe it is better.

But if the little boys can't think of how they are helping the little boy, it is estimated that it will not help. Now Fang Fen only hopes that the little boy can find his way back.

I just hope that the little boy can think about it by himself. I just hope that the little boy can know that they are all thinking for him, not because they think he is not good or how he feels.

It's just because he has the strength to do those things. If they can't do these things, how can they say so much.

Fang Fen told Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng what he thought: "Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie, you two may not know, perhaps in your eyes.

We may not have helped the little boy, but have you ever thought that maybe we don't need our help at all? "

Fang Fen Club talk around and around, just came back to this topic, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie will hear this, they both feel very strange.

Why don't you need their help? Would their help make the little boy feel very bad? If their help can make the little boy come out of the illusion as soon as possible, what can't they do to help?

But in fact, fangfen is not the idea at all. The reason why Fang Fen said this is because Fang Fen thinks that no one can help the little boy except himself.

That's why he thought so. That's why he said it. They didn't understand why Fang Fen said such things.

However, when they heard Fang Fen's explanation later, they all felt that Fang Fen's thought was quite reasonable. If things were like what they said, like what they said.

Then they can also accept, if their help will only let the little boy sink deeper and deeper. Then, of course, they should stop quickly, and don't let them do bad things. They should not help more and more, and do not help others.

Just like a little boy, he wants to follow his own ideas and practices, so that he can come out of the illusion.

Then they don't have to go to make things worse. They just wait for the little boy to come out of the illusion.

"If this is really the case, then we must have spent too much time and energy before, we do not want to delay the little boy, the little boy wants to do what he wants

Xu Haojie really thinks what Fang Fen said is very reasonable. If the little boy doesn't need their help, they have to help the little boy. How can such a thing happen?

If the little boy does not need their help, they must help the little boy, which may have the opposite effect.

They didn't want this to happen. Anyway, they could all come out of the illusion. The little boy's ability was no better than they didn't believe in.

They can come out of the illusion, and the little boy can also come out of the illusion. Although it may take longer than they use, what's the matter?

Of course, they can do very well, do perfect, and do very well. If they can, they are willing to help the little boy all the time.

But the little boy can solve it by himself, so they stand beside him patiently and diligently waiting for the little boy to solve these problems himself.Even now he can't help but tell what he thinks in his heart. After listening to Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, they have relaxed a lot and their faces are much better than before.

Zhao xinchengcheng said to Xu Haojie and Fang Fen: "let's do this first. Maybe we don't do anything and help nothing, which is the biggest help to the little boy.

Let the little boy think on his own, calm down to think, maybe you can have unexpected harvest, have some unexpected results

Now they have made up their minds to let the little boy do all the things by himself.

Although the task may be a little heavy, but it will make the children live a little better. They can't do it because they think that the children need their help, and then they can help themselves.

Maybe the little boy doesn't need their help at all. The little boy can do it by himself. They are just adding fuel to the lily by making a superfluous move.

All the things for the little boy to do, may have a better life, may be better, as for other things, they do not want to think so much.

Little boy, no matter whether he can find out or not, they are able to accept these realities. They all think that even if they can't get out of the illusion, what can they do?

Let them be able to let the little boy come out of the illusion healthily and peacefully. It will be very good to walk out of the underground palace.

Anyway, they all think that they can do these things now. As for the rest, they don't want to think so much about it.

To think too much is just to let oneself in vain sad, let oneself slowly go to delay too much time just. With Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen, they all feel that they should let go of their hands and let the little boy go on his own business.

Although the little boy's mind is the same as them, after all, the little boy is only eight years old. Maybe in many ways, it may appear to be the same as them.

But in fact, they will still have many problems that the little boy can't solve. If we let the little boy go to work hard now, he may be able to improve his ability to solve problems.

In that way, they can let go of their hands and let the little boy do those things by himself. This may be better, whether it's Xu Haojie or Zhao Xincheng, or Fang Fen.

Of course, they all feel that it is a very good thing to make the little boy better and better.

They can't protect the little boy all his life. They can't always be with him. As long as they can explain their help to children, only they can make the little boy better and better.

Even if they work harder, even if they are tired, it doesn't matter. They are willing to do these things. Anyway, they all think they can help the little boy.

It must be a good thing to save the little boy from the evil illusion. It can make the little boy better and better, and make the little boy feel that he must be the one who is cared for and cared about. Then the little boy will be very happy.

As long as the little boys are happy, they will be happy. Of course, they will feel very good. Of course, they are very willing to do such things.

As for the rest of the things, whether they can do it depends on the nature. They don't want to think about it or speculate about it.

In the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, as long as they can help the little boys, no matter what they want them to do, as long as they do not touch the principles and do no harm to others, they are willing to do it.

As long as the little boy likes it and is willing to do it now, they can do it. So it seems that they have known each other for a short time, but they always think that the child is a very good person.

I always think that they can help the little boy, and that it is a very good thing and a very happy thing that the little boy can be with them.

They are not willing to let themselves affect this kind of feeling, and they are not willing to let him encounter some unnecessary difficulties because of some unnecessary troubles and unnecessary reasons. All these are not allowed.

They all know that they must treat him well. In fact, Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng all think so.

It's just that before they didn't plan to hand things over to the little boy. They were afraid of what the little boy would feel. Now, of course, they are willing to put everything down.

Let them go by themselves, observe and observe the little boy by himself, and imagine these things by himself. As for the rest, wait until later.

"If we had figured out this, maybe we would have been better. Now we are talking to him. The students feel refreshed and have great power to do anything."

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